DISCLAIMER: I own nothing. Hetalia and NCIS are the property of their respective owners.

"You wanted to see me... Director?" The silver haired man inquired, poking his head through the stainless steel doors.

"Ah, Gibbs," NCIS Director Leon Vance replied, motioning for him to take a seat. Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs entered the office and seated himself across the desk from his boss. Vance got straight to the point and told him, "We need to talk."
Gibbs groaned. "What now, Leon?" he asked, with a faintly (for him anyway) confrontational tone. Vance looked up and shook his head.

"Nothing like that, Jethro," he replied. "I spoke with Special Agent Torres at the Norfolk field office... and they have a problem." He looked intently at Gibbs, who just tilted his head, raised an eyebrow, and said nothing. Vance continued, "The problem is, the have a whole crop of probies and not enough experienced field agents."

"So you want to take my team to fill the gaps," Gibbs answered dryly.

"Only temporarily," Vance replied. "And we'll have some agents on loan from... other places."

"Other places?" Gibbs inquired skeptically. Vance sighed.

" Other countries. It's a little unorthodox, but they've all been extensively vetted and proven to be the best in their fields." Gibbs shrugged and headed for the door. "Anything else you care to tell me, Leon?" He asked.

"They'll be here this afternoon," Vance answered him. "Also, due to some threats originating in the Middle East, we're reinstating the Mossad liaison post. Their officer will also be here this afternoon..." Gibbs started to say something, but then Vance added, "She's been vetted too. No need to worry." Gibbs nodded and turned to leave the office.

"Gibbs," Vance called, and the other turned back to him.

"This is only temporary. You have my word." Gibbs exchanged a long look with Vance, then left to break the news to his team.

"They want us to do what?" Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo said incredulously.
"It's only for a little while, DiNozzo," Gibbs responded. Tony still didn't look convinced... the other two team members, Agent Tim McGee and Agent Ziva David, stared at each other in confusion before turning their eyes back to Gibbs.

"How long?" Ziva asked.

"Director didn't say," Gibbs answered.

"Why us, boss?" McGee asked in confusion.

"Because you all are the best the agency has," Gibbs replied, looking at them all one by one.

At that moment, the elevator "dinged" and four people exited, all bearing visitor passes: the first was a skinny, bespectacled young man with his blond hair in a bowl cut. Immediately following him was a short woman with long brown hair held back on one side with a flower barrette. The third was a man of medium height with brown hair, hazel eyes, an odd curly cowlick that stuck out on the right side of his head, and a scowl that seemed etched into his face. Bringing up the rear was a woman who... surprisingly looked quite a bit like Ziva.

Vance, who had just come down from his office, greeted the group of new arrivals. "Welcome to the Navy Yard," he told them pleasantly. They all greeted him politely in return, and then Vance turned to his regular agents.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce to you Agents Von Bock, Hedervary, and Vargas," they each stepped forward as their name was called, "and also, due to some... activity in the Middle East, our Mossad liaison, Officer..."

"Eilat?" Ziva gasped. The young woman smiled.

"Hello Ziva... you look wonderful," she answered. "America is a wonderful land... I can see that this country has been good to you." Ziva rushed forward and hugged her tightly.

"You two already know each other?" the perpetually nosy Tony asked.

"Of course we do," Ziva exclaimed excitedly. "She's my..." the other woman frowned a little, and Ziva hurriedly added, "friend from my school days." Vance continued on where he had left off, "Mossad Officer Eilat Hatikvah. Now, as you may have already heard, this is only a temporary situation," and here he looked at Ziva, Tony and McGee. "Agent Torres needs your help, and you are the best of the best."

"And we will do our best Director," Ziva replied.

"At least I'm not going back to agent afloat," Tony grumbled. McGee by now was already quietly chatting with Agent Von Bock (whose first name, everyone soon discovered, was Eduard).

"In addition, we will have a forensic specialist and medical examiner on loan to assist Miss Sciuto and Dr Mallard, due to our suddenly increased caseload," Vance added, silencing everyone...

"Abby's gonna love that," McGee remarked wryly. Gibbs looked at Vance with his eyebrows raised as if to say, "And you were going to tell me that when, Leon?"

"All right," Vance declared, finishing the conversation. "DiNozzo, McGee, David... you'll report to Norfolk first thing tomorrow. Von Bock, Hedervary, Vargas... report here, tomorrow, 0700 and Agent Gibbs will brief you." He nodded abruptly and climbed the stairs to his office.


"So, Agent..." Tony began, addressing the Hungarian woman.

"Hedervary," she replied with a pleasant smile. "Erszebet Hedervary, but everyone just calls me Erszi or Liz." Tony took her right hand and kissed it... Ziva rolled her eyes.

"What do you think of America, Liz?" Tony continued with his most charming grin. Von Bock looked up from his conversation with McGee and chuckled. Even Agent Vargas, who was standing off to the side by himself, uttered a small snicker.

"Oh, I've been here plenty of times... here in D.C., New York... I know the area well," Erszi replied pleasantly.

"So sightseeing wouldn't be your thing," Tony said, arching an eyebrow. "So... would dinner interest you?" Erszi laughed, as did Eduard and Vargas...

"Well, I'd have to check with my husband," she answered sweetly, lifting her left hand to brush a strand of hair away from her face. On her ring finger sparkled a fairly sizeable diamond. "I'm not entirely sure what his schedule is yet."

"What does your husband do for a living, Erszi?" Ziva asked, stepping closer to the other woman.

"Oh," Erszi exclaimed. "He's helping your forensic scientist... Annie? Abby?"

"Abby," McGee answered.

"Yes, that's right," Erszi answered. "He may have already gone to the lab..."

Eilat joined Erszi and Ziva and the three female agents began chit-chatting, Ziva telling Erszi and Eilat about Abby. "You'll both like her I think..."

Eduard and McGee were enthusiastically discussing online gaming, so Tony decided to converse with Vargas. "So, what's your story?" he asked the other man.

Vargas scowled a little and replied, "I guess I'm here to fill in for you..." Tony's ears perked up when he heard the Italian accent.

"Italiano?" Tony inquired in the aforementioned language... Vargas' face brightened a little.

"Si," he replied. "Il mio nome Lovino." Tony grinned and answered, "E 'un piacere conoscerla, Lovino...Quale parte d'Italia sei?"

"Roma," Lovino replied. "Ma io ho un fratello che vive a Venezia."

"Well, Lovino... I think you and I need to go hit Arlecchino's sometime," Tony told him, lightly punching his shoulder. "Good food... real Italian food... and the prettiest waitresses in the Metro area..."

"Che suona bene," Lovino responded, eyes twinkling.

O0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o

Okay... you really need to be somewhat familiar with the TV program NCIS to understand the dynamics in the office here. I tried to choose countries that somewhat matched the agents in the office. Tony and Romano- both Italians that like expensive stuff, are incurable flirts, and can't take a joke when the joke's on them. Ziva and Hungary- never underestimate them because they're pretty or they'll mop the floor with you. Estonia and McGee- technogeeks. And no, this is not an AU... Hungary, Estonia and Romano ARE nations. Also appearing will be: Poland who will be assisting Abby- do I even have to explain it? and England with Ducky. America will also be central to the plot... but you'll have to keep reading to find out why.

The Mossad officer is Israel. Her first name, Eilat, is a girl's name that means "grove of tall trees". It's also the name of a port city in the south of the country. Her last name, strictly speaking, I don't think is a "real" last name... but it is the title of Israel's national anthem. So I opted to use it for her surname.

I'm going to throw out a little question with a prize for the answer: Ziva was a Mossad officer, and her father is director of the agency. So it's very possible that she would know who Eilat really is... what do you think she was going to say? Prize for the answer, but you have to guess right before I tell you what it is!

I do have to warn you that the whole story will be slightly cracked and there will be a few crack pairings throughout... but they won't be the main focus of the story. The only two sure ones will be America/Israel and established Poland/Hungary... (yeah, I know... I ship AusHun hard... but I needed someone to match Abby, okay? And I thought the fabulous Polskidoodle was a better fit.) Any others will be one-sided.

So, I hope you enjoy. I think it will be fun.