Title: Business Love: The Date (Part 1)


"All I wanted were directions to the fucking theater! Not to work for a bastard like you!" AU; SasuNaru, NejiGaa, KakaIru.

Main\Side Paring(s): SasukexNaruto, NejixGaara, KakashixIruka. More parings coming up soon.

Rating: M.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. But, Sasuke does.

Warning: UnBeta'd, Swearing and Fluffness overload!

Note\Author's Ramblings: Hello minna! I've finally posted, neh? And on my Birthday too! Teehee~ I hope you all like this I took CAREFUL care on editing it. But still, fail. :'((

Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHAY TO ME! I'm so old. Meh.. I don't really know when I would be updating next.. But, do not fret. I will not, (Well, hopefully not.) leave it to rot, for to long... xD

Btw, I might be making a one-shot on either one of these Anime's. (Naruto, Hetalia or Kyo kara Maoh!)

Follow me on Tumblr. Just place my current Fanfiction name. I will be posting when I will update. :3

Now, on with the Story!

-Business Love.-

'It's him.'

"Nii-san! Your here!" Naruto grinned launching himself at the panting red-head. The said red-head smiled as he caught the energetic blond. "Yeah. I'm also gonna attend the meeting." he grinned nuzzling against his brothers hair.

Naruto giggled as his ran back to his seat. The red-head smiled apologetically at everyone in the room. "Sorry I'm late." he bowed. "Watashi wa Kyuubi Namikaze desu." he smiled at everyone as he formally introduced himself, but stopped as he stared at black orbs.

"You!" he yelled pointing at the oldest Uchiha who smirked.

"Me?" he asked in fake innocence pointing to himself.

Kyuubi nodded, frowning as he stared at the Uchiha.

"Your that man from yesterday!"

Itachi nodded, smirking lightly.

"So what if I am?" he countered eying the other male.

Kyuubi flushed. "Uh.. I just wanted to say thanks, for the uh... help." he mumbled.

And Itachi smiled "Your welcome."

Kyuubi's cheeks turned a dark crimson color. 'His so...hot..' he thought dazed.

Naruto looked back at the raven then his brother. "Ano sa, ano sa, so you guys know each other?" he inquired looking confused. Sasuke face-palmed at his dobe's obliviousness to everything.

Itachi nodded happily while Kyuubi frowned and looked down.

Sasuke sighed tiredly. "Can we start the meeting now?" he asked annoyed. Itachi nodded while Kyuubi sat down beside Gaara and Iruka. And Itachi mentally pouted. 'I wanted him to sit with me!' he sighed.

"Let's start shall we?" he smiled at everybody.

They all nodded reply.

Itachi signaled Kakashi to take over.

Kakashi nodded and cleared his throat; "This meeting is about the merging of the Namizaki(1) Inc." he nodded to Kyuubi and Iruka. "and the Uchiha Corp." he nodded to Itachi and Sasuke. He clicked a few buttons on his laptop, and a huge light appeared showing a chart with different colors.

"Since the Uchiha Corp. has merged with the Byakugan Org. which is now being run by the Hyuuga's." he paused and nodded to Neji. "and is now planning of merging with the Namizaki Inc. who has originally merged with the Suna Corp." he glanced at Gaara, who glared in return.

Kyuubi spoke up. "Is there a reason why you would like to merge with us?" he asked raising his perfectly shaved eyebrow at the older Uchiha.

Itachi nodded. "Since our companies have been rated us one of the top 10 in Japan. (the whole Asia actually), why not expand it, neh?" he grinned, eying the older red-head. "..and spend more time with your company isn't so bad is it?" he asked, innocently. Kakashi smiled knowingly, while Sasuke and Neji smirked. Gaara grumbled under his breath and Iruka blushed. All in all, Naruto was confused.

"Neh! So, so, I'll be able to see Kyuu-kyuu at work too?" The energetic blond asked, a grin about to split his cute face. Itachi nodded, "Yes. If Kyuu-kyuu," slyly glancing at Kyuubi (adding the nick name the blond used) and Sasuke (who, unsurprisingly had a frown on). "..would accept." Kyuubi rolled his eyes. "Fine." he folded his arms and pouted cutely. Itachi smirked and Naruto laughed. "Kyuu-kyuu is so cute!" he cooed at his older brother who spluttered.

Sasuke suddenly smirked as he leaned to his brother and whispered. "So.. this is the reason why you were so happy last night?" he asked glancing at his older brother.

Itachi just smirked.

The meeting resumed.

-Business Love.-

Neji glanced at the red-head god beside him. 'You should ask him now!' his mind screamed. Neji mentally shook his head. What if he gets rejected? What is he doesn't even like him? What if he isn't even gay? What is he had a lover already? A million thoughts ran through the pale-eyed male's mind.

While his mind was still clogged up with thoughts of being utterly rejected by the red-head. He didn't realize that the meeting was over.

Gaara sighed as he glanced at the seemingly quiet brunette. He hasn't been talking at all, which gave Gaara more time to look him over. Long brownish hair, beautiful lavender eyes, pale white skin and a nice looking body.

Gaara nodded mentally. Naruto was right, the Hyuuga was hot. And had a body of a god too..

The red-head blushed mentally. 'Stupid perverted thoughts.' he gritted his teeth as he felt painful throb through his pants.

Noticing most of the members leaving. He glance to his right and saw that his friends had left him with the still silent Hyuuga.

He sighed as he quietly called out the said male's name. "Hyuuga."

No reply.

Finally giving up, he silently stood and shook the Hyuuga gently.

Neji was brought back from his thoughts by a gentle hand. Blinking rapidly, he looked up too see the beautiful face of the red-headed god in front of him.

"Are you okay?" the 'sex-god-on-legs' asked. "you've been quiet all through out the meeting." a hint of concern flashed through green eyes, Neji smiled. "Yeah, thanks."

Gaara nooded. "Let's go?" Neji smiled as they left the meeting room.

-Business Love.-

Sasuke smiled as he listened to the talking blond. "...and I wanna go out for lunch!" he finished, then blinked. "Take me out for ramen, Sasuke-teme!" he demanded. Sasuke twitched at the '-teme' but nodded.


Naruto's eye's sparkled. "Really? Yay! Sasuke's gonna treat me ramen! Sasuke's gonna treat me ramen! Yaaaay!" he sang.

Sasuke flushed as some employees looked shocked while other clients looked amused.

Blushing, he grabbed the blond and walked stiffly towards the exit.

As Sasuke demanded they use a limousine, the blond whined about having to find a parking, not caring that the raven had a private driver.

After the two bickered, Sasuke finally complied as they walked side-by-side to the near by ramen stand. Ichiraku Ramen.

As Naruto ate to him hearts content, Sasuke watched silently.

"Hey, dobe." Naruto looked up from his ramen in question. "Hmn?" Sasuke smirked. "Why do you like ramen so much?" ha asked.

Naruto paused and shrugged. "Well, both me and Nii-san were orphans you see." his eyes dulled a bit. "Okaa-san and Outo-san were killed in a accident years ago. I was 5 while Nii-san was 9 at that time. So, he couldn't take care of me. But Iruka-sensei was kind enough to adopt us adopted us!" his eye brightened, and Sasuke smiled. "It was hard at first since Iruka was still in studying in the university, but we were able to be happy!" he grinned.

Sasuke nodded in deep thought as Naruto continued eating.

-Business Love.-

Neji glanced at his wrist watch and frowned, it was quarter to 1 o'clock and both the Hyuuga and Sabakuno haven't had a bite to eat.

Neji inwardly cheered, time to put up his plan.

Operation: 'Get the red-head on a date' is a go!

"Sabakuno-san, would you like to accompany me to a restaurant for a late lunch?" he asked calmly but inside, mini-Neji was biting him nails impatiently.

Gaara lips tugged downward in thought, a habit he had ever since he could remember. Neji paused his mid-biting, as he saw the frown. He to frowned and unconsciously lifted his hand to slightly part the red-head's lips.

The said male gasped, eyes wide in slight shock. No one but Naruto has given him such gentle human contact, ever. Neji smiled as he mumbled blushing. "You shouldn't frown. You'll get wrinkles on your beautiful face that way." Gaara blinked as a pink hue was slightly visible against his nose and cheeks.

Gaara nodded mutely.

Neji smiled. "Well, we better be off then." he gently held the red-head's hand was walked towards the exit.

-Business Love.-

Itachi smiled as he stared openly at the red-head, while said male was currently eating a cup of yogurt. Kyuubi frowned as he set the strawberry flavored dairy down. "Is there something you need?" he asked slightly annoyed of being watched annoyed.

The Uchiha smirked shaking his head. "You just look so cute." his eyes soften, "you always do.."

The red-head's eyes when wide as a crimson color flooded his cheeks.

"W-well t-thanks."

Itachi grabbed the Namikaze heir's hand and placed a light kiss against it. "Oh, but it is true."

"And, I would love it if you would accompany me to a evening of sweet l'amour." Kyuubi's eyes when wide, as a shiver ran pleasurably against his spine.

Itachi's eyes caught the slight tension of his companion's back and smirked. "What would you say, Kyuu-Kyuu?" Kyuubi nodded numbly, unable to trust his voice.

"Good. Tonight at eight then?" Kyuubi nodded again.

Itachi smirked as he pressed a small kiss against the red-head's palm.

"See you tonight."

-Business Love.-

"Sasukeeeeeee! I'm so boreeeed!" the blond whined, Sasuke rolled his eyes. Both where walking back to the Company.

Sasuke brightened. "Hey Naruto?"

Naruto looked up from his people watching, "Yeah?" Sasuke paused. "Are you doing anything, tonight?" he asked, his voice shook a bit.

Naruto stopped and thought for a while. "No, no plans, why?"

Sasuke froze. "Uh.. no reason." he mumbled looking away. Naruto frowned. "Sasuke-Teme! What is is?"


Naruto frowned tugging the raven's hair lightly. "What. Is. It." he growled against every tug.





"...wanna go on a date?"

Naruto stopped tugging. "Eh?" Sasuke turned red. "Idiot, I said, would you want to go on a date, with me?" As Naruto kept silent, Sasuke busy was preparing for the worst.


"I mean it's okay if you say no-wait, what?" Sasuke looked dumfounded. Naruto nodded. "Sure, one date won't hurt right?"

Sasuke nodded. Naruto smiled, "Great! So, tonight? What time will you pick me up?" he asked. Sasuke smiled. "How about 7?" the blond nodded. "Harp okay?" the raven nodded.

Naruto smiled. "Okay then!" he walked ahead into the building. "See you tonight!" he waved, leaving the Uchiha on his awake in pure awe.

Sasuke suddenly smiled. He got a date! Beat that Itachi!

-Business Love.-

Suddenly, out of nowhere...

"Achoo!" Kyuubi smirked as Itachi grabbed a tissue.

"I guess someones talkin' 'bout cha'ya!" Kyuubi chuckled. Itachi glared.

"I'd have to guess it was Sasuke," he frowned.

Damn, little brothers..

Kyuubi snickered.

-Business Love.-

(1): Namizaki is actually Namikaze and Uzumaki combined. :) Sorry for the confusion.

End of Business Love: The Date (Part 1). Part 2 coming up soon. :)

Please review minna. Review's keep me ficy alive. :))

-Question: Who would you guys like as rival for SasuNaru?-





((Pick using Numbers. Review Please!))