Chapter 14:

Santana Lopez was indeed one very smart young woman, and while she may not have as much knowledge of all things lycan the way Brittany apparently did, she could by now identify a wolf growl.

There were three of them. She knew their names, like every person in school, but not much else. Sheila, Ronnie and The Mack, also known as The Skanks. McKinley, and Lima's very own girl-gang.

"Britt, do you know these ... people?" the latina asked, turning around to face the girls. She kept steady eye contact with their apparent leader, Sheila. "Because I think we need to talk about who your friends are, after this."

The girl stepped forward. Sheila was rather heavy, especially around the shoulders, and stared down at Santana with narrowed eyes. "This is our place," she snarled.

At this time, Santana noticed that all the girls were focused on her, rather than her blonde-haired friend. Hm, wonder what that's about?

"Sorry," she said, feigning disinterest by studying her nails. "We must've gotten lost." She grabbed Brittany's hand, intending to leave. "Have a nice whatever, anyway." But Brittany didn't budge.

"Britt, what're you doing?" Santana asked, growing more alarmed as the three girls (werewolves?) moved closer to the cheerleaders. "We gotta go. Now!"

"What's your hurry, little Santi?" Ronnie spoke, smirking at the scowl she received. "Pierce is friends with one of our cubs. Maybe you wanna be friends too?" The other girls laughed at that, stepping closer and sniffing playfully at the by now thoroughly pissed off latina.

Santana glared at the still smirking Ronnie, before turning her gaze on Sheila and The Mack. "Okay, first of all don't ever call me that again. And I do mean ever. I'm pretty sure werewolves -or whatever the hell you are- can still feel it if I decide to go all Lima Heights on their asses." Unfortunately, this spirited response only caused the Skanks to burst out laughing some more.

It fell to Brittany to (once again) drag a frustrated and unwilling Santana away.

"Sanny, that was mean," she said at length. "Those girls are my friends, and they're really cool." The two Cheerios were back inside the school building by now, and were headed for the gym. "I know you'd like them too, if you gave them a chance."

"Those girls are freaks, B," Santana interrupted. "I don't want you hangin' out with them anymore, okay? They're dangerous." And that would have been that, at least as far as Santana was concerned. If only she had gained Quinn's invulnerability to the Brittany-pout.

"Ugh, no, not the pout," she whispered. "Fine, fine, whatever!" She threw her hands in the air in resignation, then had to stifle a squeal when Brittany grabbed her in a hug, and twirled them a few times. "Fine!" she yelled again, "just put me down now, please."

Brittany complied, grinning like a loon. "Sorry, San, I know you hate it when everyone at school think you have actual human emotions."

"And a despicable display it was," a cold voice interjected sardonically. The voice belonged to Sue Sylvester, Cheerios Coach. "Where is your other member and great disappointment? I haven't heard the sweet sounds of her striking terror into the hearts of innocent little freshman of late?" The tall blonde had her hands behind her back, and glared at Santana while waiting for an answer. As was typical, she completely ignored the third member of the Unholy Trinity.

"We were just gonna-"

"Don't care, Dominican Repulsive. Find her, and be in my office by the time I get there. You've been issued with new orders." From the glint in her eyes, Santana could tell that whatever crazy scheme Sylvester had cooked up, it would be in everyone's best interest if it failed.

"We'll be there, Coach."


If there was one thing Santana loved almost as much as breadsticks from Breadstix, getting one over on Quinn Fabray, her friendship with Brittany or the immense pleasure she derived from beating up lesser beings, it was being right. She kinda really wished she hadn't been right about this though.

"She finally did it. She's finally gone full-blown crazy."

They were shell-shocked, to say the least. Quinn had yet to speak, and Brittany had withdrawn into her head the minute Coach Sylvester closed the office door behind her three top Cheerios. Right now, the three girls were outside the music room. Inside they could hear the glee kids warbling their way through an eighties classic. This was not happening.

"This is not happening right now, is it?" Santana could practically feel her badass-ness fading the longer she stood in front of the music room's door. "Q, please, snap out of it," she appealed to her still catatonic Captain. "Don't make me say it, Fabray."

Brittany twirled around the two girls, waiting for them to decide whether they were committing social suicide or not. She was voting 'not'. The music and singing coming from the room sounded really nice to her, and besides this way Rachel wouldn't be able to run or hide from Q. Oh!

"Rachie's in there right now!"

The scene that greeted their dramatic entrance almost made Santana burst into laughter. Luckily she controlled herself, and only allowed a devilish smirk to curl around her lips. Her badass-ness was still intact.

Quinn was standing front and center, staring down the motley crew of Ladyface Hummel, WannaBeyonce, the glasses wearing gimp, some kinda goth chick, Finnept Hudson and the one and only Rachel Manhands Berry. Curly Schue was gaping like a fish in the corner, while the piano man (snark) was patiently waiting for his next direction. It was pure hilarity, and Santana was silently cracking up.

"Maybe this won't be a complete waste of my time after all."

A/N: I'm not entirely happy with this chapter, but I'm so stuck on this story! It's like trying to get bllod out of stone, seriously! But I refuse to give up. Enjoy, review, thanks!