A/N: Another new fic, I know, but I have reasons behind this one ;D It's only 100 days to go 'til Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 is released in cinemas, so this is a countdown fic. There is going to be a chapter every day, from now 'til the film is release, which means 100 chapters. The length is going to completely vary, since I had this idea yesterday night, none is pre-written.

Also, each chapter is going to be another day, so interesting days in Bella's life will be longer. Some chapters may be 5000+ words, while others may be only around 200.

This story is all going to be in Bella's point of view, since it's going to be like a diary. Oh, and the date this story begins in 25th August 2012, and then each day is the next day, so the next chapter will be the 26th, and so on. If that makes sense? :D


Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, or any of these characters.

Let the countdown begin! :D

100 days to go…


Day 1 – 25th August 2012

Today is the day I've been waiting months for.

Finally, I get to leave this place I am forced to call home, if only it were more permanent. I know most children in care hate their care homes, and I'm just the same. I'm 17, only one year until I can move out, because, seriously, no one wants to adopt 17-year-olds.

I signed up to this program, an exchange project, a year ago. To get to go to someone else's house, you have to write a letter saying why you want to, and then, if you win, you get to stay with a different family for 100 days. Some people said 100 days was too long, but, for me, it's not long enough. Somehow, I won. I think people took pity on the fact I lived in care. And English has always been my favourite subject, so I was ecstatic when it was a writing project.

Eventually today came, when I would board that plane. See, the Cullen's, the exchange project family, lived in America, in a town called Forks, which I've never heard that. Me? I live in England. Oxford, to be more specific.

Currently, I'm in a taxi (which is being paid for by the Cullen's, along with all my other transport – they must be rich), being driven to Heathrow airport. I'm almost bouncing in my seat, I'm so excited! I've never travelled anywhere in my life, never been to an airport, never even been to another country! One of the downsides of living in a care home.

When we finally arrive at the airport, the taxi driver gets out my suitcase, then drives off. I have no idea what to do now, and once again, I thank the Cullen's. After I won, I was given their email to contact them with any questions. I asked the basics first, what clothes do I need, what's the weather like, how do I get there, and even how to I book a flight? They've been brilliant, though, helping me through everything. Alice, who's my age, apparently, sent me an email telling me what I need to do at the airport. It's like she could see I was going to be confused.

Smiling, I take the email (that I printed off) out of my bag, and read the first instruction.

1. Go to the check-in desk, one that has 'Thomas Cook' written above.

Right, Thomas Cook. I look around, and see a long queue forming, where it says Thomas Cook. Hurriedly, I walk over to the queue. I'm thankful it's early in the morning, 4 a.m., so apart from at Thomas Cook, there's not too many people around.

I join the queue, and wait as it moves forward. I look around and see most of the people in the queue are with family. Happy, laughing children with their equally happy parents look incredibly excited to begin their holiday. It's a well-known fact that Britain doesn't have the best of summers, so I expect they're looking forward to the sun. Not where I'm going, though. I'm told by the Cullen's that Forks is a rainy place, where sun is very rare. I don't mind, I much prefer the rain and cold to the sweltering heat.

Not too long after I join the queue, I get to the front desk where there's a young looking woman wait.

"Hello, if you could just put your hand luggage on the convey belt, please." She tells me, smiling. I take off my rucksack and put it where she asked. It's not that heavy, and so she tells me the weight is fine, and that I can take it back.

Next, I have to put my suitcase in the same place. I watch as my green suitcase, which I specially bought for this trip, is carried away from me, and I pray that it arrives in America with me.

After all that is done, I am free to go into the security section, where they'll check my hand luggage. I quickly go through that part, as I don't have any liquids or weapons in my bag or in my pockets.

I move into the shopping section of the airport. I've never got why people would go shopping when they are waiting for their plane. Anyway, I just go to Starbucks, since I still feel sleepy from waking up at 2 in the morning. I'll probably sleep a bit on the plane, since it is an eight and a half hour flight.


Right now, I'm finally able to board the plane. I get seated by the window, and in the two seats next to me there is a couple, who seem quite young. I stare out the window, and watch the airport move further into the distance as the plane taxis to the runway. I vaguely listen to the stewards' talk about safety, but I mostly stare out of the window.

I suck on a mint as we take off, advice from Alice to help my ears as the pressure makes them pop. It works, and soon, we're up in the air, flying with the clouds. Flying is completely different than I imagined. Everyone always described it as boring, but I'm beginning to love watching all the tiny towns and villages go by.

I sigh when we get over the sea, which definitely isn't as fun as being over land. I turn my attention to the touch screen that is fixed to the seat in front. I tap a few buttons, and discover that I can watch films. I choose one, pop in some headphones, and relax. The film I watched was ok, about some guy who is hopelessly in love with a girl who doesn't know it. I'm not really a fan of rom-com's, but it's better than nothing.

When it's time for breakfast (although, it doesn't feel like breakfast since I've already been up about 5 hours) a meal is served. I eat part of it, but can't finish the rest. I didn't think it was possible for any food to be worse than the food at my care home.

I watch another film and play some games, and, before I know it, it's time to land. Sudden nerves engulf me, of things I've never thought about until right now. What if the family doesn't like me? What if they're mean? What if- No, I've spoken to Alice, Carlisle, and Esme through emails, and they all seem lovely. It's going to be fine. Everything will be fine.

We land with a small bump, and then taxi into the airport. We have to walk through a tunnel to get off and, here in Seattle, it feels quite warm. Just a little uncomfortable.

The airport here is massive. If I thought Heathrow was impressive, I was completely wrong. It looks so modern, so different from somewhere in England. That's because I'm not in England anymore, I have to remind myself.

I slowly walk through the airport, following the crowds so I don't get lost. It looks like it would be an easy thing to do. I go through another set of security, before I can get my case. There are these cool conveyor belts (airports seem to love conveyor belts) which the suitcases come out onto. No one else seems to have a green suitcase, so I spot mine easily.

A man helps mine off the conveyor belt, since I'm not all that strong, and I thank him. I follow the signs for exit, thankful that this project was to America, since I don't speak any other languages so I would be completely lost.

Once I get to the exit, there is a room full of people. I suddenly am worried about how to find the Cullen's, since I have no idea what they look like. I glance over the room, and see a pale man, with blonde hair holding a card saying: Isabella Swan.

Right, he must be one of the Cullen's. Carlisle, maybe? He looks extremely attractive. I walk over to him, and smile.

"Hello, I'm Isabella. But, I prefer Bella." I tell him while smiling, extending my hand for him to shake. He smiles back, and shakes my hand. It's cold, and I almost gasp, but then I realise it's probably just from the cold weather of Forks.

"Hello Bella, I'm Carlisle. Sorry the rest of my family couldn't be here, but they are preparing some things at our house. I'll make sure everyone knows you prefer Bella. Now, I can take your suitcase from here, and then we have a 2 hour drive to Forks. Everything ok with the flight?" Carlisle says, and I'm relieved. He seems nice enough. But, he looks too young to have children the same age and a year old than me. He can't any older than 30.

"Yes, it was fine. The food was revolting though." I shudder at the thought of the food, and my stomach rumbles in response. Oops.

"Are you hungry? We could stop for food on the way back. Although, I'm pretty sure my wife has prepared a feast for your welcoming party." Carlisle says as we walk towards his car. He easily lifts my suitcase into his boot, and then opens the passenger seat door for me.

"Your cars are opposite." I tell him, and he chuckles in response. "I'm alright, and, really, you didn't have to go to the trouble of having a party for me. I'm just happy to be here." I say honestly.

"When Esme and my daughter Alice get an idea in their heads, it's almost impossible to stop them. I have, however, managed to rein them in. Just a little bit." Carlisle explains. I laugh at that.

"Your family sounds nice." I blurt without thinking.

"Why thank you. I hear you're in care? How did you hear about the project?" Carlisle asks as we drive down a motorway, or highway, as they say in America.

"Uh, yeah. And I heard it through school. My English teacher thought it would be a good idea for me. I'm quite close to her, she knows about my care home and stuff." I explain.

For the next two hours, Carlisle and I talk about more minor things, and Carlisle explains Forks to me. He says it's small and there's not much to do, but to me, it sounds perfect. I love the outdoors, and going climbing up hills. My clumsiness does sometimes get in the way, hence several scars from falling on my arms and legs.

I stare in awe as we drive up the driveway to the Cullen's house. I was right about them being rich. Their house is massive, three stories tall, with lots of windows creating an open space, making the house blend in with the forest, with its wooden porch.

"This is our house. What do you think?" Carlisle says, smiling when he sees my expression.

"Wow…it's…it's massive! And amazing, and…I love it!" I gasp out, quickly getting out of the car so I can get and see the inside. Carlisle notices my hurry, and chuckles as, once again, he easily lifts my suitcase from the boot, or trunk, like Americans would say.

The front door opens, and a girl steps out. The girl is just as pale as Carlisle, I guess from living in the cold weather with little sun. She is smaller though, quite petite. About the same height as me, since I'm quite small. She had short, black, spikey hair, which totally seems to suit her.

"Hello! You must be Isabella, I'm Alice Cullen!" She says excitedly, waving at me and skipping over. Honestly, she actually skipping.

"Hi, you can you just call me Bella." I tell her. Then, she completely surprises me, by hugging me. I hug her back, before she leads me inside. Once I'm just inside, I see a large banner across the wall, saying: WELCOME ISABELLA!

Alice quickly leads me into the living room, where she says the rest of her family is. Carlisle takes my suitcase and rucksack upstairs to the room I'll be staying it.

"Everyone, this is Bella. Bella, this is Esme, Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, and Edward." Alice says, pointing out each of the people. All of them are as pale as Alice and Carlisle. Esme seems very motherly, with long caramel hair that has a slight wave to it. Emmett looks quite intimidating, with large muscles that seem to be fighting with her shirt, trying to escape, and short black hair. Rosalie is stunningly beautiful; she has long, blonde hair which falls perfectly down her back. Jasper has brown, slightly curly hair. Finally, Edward, who is by far the most beautiful. He has an unusual coppery kind of coloured hair, that has the perfectly messy look. He's smiling slightly, and he looks beautiful in doing so. This trip is looking oh so much better.

"Hi. Thank you for having me." I say, waving a little at them. I don't know why I waved. I feel just a little bit awkward. Ok, more than a little.

"Hello, Bella. We're so glad you're finally here! We have made some party food we hope you'll like." Esme says, gesturing to the large table of food. I thank them again, before they all begin to get plates of food, and then we all sit on the sofas. The food is truly delicious, so much better than the care home food. I can see myself in 100 days begging them to let me stay.

"So, what made you decide to go on an exchange project?" Alice asks me. I didn't really want to have them ask me this question, but I suppose it was inevitable.

"I thought it would be good to experience different people's ways of life." I lie, and then feel bad. "Also, I wanted to go travelling. The furthest I've been outside of Oxford is London." I tell them, saying part of the truth. I'd prefer if no one ever knew the truth to why I was so eager to get away.

The rest of the night is spent with the Cullen's telling me about their lives, and how they've only lived in Forks for a couple of years. They also tell me how Carlisle adopted them all, just a couple of years ago. They all seem so close for a fairly recent family. And, they would have only been 15 or 16 when they were adopted, so maybe there's still hope for me.

Alice leads me to my bedroom at 9, and I apologise for going to bed so early.

"Don't worry; you've had a long day of travelling. Anyway, you need your rest; we've got lots planned for tomorrow!" Alice squeals happily. I've found she squeals a lot. Also, I found out that her and Jasper are together, as are Emmett and Rosalie. Although I'm ashamed to admit it, my heart did a little jump when Edward said he was single.

After Alice leaves, I fall asleep quickly, thinking of what we could be doing tomorrow.

So far, after my first day, I've decided I like the Cullen's. I like the Cullen's a lot.

A/N: Thoughts on the first chapter? Any confusion about the authors note at the top? I'm not very good with getting my ideas across...

Who's looking forward to Breaking Dawn Part 2 in cinemas? :D

Review please! :)