A/N: It's been awhile since I've posted on but I am just moving some stuff over from my livejournal for everyone to enjoy. Also, doing some edits to each chapter.

Warning: Lots of sexual thoughts and sex.

Disclaimer: Not mine obviously.

Quinn let out a relieved groan as she laid down her sore limbs against the sizzling grass. The sun was shining brightly into her eyes that she threw her arms over her face to spare her the agony of being blinded. She took in the stuffy, hot atmosphere around her before forcing herself to think of other things in order to relieve herself.

"Are you okay, Q?" Brittany asked.

"It's just so damn hot," Quinn responded, not moving any other inch of her body.

The sun felt like it was blazing even more as Quinn felt the air get thicker. Her brain was beginning to feel like it was slowly boiling inside of her brain.

The other girl reminded Quinn of her pain with a slight poke to her stomach.

Quinn groaned. Her abs burned at the touch. Even if it was hot, she literally could not move her body. After being out of practice for so long, getting back onto the Cheerios had been hell. Coach Sylvester had decided to work everyone harder than before Quinn had gotten pregnant. She was dealing with getting over her extra weight from when she was pregnant and making sure she had a good diet, which amounted to a serious balance between food and workout. Somehow the latter always seemed worse than hell.

"Shouldn't we go to Glee? We are going to be late," Brittany asked carefully.

Quinn let out another groan. The ground seemed more comfortable even if it was a bed of burning grass.

The blonde just couldn't imagine going to Glee practice after Cheerio practice today. After hearing Sylvester's terrorizing screams, she did not want to endure Rachel Berry's bossy voice.

Goddamnit. Rachel Berry. She frowned to herself at the thought. That girl was always on her last nerve as Quinn came to realize. The way the brunette just strode right up to the front of the class and belted out her song of the day really annoyed her simply because she knew Rachel knew that she hit every note. The way the brunette spun around Finn or the whole room while singing her heart out. The way the brunette would shoot up her hand first to make a suggestion or answer a question. The way the brunette wore her skirts at dangerously short lengths. The way the brunette showed off her luscious slim legs on a good day.

The way the brunette gave this subtle flirtatious look to her as she sang.

The way the brunette would look if her hair was mussed and back was pressed up against the walls.

The way the brunette would look with her perfect sized breast as she tossed aside her hideous argyle sweater.

The way the brunette would groan and writhe under her as she would bend her head down to kiss-

Yes...Quinn sighed.

"Oh my god! Quinn! Are you okay?!" Brittany exclaimed before Quinn could even pull herself out of her thoughts.

Quinn shot up and felt her head rush. Then she realized what Brittany had been exclaiming about and felt a warm liquid running along her lips down to her chin. She brought her hand to the damp lines and saw the blood pool in her hand. "Shit!" The blonde jumped up leaving Brittany looking stunned. "Tell them I will be late to Glee!" Quinn yelled back as she ran off holding her now bleeding nose.

"If everyone is here, let's get started!" Mr. Schuester exclaimed as he placed his briefcase down on the piano. "Since, Sectionals is nearing, I thought we could take this opportunity to think about how far we've come and how much we've grown as a team." He pulled out some sheet music. "I have the perfect song."

Everyone else in the room shot their eyes to Rachel, knowing she had an objection ready and waiting. They were right as they saw her hand shoot up into the air.

"Mr. Schuester, considering our track record, do you think that it is wise to recycle a theme that we have used in past years?" Rachel asked calmly as she stood up and made her way to the piano.

"Well, considering that this is our last year together, I thought we could be a little more nostalgic," the teacher tried as he began to pass out the sheet music.

Rachel crossed her arms across her chest. As the teacher moved around the room. "Don't you think we should do something a little more in celebration of what is to come? We are graduating and we could try to go out with a bang."

"Uh, where is Quinn?"

The whole room looked at each other and shrugged.

"Her nose started bleeding, so she's going to be late," Brittany answered as she picked up her head from Santana's shoulder.

Mr. Schuester furrowed his brow before absentmindedly handing Rachel her sheet music.

It slipped out of her hand and glided to the ground before Rachel could grab it. She huffed and bent over to pick it up.

Quinn entered the room with a napkin in hand just as Rachel was bent over. She stood shocked as she saw Rachel's ass in the air and her panties peaking out from her dangerously high skirt.

The blonde felt the heat run to her head and her head lighten. Rachel Berry bending over for whatever the hell it was sent Quinn into a whirlwind of thoughts only Puck would have.

Rachel bending over in her skirt with her panties pushed aside as Quinn seizes her from behind. She's kissing and nipping at the brunette's neck harshly before slipping inside of her-


Quinn looked down again and saw a drop of blood fall to the ground. "FUCK!" she yelled out angrily.

Everyone looked at her.

The blonde pinched the area beneath her nose and tried to stop the bleeding. She looked up again and all she could see was Rachel looking at her with a stunned expression. Her head began to lighten even more.

Goddamnit. Quinn turned and rushed out of the room holding her bleeding nose once again.

This is getting ridiculous. Quinn angrily thought to herself. Why the hell do I keep bleeding? Why the hell do I keep having perverted thoughts about Berry? God. I know I am semi-nicer to that girl but seriously? She's still annoying and bossy.

She has to learn how to shut up. I bet when I was walking in she was complaining about the next song that Schue was going to give us. God, if I were there, I'd just shut her up by slamming her against the wall and kissing her.

The blood in the paper towel grew heavier and damper in Quinn's hand. She looked up in the mirror of the bathroom and cursed again. What is wrong with me?! The blood began flowing out of her nose profusely as she discarded the bloody paper towel in the trash before grabbing another one.

She focused on getting her nose to stop bleeding by pushing aside the thoughts of Rachel Berry.

Once the bleeding was slowing down, the door to the bathroom swung open. She turned her head and saw Rachel Berry standing there. Of course! Right when the bleeding is finally stopping!

"You weren't at the nurses so I knew you would be here. You shouldn't just let your nose bleed. Losing blood is still serious even if it is coming from your nose. You are lucky that my extensive training has allowed me to attain very practical skills. I now know how to take care of broken bones, lacerations, perform CPR, and of course stop nose bleeds." Rachel rambling forced Quinn to shut down her brain.

The blonde realized she hadn't even said anything and Rachel was there to respond with her life story. She inwardly groaned noting how much she had just tried to push Rachel to the back of her mind.

"Shut up, Rachel!" Quinn exclaimed as she rubbed her temple. The pressure on her head was not going anywhere as long as Rachel was around. It was becoming a thorn.

Rachel didn't care too much for Quinn's response and moved closer to the blonde. Quinn instantly took a step away.

"What are you doing?" the blonde said with warning.

The shorter girl rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Quinn tried to focus on her face but realized that Rachel had been wearing an extremely tight blouse...bleeh...but it was white and gracing Quinn's view with the fullness of Rachel's breast. The fact that Rachel crossed her arms made the view even more...alluring...as she practically pushed them up to say HELLO, QUINN! LOOK AT US.

"You can't expect me to help you stop bleeding if you keep moving away from me." Rachel said with annoyance. She took another step and Quinn backed up again.

The last thing that Quinn wanted was to get close to Rachel seeing as how her thoughts were already wild enough.

"Quinn! Stop moving!" she demanded. She practically ran up to Quinn and seized one of her hands.


"Here, all you need to do is to run your wrist under a little cold water and it'll help stop the bleeding," Rachel lectured as she placed Quinn's wrist under the cool running sink water. Quinn felt slightly tickled at the cool water. "You act like you've never gotten a bloody nose before or something."

"I haven't," Quinn responded absentmindedly knowing Rachel was too focused on her wrist to realize that she had a clear view of her breast again. Those buttons look like they're going to pop right off. God, please just let those apples fall.

"That is strange; it might be because of the weather. The extreme heat can do that to people," Rachel went on and on about the probable causes of bloody noses as Quinn began to zone her out.

All the blonde could focus on was how Rachel had looked today. First the plaid skirt was noticeable. Then her white cotton panties. Now her tightly fitted, white blouse. Those images only forced Quinn to imagine Rachel naked. In different positions. As she kissed her all over.

There again. Her nose bled even harder.

"Quinn!" She hadn't even realized her hand had gotten bloody and there was a trail of blood from her nose down to her wrist.

"FUCKKKKKK!" Quinn cursed loudly. "I'll take care of it myself Berry!" She reached out with her damp hand for another paper towel but her vision was obscured by tears beginning to fill her eyes because goddamnit she had to stop thinking like Puck. All she felt was fabric and heard a loud squeak.

Shit. Quinn realized she had inadvertently reached out to touch Rachel's breast. "Get out of my way!" she angrily added to hide her satisfaction.

Rachel quickly got out of Quinn's way and grabbed more paper towels.

Quinn took them and rushed out of the bathroom. If she was going to be near Rachel any longer, she was sure to die of nosebleeds.