Venice was a breathtakingly beautiful city. Full of sites to be seen, foods to be eaten, people to be seen. But the only person Bruce had been studying all day was the woman at his side, dark messy curls around her shoulders, a thin red cotton sundress blowing in the Venetian wind, sunglasses concealing her eyes from the warm golden rays, and her lips – a never ending smile. She tugged Bruce here and there in the city, showing a side of her he scarcely imagined being there. Selina Kyle enjoyed history far more than the average individual. She'd given a half answer that to appreciate the things she'd stolen, one would have to also appreciate history – but he saw through the reply and saw that she was embarrassed of the fact that had slipped through her walls. Despite the beauty of the city, she was the only beautiful thing he'd seen, the only thing he cared to see.

She'd slept twisted sideways on the plane, managing to find a position that proved slightly comfortable but convenient in resting her head on his shoulder. That was when he first watched her features fall, for the first actual time. Sure he'd seen her in the throes of passion, seemingly bare beneath his gaze, but never actually. Three words slipping from her lips three times, but still so many barriers that he could only see the tip of her. But now, he saw it – satisfaction and a content look – something he thought he only saw in his own reflection in the bathroom mirror.

Selina Kyle was happy. Not the sort of charade of happy he'd been playing for him for weeks, that halfway there excitement, loving words, but then suddenly cold exterior. She was holding herself back; she had not gone through everything he had that made him realize that he truly had so little time. Sure, she was younger than him, in better shape, at the prime of life – but she had lived just as dangerously as he had. After the pit he had realized that he had wasted many years on being alone, he'd tried to have that relationship with Rachel, mainly because she was safe. She was the closest thing he'd known to a relationship, but he'd tried to fit a square peg into a very small circle. And of course there had been Miranda, a moment of weakness after eight long years of being alone. He had felt something for her, but in hindsight it had been misplaced salvation, when he should have been looking towards someone else for that. Who would have thought that the criminal would turn out to be his savior and that someone as innocent seeming as Miranda would nearly bring his death? A masochistic way of proving to him that he placed his trust in the wrong people, something he hadn't realized until the person assumed wrong to trust was perfect.

"Venice was a perfect decision Bruce," Selina said as she looked up at him from the edge of the fountain where she sat. She shielded the sun with a hand above the rim of her sunglasses. "Is there anywhere else you'd like to go?"

"I can make a few calls around and find a place to have dinner," Bruce moved to sit down next to her, a smile on his typically thin lips.

"We could have room service at the hotel."

"I want to take you out for dinner," He reached for her hand, giving it a squeeze.

"Are you asking me on a date?" Selina laughed, giving him an almost embarrassed smile. "I think we're past dates, don't you?"

"No." Bruce replied, releasing her hand and slipping it around her waist and bring her close. They blended in perfectly with the sea of couples around them, enjoying the plaza. "We've skipped quite a few steps during this," He pressed his lips to her hair as he spoke, just above her ear. "You deserve a date."

Selina laughed again, shaking her head as she pulled away from him to look him in the eyes, "You are full of surprises."

"Bruce Wayne and I are not the same man, the public image you're familiar with back in Gotham is not the same person that I truly am." He confessed his eyes meaningful as he spoke.

She cupped his cheek in her palm, fingers brushing against his jaw, "What did I do to get you?"

"You stole these," His thumb brushed over the pearls sat against her collarbone. He canted his head forward and pressed his lips to her, mindful of being in public, but caught up in the moment. As they broke from the kiss Selina brushed her fingers over his lips, her lips curled up in a smile, chuckling softly as she shook her head. "What?"

"You're being more romantic than you were in Paris, I didn't think that was possible." She slid her sunglasses up her head, using them to hold back the hair that was blowing around her cheeks.

Bruce gathered her hands in his, keeping her close as he spoke, "What is your opinion on serious relationships Selina?" He watched her carefully, the muscles at the corners of her lips faltering, eyes crinkling beneath the sun's glare and fear of what he'd said.

How did she feel about a relationship? A commitment? Nervous, terrified, sickened. Selina Kyle didn't do relationships, she didn't do sacrifices – but she had already realized that she did do love. She took a deep breath and met his eyes, "Well it depends on who I'd be in a relationship with. You se-"

"Selina." He laughed and pressed his forehead to hers.

"Did you mean you?" She teased, laughing when he nodded his head. "Well then, I'd have to give it some consideration. Preferences would need to be met," Her lashes fluttered as she spoke. "I don't just give everything away at one go."

"Decide after a date?" He cupped her chin and kissed her briefly, swaying her gently to accept, despite knowing full well that she would.

"I'll go on your date then." She smirked, wetting her lips as she pulled her sunglasses back down over her eyes. "We still have time to visit the art gallery."

"The idea of taking you into an art gallery sounds like a bad idea." He gave a low chuckle as they stood, smiling when she put her hand on his back to help steady him, just in case his leg refused to support his weight.

"I promise to keep my paws to myself" She batted her eyes at him, looking innocent and guilty all at once. "Bonnie wouldn't steal."

"Bonnie, as you mentioned, is named after an infamous accomplice to theft."

"Bruce," She tucked her hand into his, "I think you'll find that Clyde was Bonnie's accomplice, don't be ridiculous."


The restaurant had the charm and atmosphere that Bruce had hoped it would have; candle light, calming music, delicious menu. Selina had donned a dress he wasn't aware she'd packed, something he feared she might have snatched from one of the stores they'd been in earlier in the day, but he didn't mention it – didn't accuse her. It was a crimson color, just above the knees, with a rather sweeping downward neckline that caught his attention. Of course he'd seen that sweeping V-line the moment she'd stepped out of the bathroom with her hair straightened and the dress on. He'd donned a black suit shirt, slacks, and gelled his hair back in a way he hadn't done in months.

Selina wished the white wine in her glass, her gaze on him from beneath her lashes. "So, Bruce what is it that you wanted to talk about on our date?"

He smirked at her from across the table, "Who said I was done watching you yet?" He felt vaguely like his old self in this moment, but Selina was far from being like the women that typically sat opposite of him. Selina was different from every woman he'd ever met.

"Likewise," she retorted with a similar smirk on her face. She was actually nervous; it took every ounce of willpower not to tremble. She'd been on hundreds of dates, set up by wealthy men while their wives were away. The conversation would be mindless; because of course they thought she was mindless. And they would end on her skipping out before they got the idea that their date was one of 'those'. Despite what many would think of the femme fatale, Bruce was number sixteen out of twenty-six years of life. She was certain the older man had a severely longer list of names – but she doubted that any of those other names had felt this way.

"You look lovely tonight," Bruce smiled, reaching across the table for her hand.

"Thank you," She purred back, turning as the waiter approached. He spoke in Italian, a language she didn't know at all. Bruce listened, a wry smile of amusement appearing on his lips after the man gestured between the two of them. "What did he say?"

Bruce replied, fighting the urge to laugh in front of the waiter, "How many years was this anniversary." He winked at her, unable to see the blush forming quickly on her cheeks.

"Ah," She replied quietly, biting her bottom lip as Bruce told the waiter both of their orders, leaving them alone at the table, "And what did you tell him?"

"I said five years," Bruce flashed a charming smile as she squeezed her hand. "I thought explaining that this was a date would exhaust my knowledge in the language."

"What would we be doing in five years?" Selina mused with a small laugh.

"We're just going to have to find out," Bruce replied with a serious tone in his voice.

Selina took a deep breath, her eyes locking on his, "I think we might just." She reached for her wine glass, taking a long drink of the pale liquid. "You think you could handle me for five years?"

"And many more." He winked at her, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze as he lifted his own glass to his lips.


She had undoubtedly fallen head over heels for Bruce. Of course she'd admitted those three little words to him on three little occasions, but now she realized that she honestly meant it. She couldn't remember a time that curling up beside someone beneath the covers of a hotel bed felt so right. The only memories that like were with Bruce. Accepting his offer to leave Gotham had been a Godsend, her salvation. She had had no clue where she fit in to the destroyed Gotham that was left in the wake of the Liberation and more so, where she had been left after Batman's "death". She didn't necessarily believe in a higher power, but right now – she thought she did. That maybe, just maybe, someone was watching over them, leading them to where they needed to be. Or maybe, salvation wasn't found in a higher being, but in the arms of the man beside her. Bruce Wayne, flippant billionaire, with a tender side for the misfortunate, justice, and cats. It was the first time she'd felt truly happy in her life.

A/N: I'm not sure where to continue this to as of yet. I'm sorry for the delay! I rp as Selina Kyle and I get distracted by my Bruces instead of writing this. That and work and my education. Yikes I've been busy.