Hi Everyone! Sorry about the late post. kinda hit a wall and had to sit back and think for a bit. That and a lot of things happening with my new job and moving places... but that should be all sorted now. Hopefully I can now get back on track and...CONTINUE!

Falling through this "void" was the scariest thing that I had ever experienced in my life. I didn't know what, or where, this was taking me. I thought of the times that I had enjoyed my life; My 21st Birthday, Meeting new friends, but while thinking about this, I felt pains in my body. I managed to look down to my body. Or so I thought it was my body. My legs were becoming shorter and my toes were shrinking and disappearing. My arms were also doing the same, while the bones inside me cracked and moved as the void reshaped me. A tail was forming. A red tail with white and black strips running through it. Messy to begin with, but then straightened out into something sleek. My skin colour was changing to a bright white colour, and hair was growing as well. My hair on my head was also growing to very long lengths, all the while changing from a brown colour to the same colour as my "tail". There was strong pain on my back, but I couldn't turn around to find out what was happening to my back. It finally hit me. My body was morphing, to which because of the panic and pain that I was experiencing, did not know what I was changing into. I started to scream, in pain and in shock, but the void drowned to sounds of my screams with its deathly silence. The pains in my body stopped. I guessed that the morphing had stopped, and I had finally changed into whatever I was changing into. I looked "down" to see light. But as the "Light" got bigger, so did colours. They were all vivid colours, colours that welcomed me into this new world. The realisation hit me. I was travelling at a speed at which I could not slow down in time. I braced myself for the pain that I was about to experience. At the last possible second, something felt like it had grabbed my back and I slowed down, not completely, but enough that I body slammed onto the….lush soft green grass with a flop. The wind was knocked out of my lungs as I tried to get up. I tried to find my balance as I got used to the 4 legs, well 4 hooves that I now had to get accustomed to. This was going to take some time to get used to.

I shook my head to try and get my balance correct and waited for my eyes to adjust to the newly created light. The colours around me were vibrant, very bright. Around me there were buildings that we also very colourful. They were hard to explain… A thought popped into my head. Now where have I seen this place before? The place looked so familiar. It had that feeling of déjà vu. In front of me was a building that looked like a cake. The thought hit me again as it struck a memory in my head saying, "I've been here before." I thought hard while I walked around the new world that I had somehow entered. That bush…. It was a portal of some sort. Some sort of gateway into this world. The colours of the buildings and the nature surrounding it made it look… welcoming. The colours slightly calmed me down to the point where a let out a sigh, only to be approached by a bright pink pony. "Approached" seems to be an understatement. It was more like exploded into my face. I was surprised and shocked at the fact of how close this pony was to my face. Her mane flung over her face and into mine, the smell of her mane gave me a slight craving, a craving for cotton candy, her massive round blue eyes stared at me with a questionable look, waiting for an answer to the question that was flooding her mind. I slightly pulled back to gain some of my personal space back from this intruder. The pony looked at me with a puzzled look then piped up: "Hi, your new, aren't you? I've never seen you before around here. I know everypony here, but I don't know you. Who are you? Where are you from? What's your name?" This pony… I know this voice. That tone of voice. She said this very quickly and I only got to comprehend some of what she said. The part that worried me was when she asked who I was. I panicked, looked at my new pony body, thinking quickly of a name that somehow related to my new look figure."Ummmm…ahh… m-my name is ahhhhhh…..White…..Fire?"

"White Fire hey? Cool name, well considering that your body is white and the cooool red, white and black strips through your tail and mane. You remind me of a friend, Rainbow Dash! But I call her Dashie." When that name "Dashie" Came up, I knew instantly who this pony was. The famous Pinkie Pie. The lovable party pony who seemed to want to throw a party for anything. "Oh no….." I knew what was going to happen. The first episode of season one of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic came into my head. "I know! I Should- GASP!" she stopped with an ear to ear grin that made me worried. "Oh you don't have to anything to….ahhhh…. welcome….me…" I Droned off as she sped off to do what she did best. At least I know what to expect. I chuckled at the thought, and then trotted down the road. Well, at least I thought that I trotted. The first couple of steps were fine, but I lost my balance after a few more, going head over hooves and landing on my face. My muzzle was squash against my face, and my face ached slightly and had dirt and grass in my eyes and on my face.

"My word, are you alright?" a sort of pose and upmarket voice asked me. As with Pinkie Pie, I knew that voice. A voice of sophistication and class asked me this question. I looked up to see a set of azure coloured eyes. The eyes stared at me with concern and worry, and waiting for an answer to the question that the owner had asked. "Are you alright? You had quite a fall." Those eyes… They look at me, studying me already. "Umm… Yeah…. Yeah I'm alright. Just ahhh… Just Tripped…." I looked at those eyes with awe. They seemed to trap me with that gaze that she's giving me... I can't look away... The look on her face changed from a worried look to a concerned look.

"Is...something wrong... Is there something on my face? *squeal* There can't be something on my face! THERE CAN'T BE!" Oh geez, better calm her down. "Ummm... no there isn't anything on your face..." She stopped flailing around and looked at me "There wasn't? Then why were you looking at me with concern?" I slightly looked away and felt my face get a bit hot. "Well... I was looking into your eyes...They are just so beautiful... if you don't mind me saying...if that's ok..." I slowly droned off and started looking at the ground. Oh god why? Why did I have to fall? "Why… That the nicest thing a colt has said to me… thank you…" She gently leaned in and kissed me on the check. "You are just a Gentlecolt." My eyes just shot open and heart started to race. I was shocked. She hardly knows me and she KISSED me. ME! I had never had a girl close to me… well that close to me. I was in my own world when I saw something white swipe across my face. "Hello? You ok?" I blushed and looked at her again. "Ummm…. Yeah, I'm ok…" She gave me a puzzling look and beamed, "You know what. You remind me of my great friend, Fluttershy! You just have to meet her!" Oh god, Fluttershy. Now this is going to take everything to withstand her cuteness…

Rarity introduced herself as we walked through the town and told me about herself. She told me about how she loved fashion and created her own dresses, and even offered to make me something. I told her that that is not needed, but she insisted, so I gave in. As we walked to Fluttershy's house, ponies were introducing themselves and greeting me, I started to feel nervous by the fact that everyone was looking at me. I only caught bits and pieces of their conversations; "Wow, look at his mane. So Sleek, and shiny…" "He looks cute, wonder what his name is?" "Oh my gosh, look at that mane, that tail, that fl-" I was cut off from listening by me walking into Rarity. "Oh…Sorry." She turned around and looked at me.

"That's quiet alright dear, just a mistake. After all you are new here." She let out a small laugh that made me smile. I looked up to see a medium sized cottage up on the hill. Very secluded. If I'm going to be around here for a while, I should find a place like this. We walked up the pathway and knocked on the door. "Oh and one thing to note," Rarity told me, "She is very shy and doesn't really like loud things." The door opened and I saw Fluttershy. She had obviously had just gotten up or had just dealt with a fussy animal, because her mane was ruffled up and fluffy. Even now she is still cute…. I tried so very hard to not to succumb to the cuteness, as Rarity and Fluttershy greeted each other. "Fluttershy, I would like you to meet…. Oh how rude of me, I never asked you your name!"

"Oh, Um my name is White Fire." I stuck my hoof out to greet Fluttershy, but she had her head down, with her mane covering one eye, with the other looking at me. "Umm…. Yeah…White Fire. That's me.." I slowly droned off and also looked down. She must have had something spark up her confidence as she looked at me fully and said, "Oh, My names Fluttershy. I take care of all the animals here." I looked up to see that Fluttershy was smiling and had eyes closed. Oh my GOD, SOO CUTE. I could feel my heart beating faster and my mind racing, and to top it I was slightly losing balance. I can't take this anymore. I have got to get out of here. "I…ahhh…. I need to get some air for a sec…" I raced out the door and took a massive breath of fresh air. That's so much better.

"White Fire? Would you like a drink?" I turned around to see Rarity at the door, gesturing to come inside. "Uhhh ok, sure thing." I walked inside to see Fluttershy pulling out juice boxes. She looked at me and asked, "Ummm…would you like apple or grape?" Of course, apple was my favourite juice, so I went with that. "Grape Juice Please." What the… GODDAMN IT BRAIN! She gave me the grape juice, I went to apologise and ask for apple juice, but the unimaginable happened. Fluttershy had opened her juice box and started to drink it, with her head down and her mane covering one of her cyan coloured eyes. She looked at me, oh god please no… pleeeeaaase no. She smiled.

My brain went into meltdown, and I could swear I could hear a siren screeching and an announcement, "WARNING: CUTENESS OVERLOAD. BRAIN MELTDOWN IMMINENT." My vision blurred and started to go black, and I completely lost my balance. The last thing I saw was the small coffee table to my right, exactly where my head was going to land. This is going to hurt…

That Last part I thought was funny in my head, not sure what you guys think about it. Off topic? Too much? Anyway Let me know in the reviews! Thanks Everypony!
