I head back to SIP a little dazed the pregnancy scare has me in a whole other world right now. I make my way back into my office, I'm greeted by Hannah. The women who canceled my appointments without telling me, the women who almost had me pregnant!

"Ana great to see you. How's your dad?" Hannah says with a genuine welcoming smile. I look up at her, and my anger melts away as I expected I've never been one to stay mad. I sigh and soften my expression.

"He's better, thank you. Can I see you in my office?" I say, surprisingly feeling a bit guilty as I turn and start towards my office door. It's not like I told her to cancel my appointments, but also she was just doing her job right?

"Of course, is everything alright Ana?" She says in a worried tone as she follows closely behind me.

"Yes, everything is fine. Did you cancel any appointments I had with a Dr. Greene?" I ask, already knowing the answer to that question.

"Yes, about two or three? Mostly because you were in other meetings or running late why?" She says nervously. I stare down at my fingers trying to arrange my thoughts and come up with an explanation that doesn't expose my almost dilemma.

"If you move any appointments will you make sure I know? I don't always check my calendar." I say slowly, with a fake comfortable grin.

"Sure" Hannah says quickly. "Have I done something wrong?" She says as she looks me in the eyes. I look up at her and release a breath I hadn't noticed I've been holding in.

"No, I'm just stressed with my dad being in the hospital and all" I say. "Also the fact that I was almost fucking pregnant because of you!" I scream in my head.

"Oh okay." She says with a smile, as she leaves my office. I move around my desk and sit in my chair so I can check my computer. I didn't notice how much time has passed since I'd had my scare. I look down at my computer screen and notice that I have an email from Fifty.

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Missing You

Date: September 13, 2011 13:58

To: Anastasia Grey

Mrs. Grey

I've been back in the office for only three hours and I'm missing you already.

Hope Ray has settled into his new room okay. Mom is going to check on him this afternoon. I'll collect you around six this evening and we can go and see him before heading home.

Sound good?

Your loving husband.

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.

I reread Christian's email several times trying to figure out what I'm going to say to him. I don't want to tell him by email, maybe I can just slip it in 'oh, and by the way. I could've been pregnant.' I type a quick message without thinking.

From: Anastasia Grey

Subject: Missing You

Date: September 13, 2011 14:10

To: Christian Grey



Anastasia Grey

Commissioning Editor, SIP

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Missing You

Date: September 13, 2011 14:14

To: Anastasia Grey

Are you okay?

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprise Holdings Inc.

I read over the email not knowing what to say. I don't even know the answer to his question, am I okay? We've been through this before and we got through it. Christian is going to freak out. I consider just not telling him for a moment and quickly dismiss that idea. I need to get out of here. I walk out of my office and find Hannah making coffee.

"I'm going to go get some food, do you want anything?" I ask her as I peek my head into the room.

"Oh, no thank you." She says giving me a shy smile. I really hope my mini meltdown didn't ruin Hannah and I's friendship.

"I'll get you something anyway, we can share a sub?" I say enthusiastically with a genuine smile. I see Hannah's expression brighten instantly and I am reassured that Hannah and I are still okay.

"Thank you. I'll take your calls, and meet you in your office when you get back." She says sounding like an excited school girl. I make my way out the door and see Sawyer across the street in a café. I can't let him see me I need to be alone to clear my mind. I duck my head low and briskly walk down the street, luckily he doesn't notice me. Hopefully Christian doesn't find out about this he'd fire Sawyer. I make my way slowly to the Subway going over the events of this morning in my head.

"You could've been pregnant. You could've been pregnant. YOU. COULD. HAVE. BEEN. PREGNANT." My conscious screams at me. I continue to replay everything that has happened today, Dr. Greene, and Ray. I snap back to reality as I notice the smell of sandwiches. I've reached my destination and not even noticed, you are out of it Grey. Luckily the Subway is nearly empty except for some young teens quickly chatting away, and I notice that all of them are staring at me. I uncomfortably shift and order my sub. I move down the sandwich bar to the cashier to pay for Hannah and I's sub, but I notice out of the corner of my eye one of the teenagers approaching me.

"Are you Anastasia Steele, I mean? Grey, by any chance?" The young teen says with an anxious grin. I look at the young girl closely, she looks innocent no danger here.

"Yes I am." I say confidently. "Not for long if you keep almost getting pregnant!" My conscious says, I ignore her.

"NO. WAY!" The teen yells. "Guys it really is her!" The teen squeals as she turns to her friends. I look over her shoulder to her friends they're smartly dressed probably high school seniors. I awkwardly wave at the group who was now getting up and walking over to me and their squealing friend. One by one they all begin to introduce themselves, they are fans of Christian.

"Mr. Grey is such and inspiration! To build such an empire at so young." Says Sarah, the girl I first spoke too. I smile broadly proud to know he's all mine.

"Yes, he is… Something." I say to all of them. They are all starry eyed I chat a bit more with them, and before I know it I am sitting down having a full on conversation with these aspiring young business tycoons. This is so… Normal. I check the time on my Blackberry holy cow 3:45! I've been here so long!

"I have to get going. It was nice to meet you all!" I say, and I'm surprisingly sad to be leaving them, to be leaving normal conversation. Once I walk out of this Subway it'll be back to Fifty shades of fucked up. They wave goodbye, and I quickly exit so I can get back to SIP before Sawyer notices that I'm gone and alerts Christian.

As I walk into SIP, I find Hannah and we head into my office.

"You had quite a few calls while you were gone." Hannah says as she shuts the door and sits down. I automatically know that it was Christian. I haven't emailed him, or called him. He's probably worried, but I just can't talk to him yet.

"Really? From who?" I ask innocently, masking the fact that I'm already one hundred percent sure they were all Christian. I take out our sub and hand Hannah her half.

"Christian Grey." She says simply as she takes a bite out of her sub. I take a bite out of mine and she begins to fill me in on the office gossip, apparently Claire has been up to no good with her man hunt. We continue talking and time flies by, by the time I know it it's time to go. I moan internally, knowing that I have to face Christian and his rage. I say goodbye to Hannah and head outside where the Audi awaits me. Taylor gets out of to open the door for me as I approach the car slowly.

"Hello Taylor." I say brightly, as I climb in not facing Christian. Almost instantly I awkward and uncomfortable. I'm not sure how I'm going to get through this car ride, or the rest of this day!

"Ana." Taylor nods, as he shuts the door and climbs into the driver's seat. We slowly start in the direction of Escala. I can feel his eyes on me, Christian is staring at me. Maybe he's expecting me to say something, my throat goes dry. I pull out my Blackberry and begin to type a text message to Kate. I never text people, but I don't know what to do with myself at the moment.

"Taylor, could you put on the radio please?" I ask quietly, avoiding all contact with the intimidating being sitting right next to me.

"Yes, Mrs. Grey." Taylor says as Adele's "Rolling in the Deep" surrounds us. I bob my head to the beat as I continue texting Kate asking her about her day. I look secretly at Christian and to my astonishment he is also on his phone. I would've thought he would at least… I don't know? Speak to me? I put away my phone and look out the window the rest of the ride.

We get home and I quickly retreat to the kitchen knowing Mrs. Jones is here this should save me for a while. I can't be alone with Fifty right now I can't tell him how close we came to becoming parents.

"Hello Ana, what would you like to have?" She says cautiously, obviously she can sense the tension between Christian and I and is curious.

"I'll just have a glass of wine please." I say. My inner goddess shakes her head at me. Mrs. Jones hands me a full glass, Mrs. Jones and I are on the same page certainly.

"And for you Mr. Grey?" She says smiling broadly, probably trying to lighten the mood.

"Mac and Cheese?" He says briskly. Mrs. Jones nods her head, and quickly scurries away to warm it up. I concentrate on drinking the whole glass, and not looking up at Fifty. Mrs. Jones hands Christian his food, and Christian dismisses her. Gail refills my glass and gives me a smile then retires to her room. I down my second glass quickly mentally preparing for my escape from the kitchen. I set the glass down, get out of my seat, and walk to the bedroom. I change into one of Fifty's shirts and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I splash some water on my face to calm myself down. "Get a grip! It's not a big deal you're thinking too much. Just tell him!" I yell at myself. I lift my head and slowly open my eyes to grab a towel, I jump as I look back into the mirror. Christian has appeared over my shoulder in the mirror, and he is staring at me. Grey eyes piercing into my soul his look is so intense I have to look away just to keep my wits.

"Are you going to tell me why you ignored all my calls and emails today?" He snaps. I turn to face him and I'm sort of irritated at him for snapping at me. My father is in the hospital, I could've been pregnant, my former boss is a psycho, and he's snapping at me?! I don't need this right now.

"I was busy." I say as I shrug and exit the bathroom. I hear him following me immediately I know this isn't going to be an easy argument. But surprisingly I don't care, I'm going through a lot and me taking time for myself isn't a crime.

"You're leaving." He chokes. I spin around quickly to see a frightened pale faced Christian.

"What?! No! Christian It's just been a rough day." I say searching his face as I try to tell what he's thinking. I walk over to the bed and laydown; I pat the place next to me signaling Christian to come. I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose, a habit I've gotten from Christian. I feel him move onto the bed. Well, it's now or never.

"I could've been pregnant." I blurt out. He stills immediately. I squeeze my eyes shut, preparing for the worst. I feel Christian grow cold next to me and for a second I think he's stopped breathing.

"WHAT! How could you be so fucking stupid, again?!" He yells as he jumps off the bed. I open my eyes slowly. I was frightened by his reaction, but I can't let that show or I won't be able to hold up my end of this soon to be argument.

"Your shot?!" He snarls at me as his eyes bore into me. I can't tell him about Hannah, he'll have her fired.

"I erm… Don't know?" Is all I can manage to squeak out.

"Fuck this! I swear you do this shit on purpose just when things are getting good!" He says, and his words wound me deeply, does he really think that little of me that I would purposely get knocked up on purpose? What have I ever done to make him think that. I feel tears well up in my eyes and my heart falls in my chest. Somewhere in the depths of my psyche I believe I expected a much more comforting response. I remember something Ray told me as a kid. "If a situation is too tight, leave it to unwind." That's exactly what I'll do; I'm not leaving just going out I can't be here right now. I sit up and hop out of bed. I see Christian putting on his shoes; he's one step ahead of me. I throw on some jeans and converse and a pull over jacket. I grab my car keys and step into the foyer, and press the elevator button. Christian immediately spins around bewildered. His mouth falls open, and the sound of him dropping his suit jacket seemed to fill the room. I step into the elevator and press the garage button without hesitation.

"Ana!" He shouts, as he sprints towards the closing elevator.

"Don't bother." I say as the doors slide close

'Ana no! You're leaving me?!" He says as he pounds on the now closed doors. I close my eyes. Is that what I'm doing? Leaving? No. I'm coming back of course, I love him.

I run into the garage aware that Christian is probably following me. I unlock my Saab and climb in. As I wait for the garage door to lift I see Christian jump into his R8 I floor it and speed into the street. I pass three lights, I look into my rearview mirror and see he's been caught by the first light I passed. I speed off in the direction of Kate's apartment somewhere he doesn't have the authority to follow me into. My eyes cloud due to the tears I've been holding in. I slowly pull into Kate's apartment complex and drive into the underground parking garage. I turn of the engine and sob into the steering wheel I said I would never leave and I haven't, but this feeling in my chest and the words Christian said there's no way I could stay.

"Ana?" I hear from outside my car. I lift my head and squint through my tears to see no one other than Elliott Grey.