(A/N Ok I came up with this yesterday and I thought all of you would like it! Enjoy! Pepperony! Oh and I don't own IMAA or any sort of fairy tale in this!)

Chapter 1: Little Redhead

Pepper, Tony, and Rhodey were all walking to the Rhodes house not noticing the dark figure watching them. The dark figure held a book in his hand titled Fairy Tales "Prepare to be tested. Anthony Stark, Patricia Potts, James Rhodes. Let's hope you survive….." the man laughed and disappeared with a Cheshire smile left behind to slowly disappear.

Tony turned thinking someone was looking at them but nobody was there. "Tony you ok?" asked Pepper putting a hand on his shoulder. "Ya just have a bad feeling about something…." He trailed off shaking his head to clear it. "You guys ready for the concert in Time square tonight?" Tony asked to change the subject. "Ya it should be great!" said Pepper with excitement. Rhodey nodded in agreement "Come on my mom said we should all eat something before we go to the concert." Rhodey said nodding toward his house. The trio went into the house talking about the concert.

About an hour later the three teens were walking into time square. The crowed was HUGE! And the concert was being broadcasted across the whole U.S. Tony, Pepper, and Rhodey walked past the reporter who was announcing all the bands. The cameraman saw Tony and pointed him out. The reporter turned called "Tony Stark!" Tony turned with a fake smile. The camera caught Pepper and Rhodey next to him. The reporter asked "Out with the girlfriend eh?" asked the reporter with a smile. Tony's eyes went wide so did Pepper's "Oh Pepper isn't m-my girlfriend she's just my friend." Said Tony quickly blushing the same as Pepper but she was silent for the first time ever! The camera caught Rhodey almost fall to the ground shaking with laughter. The reporter raised his eye brows and said with a laugh "Ya and I'm the president." But before he could say anything the concert started. Tony quickly grabbed Rhodey and Pepper and went off into the crowd.

Tony and Pepper's faces were redder than ever. I know that was going to happen! Tony thought

Tony's POV:


Oh no! Great live TV! Don't see me don't see me don't see me….."Tony Stark!" he heard the reporter call Shit! I turned with a fake smile plastered on my face.


POV from before!

After the first band was finished the ground began to shake beneath everyone's feet. "Tony what's going on?" asked Pepper who was trying to keep her balance by hanging onto Tony. "I don't know!" he said worried. That's when everyone heard a loud evil laugh (A/N my friend kika: Loud evil laugh really? Me: Oh STFU! ) a man dressed in Black and dark blood red ended up on the stage. With a wave of his hand he made all of the concert goers on the sidewalk behind an electric rope. The only people left in time square were Tony, Pepper, and Rhodey. "Tony…." Pepper said looking around noticing all of the cameras and the crowed and hearing herself on the huge screens in time square.

"Welcome to my little game!" the man laughed gesturing to almost the whole city. "What are you talking about?!" shouted Tony at the man "It's a game of survival! And this one has a twist it's all about Fairy Tales. Not just any Fairy Tales Grimm Fairy Tales." The dark man laughed.

"Fairy Tales really?" Pepper asked putting her hands on her hips. "Let's start with Little Red Riding hood." The man said and snapped his fingers. Pepper was now wearing a white dress that ended just above her knee's and she was also wearing a red cloak with a hood it wasn't big it ended just past her shoulder and a pair of heels. Pervert Pepper thought to herself "Pepper-"Tony said but he was cut off by a loud growl. The crowd gasped when they saw a HUGE wolf round the corner of the stage and sat down next to his master. The wolf bared his teeth at Pepper.

Pepper squeaked and turned as pale as the dress she was wearing. The dark man raised his hands and said "Let the games begin!" and he looked at Pepper and smiled wickedly. "Pepper run!" Tony yelled as the wolf jumped off of the stage to attack the girl. Pepper jumped out of the way of the wolf. She ran down the street out of time square. Pepper heard the growl behind her. "Oh shit!" Pepper said while running as fast as she can.

(With Tony and Rhodey)

"Damn she can run fast!" said a man behind the line looking up at the screen. Tony was glancing up at the screen and looking back at his POD "Computer search Grimm Fairy Tales." Tony said cameras now looking at him. "Grimm Fairy Tales. The original Fairy Tales made by the grim brothers in 1812." Tony's POD responded. "Give me a description of Little Red Riding Hood" Tony said as he was now running after Pepper and the wolf. "Grimm Tale lost" his POD said. "No! Search all different versions of the story and match it with the Grimm tale's and get back to me!" Tony said still running. "Search complete. "red riding hood is a well bred young lady who is given false instructions by the wolf when she asks the way to her grandmothers. Foolishly riding hood takes the advice of the wolf and ends up being eaten. And here the story ends. There is no woodsman – no grandmother – just a fat wolf and a dead Red Riding Hood" "His POD quoted from a website. Tony paled the story ended in death. "Pepper!" he called and started to run faster.

With Pepper!

Pepper ran and ducked into an ally way. The wolf ran past Pepper thinking she just rounded the corner. Pepper leaned against a brick wall to catch her breath. Then Pepper saw all of the cars all empty. Pepper walked over to a police car looked inside and found a shot gun. Pepper grabbed the shot gun took a breath. A loud growl made her look up the wolf had come back. Pepper remembers watching training video's for shooting different guns on her dad's laptop. The wolf fixed its stance ready to attack so did Pepper. "Pepper!" Tony called running up behind Pepper but some force made him stay where he was Tony couldn't move. The wolf growled. "I hate using this, but, it's either me or you!" Pepper said cocking the shotgun. The wolf ran and jumped to devour Pepper and all you could hear was the sound of a gunshot.

(A/N HAHAHA CLIFFHANGER! Now don't shoot me you find out what happens next chapter! Please review! And for those of you who read New Found Power. Three of you will be a cameo in the next chapter! Soooo message me why you want to be in the story tell me what you look like or want to look like and then you will see who wins in the next chapter! Happy reading!

P.S Any idea's what to call the villain because I have no idea!)