This is the End guys * sniff* I hope you enjoy every bit of it!


"Alone again," sighed the Doctor slumping down from exhaustion. He sighed, "I never thought quietness would be so welcome. Just you and me Sexy, just you and me."

Behind him there was a cough. He turned around standing in front of him was Xandria.

"What-How- Why-" he spluttered in shock.

"I sneaked onto the Tardis when you with my father. I've been hiding in a crate an awfully long time," she pouted.

"If I had any sense I would take you straight home," The Doctor warned.

"But you don't. You're a mad man after all," she said with a grin.

The Doctor smiled. "You're right you can stay. What will your father say?"

"He will never know," Xandria tapped the Doctor's nose. "This is a time machine isn't it?"

The Doctor grinned. "Where do you want to go?"

"Anywhere, everywhere. Oh, Doctor I don't know how to choose!" Cried Xandria, she was surprised he had actually agreed.

"I know just what to use," he pulled out a box. "Press the red button."

"What is it?" Xandria asked cautiously.

"A random time and location generator, sometimes you get rubbish...but more likely you'll get a good road trip out of it," The Doctor beamed.

Without hesitation Xandria pressed the button. Appearing on the screen was the words Tokyo with the year 20190. "Where's that?" asked Xandria.

"A place called Japan. Simply brilliant there, you'll love the fashion sense and wonderful food. Simply marvelous," The Doctor said in excitement. Setting the dials to Japan. "Of course it's still Earth, but we'll travel in space next time."

"There are other worlds?" Xandria asked catching on to his excitement.

"Of course there are, beautiful worlds, squat worlds, upside down worlds..The universe is massive, Xandria, and you'll love every bit of it. Well? GERONIMO!"


"Have you seen Claudia?" Artie asked passing Pete.

"No, I'm sure she's fine," Pete said passively.

Artie immediately got a feeling of discomfort in his stomach, but dismissed it as digestive problems.


"Just a bit more soldering," muttered Claudia. "There, perfect."

She stepped back a bit to look at her handiwork. Standing in front of her was a Tardis. After fixing the Doctor's, and having essence of Time Lord infused with her brain Claudia had figured out how to make her own time machine. Watch out Universe, Claudia is coming.

Any last thoughts? Please leave them in the review box for me! Hope you liked the end!