Hi……its me Angela. The author. Yeah, nice to finally meet you all, I know.

Well, there are so many people I want to thank, so lets begin.

- All my faithful reviewers!! You were there for me and kept me going!

- My Almighty Beta-rah. Without you, this story would be a whole lot less interesting a much shorter. You kept me writing and adding twists.

- Elithien Silverfrost, who's constant input and tolerance for my plot was much appreciated.

- Samantha Rose……you were there to listen to me complain and you offered suggestions when I needed them, Thanks, mellonamin.

- Thanks to all the poem writers who let me use their poems in my story and to all the famous song-writers who's songs I also used.

- Thanks to Tolkien, for there would be no LotR without him.

I really hope you liked the story!! I mean, you read it all, didn't you? So you must have liked it.

THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL! As you read this, Ideas are already being formed by the author and beta for a new plot line. PLEASE keep a lookout for a sequel to this. I wouldn't want you to miss it!

Thanks again and keep reading.



Morgaine, High Priestess of Avalon and Lady of the Lake