Summary: It was war, and in war, there was always sacrifice. Sakura thought she understood that, she thought she understood loss. But love changes everything: it leaves us vulnerable, but can also raise us high – and the higher we go, the further we have to fall. Naruto's obsession with getting Sasuke back to the leaf, coupled with Sasuke's hatred for a Konoha that stole his revenge: the backdrop to a blossoming NejiSaku.

Author's Notes: I know I'm not supposed to be posting this yet but dammit, I love this fic. I'd say slap me silly, but I'm already there lol. ;)
Anyway, this is my first completely NejiSaku multichapter, and "excited" doesn't quite cover how I'm feeling about it. It's also a test run: if you guys like it, it'll continue, if not then… well, on top of being sad, I probably won't want it to continue either. This is where I cheer myself up and hope for the best. And just in case you're wondering, I am NOT a fan of unhappy endings. :) Enjoy. n_n


"Every step we take is watched, every word we speak is analysed, and everything we are is judged."

The unexpected smell of burnt flesh permeated their senses, like a sign from Kami for what was to come. It seemed like the entire battlefield was on fire – a fire jutsu cast over a sea of oil and liquid tar was a dangerous combination. The Shinobi in the area had only a moment's warning before it exploded. The fire raced toward them faster than the eye could follow and they barely had time to scream as the flames engulfed them.

The strained laughter followed the rising heat and a dark figure disappeared into the flames.

Naruto Uzumaki had been looking forward to this fight for a long time – the last bout between rivals that was supposed to put the Uchiha in his place – not to mention finally bring him home. But instead, he'd arrived upon a battlefield born of fire and butchery. The inferno was too strong, rendering water jutsus useless: his Wind Release would only fan these flames.

He peered into the dancing flames. Sasuke was in there somewhere, probably using Susanoo as a shield against the fire. He knew the arrogant son of a bitch was goading him, daring him to follow him in. But the question was how?

The katon no jutsu came out of nowhere and realising he wasn't alone, Naruto flickered out of the area, Sasuke's screams of "coward!" ringing in his ear. Yeah, like he was going to rush in and get incinerated for his troubles – he wasn't the idiotic Genin the Uchiha remembered.


Sakura Haruno, being the only medic Naruto had seen escape the battle of Nagi Island, had followed him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked angrily. "Where's–"

"I don't know."

Sakura had lost sight of her team, the two Hyuugas that had travelled with her, not to mention her old team mate and ex-Sensei.

"I really don't know Naruto."

"Get out of here," he hissed uncharacteristically, but she just shook her head.

"You're going to need a medic."

Naruto growled but couldn't fight her logic. "Just stay back."

Sakura darted away as the laughing figure in the flames called out to the blonde, keeping one eye on Naruto and one on their enemy. He looked madder than last time, emerging from the fire with a bloodthirsty look on his face.

Sakura felt her body being pulled almost immediately and cursed her stupidity. Naruto may not want her to fight, but Sasuke had other ideas. It was reminiscent of Pein, this uncontrollable magnetism that was drawing her toward the Uchiha – he was still surrounded by flame, the unearthly form of Susanoo protecting him and looking to sever her head from her shoulders.

Naruto activated his Sage Mode and threw a gust of wind at her – just enough to counteract the pull – wincing apologetically as she slammed into a tree almost fifteen feet away from the inferno.


The sound of the Hyuuga calling her name brought the pinkette around, shifting from her upright position against the tree as she lost sight of both Sasuke and Naruto. The fire was spreading now and in the few seconds it took her to get her bearings, the fire of Sasuke's jutsu was lapping at her feet. Naruto's attack, though having saved her life, had fanned the flames after all.

Sakura jumped up, forcing chakra to her feet as she went, trying to get clear of the blaze.

Sakura couldn't see him through the mist, the smoke, and the hazy tears that were forming in her eyes. She'd come too far to give up now – love and recognition wasn't something to be so easily tossed aside. But despite her best efforts, she couldn't see him, she couldn't feel him, and as the sound of laughter reached her ears, she cursed Sasuke Uchiha. He'd made a mockery of everything she'd worked for, attacked everyone she loved, and was hell bent on using Tobi's Moon's Eye Plan, not to draw the world into a genjutsu, but to destroy it.


His voice wasn't warm or inviting and she flinched as the raven haired man grabbed her roughly from behind.

"I told you I'd make you pay."

Yes, he had indeed threatened the rest of Team Seven with suffering beyond imagining – and she had believed every word.


A/N: I've been wanting to do a prologue for a fic and this is it. Hopefully it's a nice balance between entertaining and intriguing. I read another fic with a "sneak peek" for a prologue AGES ago, but while this is also a "sneak peek" so to speak, it's very different. Not that it matters. n_n
Anyway, fair warning: I don't hate Sasuke (most of the time… or some of the time – still haven't quite decided on that). And there will be no bashing (unless Karin makes a cameo). My goal in this fic is to keep him close to canon, personality-wise, with my own twists as the story unfolds. Cheers! XD