Warning: This fiction contains yaoi (boy x boy) and specifically the couple Shadow Link x Vio according to the Four Swords manga. Rated M for later chapter, which will include some sex scenes (hopefully they will not go into the MA rating).

This is my first fanfiction I've gathered the courage to submit, mainly because of the small number of Legend of Zelda four swords manga fics out there, especially since it was such an amazing manga (to me at least). This first chapter is my interpretation of the moments before Shadow Link and Vio stopped being "partners". The rest that follows is a change in the original plot, simply skip to the next chapter if you don't want to read through all this (when I have it up).

"I'm serious Vio, for the first time... I feel like I have a real friend. Someone I can trust."

Those familiar words echoed in his mind as Vio stood there, frozen, right before he was about to smash the 'Dark Mirror' and rid the world of evil once and for all. He gripped his weapon tighter, trying to will himself into striking it. Forced visions of the glass smashing and his companions safe and sound came in his mind, but they too weren't enough. Shadow Link's statement made his limbs feel heavy and filled him with guilt. Suddenly, realisation hit him. By doing this, he would shatter the shadow's trust and in turn their partnership. Thinking over the consequences of this, he decided it wasn't a good plan and his grasp on the tool weakened. Finally, with a soft sigh, he gave up. However, just as he was about to lower his hammer, an odd voice startled him.

"What are you doing here?" It questioned, seemingly cheerful.

Started, the violet-clothed hero snapped his head around expecting to see a guard, or worse Shadow Link, behind him. Instead, an odd creature dressed in some sort of green leotard stared up at him curiously.

"Wh-who are you!?" Vio stuttered, all his muscles tense in preparation for a fight.

The thing merely turned to examine his clothes, clearly oblivious to Violet Link's current worries. It made some comment about how they'd changed and weren't the same as his but he no longer cared enough to listen fully, due to the realisation that the whatever-it-was wasn't a threat. About to turn around, dump his weapon, forget the ordeal and have some sleep; Vio explained that it was mistaken, adding on that it was probably Green as an afterthought in his mind and gestured for it for it to leave. Accompanying the gestures were encouraging "Shoo, shoo"'s, just in case it failed to understand. But rather than obeying his request, the green-clothed creature yelled in protest and then proceeded to annoy Vio further with demands of 'force gem's, a useful object to have in the Zelda world. Just about at his limit of irritation, the blonde Hylian growled in warning and prepared to force the big-nosed creature to leave.

"Get lost!" He yelled, swinging his hammer in the direction of the exasperating thing.

Landing smack on it and sending it flying with a satisfying whack, he sighed in relief. Brushing off some beads of sweat that had appeared with the earlier stress, his shoulders relaxed. Although, by a cruel twist of fate, it just happened to land on the previously fast asleep monster that had meant to be guarding the mirror.

"Rrrrr..." It thundered, having been shoved out of its comfortable slumber.

Yanking out his sword stored by his belt, he stood in his usual fighting stance, ready for battle. The one-eyed beast lumbered over, still blinking away sleep in it's half-awake state. With one easy slash of Vio's sword, the monster that had been towering over him, fell with a loud thump by his feet. His aqua-coloured eyes looked down at it, intelligent gaze calculating what to do next. Although, before his train of thought could develop any further, rustles filled the silence of his quiet musing. Frowning, he looked to the direction of it.

"Uh oh." Vio murmured, realising he was in deep trouble.

Thinking fast, he tossed his hammer over the edge before the new-comers could enter. Turning back around, he saw who it was and calmly faced Shadow link who met his gaze with piercing dark royal blue eyes.

"What's going on here!?" His voice boomed aggressively, processing the state of the room around his precious mirror.

Monsters similar to the cyclops Vio had just taken out stood behind him, clearly in a daze and also tired. The violet-clothed hero hoped he could use their sleepiness to his advantage, although he was in a pretty tight spot and was unsure if there was a point in denying the obvious.

"Why did you hit him?" The purple-haired Link asked, his tone non-accusing despite how the situation looked.

"I was examining the mirror and he just attacked!" Vio falsely explained, easily lying to his "partner". "I think he was sleep-walking." He added on, trying to be more convincing.

Regardless of his outward calm demeanour, the violet-clothed hero's stomach churned with agitation and he felt more guilt flow over him. He managed to hold his gaze though and nodding, Shadow Link seemed to accept this information and considered going back to his bed. Although, once again, fate seemed to have different ideas. A one-eyed creature that had happened to be sleeping where Vio threw his weapon, held up the hammer with a tear in it's eye and a sore spot on top of its head. The purple-haired Link examined this and his eyes widened.

"Someone was trying to brake the mirror!" He exclaimed holding up the weapon, considering who it could've been.

Vio felt more sweat forming but instead of giving in to panic, he reacted accordingly with his sharp mind.

"I saw a strange little man earlier." He claimed, his memory flashing back to the odd creature that had bothered him. "It might've been him." He continued, wondering what such a thing was doing there anyway.

Shadow Link thought this over but disagreed with the idea. He didn't know who this 'Little man' was and more importantly knew that, apart from the Links, few others would dare to damage any of Vaati's property.

"The last two heroes may have snuck in." The black-clothed shadow suggested, finding that to be a more likely reason.

"Yeah... That's probably it." He agreed, preferring to have it been the annoying thing earlier but relieved to not have been accused yet.

"Let's ask the mirror what they're up to." Shadow Link continued, placing his hand on the mirror.

Vio's eyes widened and a lone bead of sweat flowed freely down his cheek, he knew that what images flashed next would most likely shatter his "partner"'s trust for him. Sure enough, the three remaining heroes discussed what to do next and all in full view of Shadow Link. This included the green-clothed hero, the one he was meant to have killed. The purple-haired shadow stared in disbelief, as his sharp nails raked across the mirrors clear surface, leaving scratches in its wake and creating an unpleasant sound.

"Green!?" His voice filled with shock and anger at his arch-nemesis' clear survival. "How is he still alive!?" He screeched, bashing the mirror with his fist in his rage.

"I-I don't know." Vio replied, more droplets of sweat flowing down his face. "I'm sure I... Killed..." He trailed off, realising there was no point in arguing further.

How was that? Liked it? Hated it? Please share all of your opinions in the comments, hopefully guest reviews should be enabled! Constructive criticism is welcome as I'm a complete beginner at writing and need all the help I can get.