I'm Baaacckkk! Did you miss me? Sorry for not updating earlier but I had gone on vacation and school got in the way sooo, yeah.

Disclaimer: I do not own ASOUE (I thought we settled this already?)

Olaf crawled over to the youngest Baudelaire, who was busy trying to get Uncle Monty to eat something.

"Gabla." she said while handing Monty a bowl of pasta. Monty looked like he was going to cry.

" The noodles remind me of snakes." he sobbed.

Sunny face-palmed and handed him a hamburger. Suddenly Olaf leaped up and snatched the burger from Sunny's hands.

" My preciousssss!" hissed Olaf.

Sunny gave him her best 'Wtf?" face and chucked an apple at his head. Olaf, not being very bright, opened his mouth and swallowed the apple whole.

He started choking, and Sunny whacked him on the back with a frying pan to try to get him to spit it out. The apple then flew out of Olaf's mouth and hit Klaus smack on the chin.

" Owww." moaned Klaus.

Olaf, feeling much better now that he wasn't chocking to death, decided to cause some more havoc.

He crawled over to Klaus and pointed at his shoe.

"Tie shoe pwease." he said with a big grin on his face.

Klaus looked at him warily. "Okay." Klaus then tied a single bunny-ear loop.

Olaf took one look at his shoe and spazzed.

"You did it wrong!" he wailed. "I want a double bunny-ear loop, not a single bunny-ear loop!"

Klaus sighed and tied the double loop. He looked up to see Olaf looking at him disapprovingly.

" What ya trying to pull Klaus?" said Olaf, "Start at the beginning."

Klaus straightened his glasses and undid and redid the loop to Olaf's liking. Olaf grinned and started skipping away. Five seconds later Olaf skipped back to Klaus. Somehow, his shoe was undone again.

" Tie shoe pwease." he said.

" No." said Klaus. "I saw you tie your shoe a million times while we were walking here, tie it yourself."

Olaf's face went red and he kicked his shoe off of his foot, which of course flew right into Klaus' nose.

" Owww!" yelped Klaus.

Olaf stuck his tongue out at Klaus and crawled over to Duncan.

Duncan was busy blowing bubbles, when Olaf held out his hand abruptly in front of his face.

" Gimme doughnuts!" ordered Olaf.

Duncan gave him a confused look, "What?"

" You Duncan. I want Duncan Doughnuts!" screamed Olaf.

" Um, it's Dunkin' Doughnuts, not Duncan Doughnuts." corrected Duncan.

" So?" said Olaf.

" Well, I don't have any doughnuts."

" No offense, but that's kind-of dumb." said Olaf.

Duncan shrugged and went back to blowing bubbles. Suddenly, Olaf snatched the bubble soap out of Duncan's hand.

" Hey!" said Duncan.

At that moment, Mr. Poe walked over.

" What's the matter Duncan?" asked the banker.

Olaf screamed and chucked the bubble soap at Mr. Poe's eyes.

" Ow!" screamed Mr. Poe, "Why did you do that!"

" I scared of hats." whimpered Olaf.

" But Olaf, aren't you in theatre? Hats are part of your costumes." said Duncan.

" I in theatre?" asked Olaf.

" Of course you're in theatre!" said Esme Squalor, who had just arrived at the picnic wearing a puffy, red, orange, and green dress.

" Birdy!" squealed Olaf, pointing at Esme.

" What?!" asked Esme in surprise.

Olaf reached into his pocket and drew out a fistfull of crackers. He held them up to Esme.

" Polly want a cracker?" he asked.

" Are you calling me a parrot?!"

" Why isn't the birdy squawking?" asked Olaf.

Esme bolted away from creepy Olaf while he crawled after her with the crackers. Unfortunately, she ended up running straight into the picnic table, landing into a bowl of crackers.

" Oh." said Olaf, "Polly wanted Triscuits."

" Well, since the food is ruined, I say we all just go home." said Violet.

" Agreed." said everyone else.

The V.F.D. Members all jumped into their cars, taxis, or buses and left. Klaus made it onto the bus without Olaf following him and breathed a sigh of relief.

" Hello!" said Olaf, swinging down from the compartment above.

" Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"