Hi! It's Peace here. If any of y'all know me from my comments and such great. If not too bad. This is my first HiE or fanfic for that matter. Hope you like it. R&R even flame (as long as there's a point).I need all the help I can get. ^_^

Chapter one
A New Day

It was a normal Saturday afternoon and I was bored. Nothing really ever happened in the small town I lived in. I mean nothing besides rain and rain and rain. Did I mention rain? I would be hanging with my friends but all of them were out of town do to summer vacation. Though it's not like I had many to start.

Oh wait I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Warren Kelvos Peace. I'm a white, blond haired green eyed 16 year old living in the ever dreary state of Washington. No not where our jerk off of a President lives but the state of fucking sparkling vampires. Not like I ever seen any of them but I'm getting off track. I can honestly say I was bored out of my mind waiting for the latest MLP : FiM episode to come out. Yeah, you heard right I'm a brony. Ever since the first episode hit the air I have been in love with the show. Not to the point of obsession but fandom. I kept it quiet for awhile till one of my "Friends" blabbed it to the whole school. Ever since I've been called "Pony-boy" and "My Little Nerdy".

Any way I was waiting for the newest episode to come out when I heard a feminine scream from an alley next to my apartment (yes I live alone). Knowing someone was in trouble so I ran outside to help. Though not before grabbing my IPhone, Ipod Touch, and switch blade. As I got into the alley I noticed a young woman around my age getting robbed by an armed gunman. He looked like he was homeless and probably on some kind of drug cause he was twitching in a strange way.

The first thought in almost anyone else's head probably be call the cops. Though all I was thinking about was helping her even if I would get hurt. So I bull rushed the man. I may not be a football player but my well toned body (Thank you genetics and fencing) was enough to knock the man over and with him his gun. As I tried to pin the man he was able kick me off him and to the ground. As I got up the man picked his gun and aimed it at me.

At the time the only thought in my head was 'At least that girl is safe' With that thought a shot rang out and my world went black.