
What If?

Part 3


Silently sipping on her tea, Zim's mom continued glaring at Tak from across the kitchen table. Tak nervous fiddled with her thumbs, keeping eye focus away from her new mother-in-law.

Zim sighed, rubbing his temples. "Mother, I thought you would be happy that I found a mate and am giving you grandsmeets. After all, you always did say I'd amount to nothing and would probably never settle down. But guess what: I DID!"

"I know," she replied calmly, continuing to sip her tea.

"Then what's the problem?"

His mom moved her focus back on Tak. "There's something about you that I don't like," she stated to the female Irken across from her.

"And for what reason?" Tak asked, trying not to raise her voice or stress herself out for her smeet's sake. "You barely just met me."

"Correction: I barely just met you because your stomach was in the way..."

"That's your grandsmeet you're talking about," Tak replied, voice raising. "It's inside me and I can't help that."

"Well you could if you watched your weight..."

Tak stood up immediately, slamming her hands on the table. "LOOK LADY-"

Zim immediately reached up, grabbing hold of his clearly stressed out mate. "Tak..."

"It's not her fault she's insulted by the truth," his mother quipped from across the table.

"Mother!" Zim took a deep breath, head pounding. Maybe it was a mistake bringing my mother here... "Look, can't we all just get along? Honestly Mother, you didn't like anyone back home. You never liked any of my friends growing up-"

"Correction: You only had a friend, and his name was Skoodge," his mother corrected him. "And he certainly had a weight problem as well..."

Zim rolled his eyes. "Yes, okay, I had only ONE friend and you didn't like him... For whatever reason." He paused. "Wait, do you not like people because of their weight problems?" He gasped, "Do you discriminate against fat people?"

"ZIM!" Tak elbowed him, annoyed. "I don't have a weight problem! I'm carrying YOUR smeet for crying out loud! Your mother simply doesn't get along with people and picks out everyone's flaws because she's insecure with her OWN self!" She smirked at her mother-in-law. "How do you like them apples, bitch?"

Zim cringed, shaking his head. Oh Irk kill me now...

Zim's mother calmly put down her tea, slowly standing up. "Judging by your violent impulse to use vulgar language, it clearly shows that you have, in simpler terms for you to understand: 'issues'."

Tak tightened her hands into fists at her side, breathing hard.

"It just shows me your... defective qualities-"

That did it. Zim barely had time to grab a hold of Tak around the waist as she lunged for his mother across the table, who looked amused more than anything. Tak struggled in her mate's grasp, swearing at the top of her lungs.

"Now if you'll excuse me: I'm going to go find the guest room." With that said Zim's mother turned and calmly walked out of the kitchen.

Tak watched her go, beyond seething. How DARE that woman call her a defect? "What a CUN-"


"What?" she demanded, crossing her arms over her chest.

"She's still my mother!"

"You're honestly going to defend that woman?" Tak shook her head. "She's like an awful little troll, purposely trying to piss people off just to see the reaction. Was she trying to piss me off so that I'd murder her?"

"Well, kinda, yeah," Zim admitted quietly, and when Tak quickly turned to face him, he held his hands up. "Don't blame me! She's always been that way."

"I was expecting her to be a lot more like you..." Tak shook her head. "Boy was I wrong..."

"For sure..." Zim nodded in agreement.

"She's waaaaaaaay worse than you ever were."

"That's for-" Zim paused, reading over Tak's words in his head. Then he realized. "Hey! Don't think I didn't catch that."

Calming down a bit, Tak smirked at her mate. "You're definitely getting better at the 'realization game'." Maybe having your bitch-of-mom here is making you smarter...

A/N: Another chapter. Short, I know, but it's the only idea I had at the moment. Oh yeah, the wars BEGUN.

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