It was late at night, and once again, Harry found himself in the library's restricted section. He and Hermione (and Ron, he supposed, was doing his best to help) were doing everything they could to research Horcruxes, and they had exhausted the resources in the open parts of the library. He had removed his invisibility cloak so he could search easier and had only a single candle held up to the book's spines as he tried to read the faded titles. More often than not when he found one that was "readable" it was in another language and he was getting frustrated. Just as he reached for one of the unknown tomes, Harry heard a small scuffling sound and froze. Quickly blowing out his candle, Harry reached for his wand from his pocket but it was knocked from his hand as someone tackled him in the darkness. The two wrestled quietly for a whole five minutes, neither wanting to alert anyone to their presence. Harry felt his attacker's ragged and wild breathing in his ear and struggled only to find himself pinned. He strained his eyes looking up, trying to identify the person and felt a small shock as he recognized the shock of blonde-white hair on the boy who held him down.

"Malfoy!" he hissed, "You bastard! What the hell are you doing?"

"Potter?" Draco asked, uncertainly. For a moment Harry thought he sounded surprised and had loosened his hold, but Draco quickly redoubled his grip.

"Potter, what are you doing here?" Draco sneered, but Harry could pick out a hint of fear in his voice.

"Are you looking up more ways to murder people, Malfoy? I know you're the one who cursed Katie Bell!" Harry said loudly, only to have his mouth quickly covered by Draco's hand.

"You don't understand! No one understands! Just shut up Potter!" Draco growled.

"Malfoy, get off me or-"

"Or what, Potter? Your precious Dumbledore will come save you? Dumbledore is nothing but a loony, weak old man. Besides," Draco hissed twirling his wand and pointing it at Harry. "I don't think you're going, or doing anything anytime soon." Harry felt his body stiffen as Draco placed the full bodybind curse on him. Draco leaned down looking into Harry's eyes, their noses almost touching. Harry stared back into Draco's grey- silver ones and felt his heart race; go how he hated Malfoy!

"You really hate me, don't you?" Draco's eyes softened and Harry wondered if he was a Legilimens. "You don't understand, I have to , there is no other one understands," Draco closed his eyes and Harry could just make out the light catching on what he thought might have been tears.

"I wish someone would understand," Draco whispered, "I wish you..." he trailed off and leaned down slowly, just barely brushing his lips against Harry's. Harry was able to register the smallest of sparks when a noise echoed through the Library and Draco jumped, startled. He quickly scurried off of Harry and ran away, leaving Harry petrified on the Library floor.

Harry spent the next few hours attempting the silent counter-curse in his mind. He was relieved when, in the early hours of the morning, Ron showed up and freed him.

"Blimey Harry, what happened? Hermione was worried you didn't come back last night and told me where you were," Ron said, looking around and picked up Harry's wand, handing it to him.

"Malfoy attacked me" Harry groaned, sitting up and taking his wand.

"That slimy git," Ron muttered. They grabbed the cloak and snuck their way back to the Gryffindor Common room.

All the while Harry wondered why he couldn't get the feel of Draco on top of him, or his lips, out of his mind.