It's Just A Little Water

When the girls finally reached Stormella's house, it had started to rain. The lightning flashes made the sky turn a light shade of purple.

"I fucking hate this weather!" Cassandra growled as she slammed the Mazda's door close and ran to the front deck, waiting for her friend to get out of the car.

"I love this weather!" Storm screamed as she bolted out of the car and spun in circles in the muddy gravel that served as a driveway.

"Stop spinning, and open this fucking door!" Cassie shrieked, watching Storm prance around.

"Here," The blond shouted, throwing her friend the house keys. "I have to go check on the horses."

"You're kidding, right?" Cassandra asked as she ran back in the rain to pick up the keys from where they had fallen on the deck.

"Nah. And Maya hates the rain- she's like you." Stormella said, walking toward the orchard on the left side of her house.

"What about Thunder?"

"He's like me- loves the rain, can't get enough of it!"

Cassie sighed. I guess Maya and I are the only ones with sense.

Stormella pushed the gate to the orchard open with a loud 'humph', and began to soothe the large cream colored pony within. "Easy Maya, easy...that's a good girl..." Maya looked like she was about to jump the fence- which in turn, made Storm as worried as hell.

The pony reared up in fright as a loud crack of thunder was heard.

"Easy!" Stormella shouted, running over to Maya and grabbing her by her large head. "Shhh, it's just a little water..." Unfortunately, none of Storm's words seemed soothed the pony.

Resorting in a last attempt to soothe Maya, Storm rubbed her on the back, causing the pony to rear once more; sending Stormella straight into a shallow puddle.

"Stupid, ignorant, ungrateful, mule!" The blond shouted in anger as she pulled herself from the puddle of muddy water.

"And you wonder why I'm the brains!" A voice shouted from behind the drenched girl. Turning around, Storm glowered at her best friend; clothed in a hideous shade of green rain coat, and black rain boots, Cassie looked unstoppable. "You should have brought a halter with you, but luckily...I was smart enough to get it for you." The brunette chuckled at the scowl forming on the older girl's face.

"Give me the halter." Stormella snapped as she yanked it out of her friend's grasp.

"Don't take out your frustration on me!" Cassandra japed.

"Shut up..." The blond muttered, storming over to the pony and grabbing her head to place the halter around it. When Storm finished placing the halter on Maya, she let out a sharp whistle. As expected, a large black quarter horse cantered up to her. "Hello handsome," Stormella greeted, running her hand down the horse's shimmering black chest. "Wanna go to your stable?"

"Uh, looks like your flirting with your horse..." Cassandra snorted as she watched her friend run her hand all over Thunder's front.

"As I said before; shut up."

"I'm just sa-"

"Shut up!"

Another chapter for my wonderful encouraging readers!

Malafemmina: I'm guessing SOMEONE isn't a fan of Arwen:) It might take some time before either of the girls meet Arwen, but I promise you Storm will both tongue-lash (meaning she'll argue the hell outa her) Arwen and beat her up;) Gosh, thanks for saying my last chapter was great! I promise you the girls will be in middle-earth in chapter 6:)

Monkeepeanut: OMG, thank you for explaining what a Mary-Sue is, I was so confused when people kept on saying; "Mary Sue- this" and "Mary Sue- that";) These girls will NOT be Mary Sue's, they will be realistic- well as realistic as they can be considering they get transported to Middle-Earth...;) So...
Legolas/Stormella you vote? Hehe, you'll have to wait and find out!

Kaototchi: Thank you!
Cassandra/Frodo and Stormella/Legolas is your vote? Hehe...;)

Oh, I had a PM concerning what the girls look like:

Cassandra Gage:
Height: 5'5
Hair color & style: Medium Brown colored hair that reaches just below her breasts in deep waves
Eyes: Green eyes
Skin: Tannish colored
Age: 16 (almost 17)

Stormella Hail:
Height: 5'9
Eyes: My eyes tend to go from light blue to medium blue concerning the temperature...weird, I know.
Hair color & style: Dirty-blond colored hair that is in a shaggy cut and hangs a little past my shoulders.
Skin: I'm really pale (not elf pale, but PALE)
Age: 18 (just turned)

Love reviews! Remember, they are my pills to write;)
Remember to tell me who you think will be with who!
*blows kisses*