This was probably the toughest of chapters to write and that included Willy-rae, who I can't read with bursting into tears. God it's like she was my mother :'(

Anyways I hope you enjoy this and that Will's 'Brenda's mine' attitude was shown enough... because to me that's the way he always spoke to her, like she still held some special place for him and that she felt the same about him, even after getting married!


He couldn't deny he'd always had a special place in his heart from Brenda Leigh Johnson, a women he'd hoped to reconnect on a friendship level when she first arrived at the LAPD on his request but then his wife divorced him and Brenda got married and her husband didn't like him very much... not that with his and Brenda's history he could actually blame Fritz for not liking him. But now she'd gotten over her now EX husband and his wife had long since divorced him he was hoping he could rekindle some of what they lost all those years ago.

In fact he was so ready to just kiss her he walked down to the Mega Crime's unit. Brenda's very loyal team were exchange glances with each other in question to his presence and Will has always jealous how they seemed to be more in sync with Brenda than she was with herself sometimes. How they knew what she wanted and needed when she might not have known or cared enough herself. With one simple nod with the right expression she could let them know of a danger without so much as a difference in stance or expression. It was what made mega crimes truly great, they were loyal and relentless in protecting each other and especially the chief, who now being the only women on the team had earn her a kind of 'she's the boss' respect but also a 'keep an eye on her more than anyone else' kind of caring ability within these men and as long as the team got the job done, which they always seemed to do Will could turn away from some of the more private stuff.

He knocked on Brenda's door and she shouted a distracted come in, it was obvious to him she was fed up with the paperwork after just finishing a case.

"Will, what are you doing here?" Will shut the door behind him, glancing his eyes on the team who were doing a very bad job of looking interested in their paperwork, especially Flynn who looked sick to his stomach... how odd.

"Brenda Hi, good job on the closing your case... I hear you found the child with the other two alive and the couple is in custody?" Brenda nodded

"Yes, turned out she had 3 miscarriages so she kidnapped these children to replace the 3 she had lost" Will sighed and shook his head

"The things a women will do for children...and the ones who do have them take them for granted. World works in very mysterious ways" Brenda took of her glasses throwing them on the table.

"Yes, it does. You still haven't answered my question. What are you doing here?" Will sighed

"I was wondering if-" Brenda stood up and almost scream at him. This was his trade mark beginning to 'asking someone out' line and Brenda did not need nor want him to continue.

"Seriously Will? Again? No I will not go out to dinner with you. No I will not sleep with you and NO I will not be your secret little love affair again... gosh first Fritz, now you. Do I have a sign on my forehead that says 'whatever I say I mean the opposite' or something?" Will took a step back, he had not been expecting that reaction.

"Brenda sorry I just wanted to ask, you never know unless you do. Your answer is no, I respect that... again good job on the ca-" Brenda thanked god it was Friday for more than the reason than she could let situation between her and Will calm down over the weekend but it almost meant tonight was team night and she had the whole weekend with Flynn.

"Chief are you okay?" Flynn was at the door and didn't so much as knock and Will was pissed as it was.

"Lt. This is a private convosation" Brenda's body language change immediately. She had a small smile that shone more in her eyes than anywhere. Her body seemed to relax and arch towards him as if wanting nothing more than his touch. It became very clear to Will just why she didn't want to date him again and he was angry, very angry that he'd missed his chance again, but there was only one other person who she ever looked at like that and that was him many years ago when her heart ruled her and not her head. But Will too noticed how she didn't demand attention from Flynn like she had with him and that was when Will knew she had found her one, well at least as close at the real world would allow you to get.

The one man who would love her before she asked, would protect her even when she didn't want it, would give her attention because he wanted to not because he was required to.

"No no.. Will it's okay. He heard me shouting... that's all. Lt. I'm fine thank yew... now if you would close the door on your way out" The 'I'll talk to you late love' message in those words was clear to even Will and from the smiles and very determined concentrated looks on Brenda's team he was not the only one who had noticed.

"Yes Chief, sorry Chief" Brenda smiled brighten for a moment.

"It's my fault Lt. No worries, thank yew, thank yew so much" Flynn's eyes shone with admiration for her usual saying. Will nodded at Brenda, said his finally good bye and left shortly after Flynn did. The team got a surprise when Will patted Flynn on shoulder

"Lt. Next time please knock, but keep looking out for her like that. It's what she needs" Flynn stood and nodded

"Yes sir" Will smiled softly, if he couldn't have her he was just glad she'd found someone would look after her so completely as Flynn obviously was. Now if he could walk back to his office without laughing at the teams expression...