Miroku-x-Kouga love plots! My favorite pairing! In this story there will be YAOI! Meaning Mature sex between Man-x-Demon Man. Yum.

Anywho~ I do NOT own anyone or anything from the anime/manga InuYasha. Sadly. The story is rated M for Man Sex. Please reveiw and enjoy! Danke.


Baby Stories

"WHAT?" Everyone had shouted at once do to the monks words. Honestly though, who would have EVER guessed, right? Miroku was a man and quite the skirt chaser or so he had made it seem. Hey sure this kind of thing was known of in the Demon life style for males, but a human male? No.

"Did you hit your head? There is NO WAY that can be true Miroku." The demon slayer spoke with a knowing tone, but her face still wore a shocked and unbelieveing look. She shook her head and glanced about to the others in the group as if for support.

"She has a point. I mean Have any of you ever heard of this happening to a male?" Kagome asked more so to Inuyasha then anyone else. His dog like ears twitched slightly as he thought. He shook his head, but leveled his eyes on the monk. "Are you positive you are?"

"Okay okay okay. First off, NO, I didn't hit my head. Second, just because YOU haven't heard of it happening doesn't mean it can't and Lastly, yes, I am absolutely positive." Miroku unconsciously wrapped his arms around his waist and pouted slightly.

It all made sense now. The strange behavior changes that had slowly began to make themselves more and more obvious. Increased appetite, moody attitude, tired all the time, but still? Could Miroku really be pregnant? Everyone was thinking the same thing. Surely. They glanced between one another and back to the monk who's eyes were glued to the ground he sat on.

"Do..you know whose it is?" The question was an innocent thing to ask anyone, but the look in the monk's eyes made Inuyasha's ears fall flat on his head. "It's mine." Everyone turned and locked their eyes with those of the wolf demon behind. He was leant against a tree with narrow eyes. Miroku whimpered under the gaze of the wolf.

Sango was the only only who ignored Koga almost completely. She heard his voice, but she was too far shocked to move. To do anything, but stare at the monk before her that she thought onced loved her as much as she did.

"Koga? Koga. KOGA! You have been fucking Koga!? What about me? What anout us! How LONG as THIS been going on?" She was on her feet now. Hovering over the monk with a glare no human or demon alike could match. Miroku refused to meet her gaze and stomped away from the clearing that they had been camping in. Kagome glanced between the slayer and monk before trailing after the other fleaing to the woods.

Koga turned to the "Mutt" who was still siting with the small fox perched on his shoulder. Their eyes met. "Well?" Koga shot a short glance to his apparent mate before turning back to the hanyo. "Well what?"

"Well, how long HAS this been going on?" Now it was Miroku's turn to look between the other to men. "After you killed Naruku. At the party that old priestess threw in her villiage. I was drunk, but..he wasn't." Koga looked to Miroku and and slowly made his way to his side. The wolf sat beside the monk.

"To be honest, I pretty much forced him." At the wolf's words Miroku pulled his knees to his chest to rest his head upon them. He began thinking back to that night.

He pushed the wolf off him into the wall. Gasping he glanced about wondering if the others had heard the commotion before turning back to Koga. "What the hell are you doing? Shouldn't you be tring to make out with Kagome and not me?"

"Like I would want a woman like that? Besides I can smell you. Your not the slut you make yourself out to be." Koga was smirking as he apporached the monk. He was drunk, but he was still aware enough of his surroundings to understand what he was trying to do. Though that didn't mean he could control himself.

"Smell me? What the hell are you talking about?" Miroku knew he what Koga was getting at. He was a virgin. He knew he 'acted' like a slut even if he wasn't, but it still stung to be called one. "And all you do is chase after Kagome. Now she isn't worth shit to you all of sudden?"

"She only wants that 'mutt.' Not me. Even if she acted like it from time to time." He paused his apporach and glance to the doors aside them both and back to Miroku. "Besides I've seen the way you stare at me. Your a good little peeping tom ya know, but I'm a demon and that horny scent you let off gives you away."

He slammed his hand to the wall beside Miroku's head. The monk made a move to the left, but koga's free hand gripped his chin tightly. "Now now, don't run. I just wanna play a little. I won't bite too hard." He attempted to lock his lips upon the monks, but failed as said monk jerked his head to the side. Koga tightened his grip on Miroku's chin and jerked him closer.

"Now don't be a tease." Before Miroku could say a word he found the wolf's tongue deep in his throat. His hands instantly shot to Koga's shoulders in an attempt to push him of, though he was no match for the demon's strengthen. Koga's hands worked Miroku's robes of with practiced eased, leaving the monk in only his leggings with his robes left draped about his elbows.

When the wolf finally released his lips from the monks, they were both gasping for breath. Miroku more than Koga. Taking avantage of his weaked pray, Koga picked the monk up and over his shoulder and jumped him on the beding in the back of the room. Before Miroku could move he was forced on his stomach as his leggings and robes were complete removed from his body.

Miroku turned over and stared at the wolf. He was to shocked by everything that was happening and the speed of these events weren't helping him either. As Koga closed the small space between the two Miroku backed up and rised his hands causing the wolf to stop momentarily.

"Wait, wait, wait! Look, Koga, you're drunk. I'm sure you don't wanna do this. Atleast with me." Koga nealt down and reached for the monk's legs. Grabbing the left one, he yanked Miroku onto his back and under him. "You can fight me and make me hurt you or you can let me take you gently. Your choice."

Miroku stared at Koga. He knew he couldn't fight him and if he tried to yell he would either cover his mouth or force that tongue down his throat again. After a short moment Miroku turned his head away from the wolf and spread his legs. As he felt Kogas hands run from his knees to his waist, he shut his eyes tightly.

BLAM! End of Chapter 1. This 'scene' shall pick up on this lovely spot in Chapter 2. Speaking of Chapter 2, will Sango still be worked up about losing the heart of the Monk she loves so much? Has she even lost his heart? How will Koga's tribe feel about His 'mates' condition? Find out soon!