Author's Note: Really sorry for how long this took, eep. It's been years. Thank you to all those who wrote such kind reviews, you really motivated me to, after so long, actually come back and write another chapter… = v =; Ah, well. Chapter 1 of this gives me major embarrassment, honestly, how did anyone read that without cringing? Well, er, thank you again! ...I wonder if I should rewrite/update chapter 1 as well.

It was lunch time, and the day was pleasantly warm, not a cloud in the sky. As her other classmates milled in and out of the room, chattering, Miku remained in her seat, eyes turned to gaze out the window as she pondered the previous events. Len… calling Tei his girlfriend? It was really too surreal to be true. She must have brainwashed him or manipulated him in some way, right? Her hands subconsciously curled into fists, worried about what her poor Len might be going through at the hands of that violent creature masquerading as a classmate of hers. She didn't even notice someone coming towards her until she felt a comforting hand on her shoulder, causing her to nearly leap out of her chair in surprise. "L-Luka! Sorry, did you need anything?" she apologized, flustered. She had to keep it together…!

Luka looked down at her friend, concerned. "Nothing in particular, we just usually eat together, don't we? I was waiting at our usual spot, but you didn't come, so I thought I'd check on you." She gazed at Miku thoughtfully for a moment, blue eyes concentrated. "You okay?"

The teal-haired girl just laughed quietly in response, nodding sheepishly. "Sorry for forgetting, I'm fine! Just got a little distracted, I guess." Briskly standing up, she grabbed her lunchbox and followed Luka out the door, nearly bumping into the edge of it. Her friend raised an eyebrow, surprised at her unusual clumsiness, but shrugged and continued to walk. Together they climbed the staircases leading to the roof, dodging multiple clumps of classmates chattering animatedly on the steps and nearly tripping them. Miku hissed quietly as she was almost bumped into a wall, but any raised eyebrows in her direction were met with only her usual glowing smile. Sighing, she continued to follow Luka, and the two made their way out into the bright white expanse of the flat rooftop. Bounding out to the fence that behaved as a barrier between life and death, thoughts dramatic as ever, she let out a quiet laugh. "The weather is quite pleasant today, isn't it?"

"It certainly is," Luka replied with a faint smile of her own, glancing up into the cloudless sky of brightest blue. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Miku suddenly freeze, eyes wide, and she rushed to her side. "Miku…?" she cautiously prodded, not wanting to startle her.

Miku hesitated for a moment, blinked, and then turned to Luka. "Yes? Sorry," she laughed, wringing her hands together and trying to dispel the sweat that gathered between them in her nervousness. The pink-haired girl craned her neck slightly to try and spot what had distressed her friend (and what she was now trying so hard to ignore) and spotted Len and Tei, who were sitting together in another section of the roof, shielded from the wind by a wall. Letting out a small 'ah' of realization, she took Miku by the shoulders and led her over to the other side, where they sat down and began to eat, Miku with a little prompting before she hesitantly and dejectedly stabbed her salad with a fork, thinking over what she had seen.

Tei, violent and irritating, was sitting with Len, as cute and friendly as ever. "You remembered! I'm so happy!" the white-haired girl had exclaimed, nearly shaking with happiness as Len offered her a box with cucumber cut into bite-size pieces. "My favorite… I can't believe you remembered! Thank you so much!" Eyes nearly sparkling with tears, she enveloped Len in a tight hug, purring.

Contrary to Miku's wishes, the boy seemed absolutely content with this, reaching up and petting her hair. "Of course, Tei, why wouldn't I?" he murmured with a smile, closing his eyes. "Especially since we're… w-we're," he stuttered slightly, turning red. "G-Going out, aren't we?"

This reassurance of their social position only seemed to please Tei more, and she giggled quietly, releasing Len from her embrace. "Yes! I'm so glad! I won't let anyone get between us, okay? I'll never leave you!" she cried, clapping her hands together and beginning to eat her lunch, humming all the while.

Len picked his up as well, seeming to think for a moment before turning to Tei again. "But no hurting anyone, okay? I won't leave you, I won't abandon you. I… I really do love you! So please don't hurt anyone, they really don't mean any harm." Tei must have appeared slightly dismayed or worried, so he hastily began again. "Everyone at this school is really nice, okay? They won't hurt me. You'll get in trouble if you attack anyone… this includes Miku."

"B-But," Tei stuttered, twitching slightly and nearly dropping her lunch. "She was trying to take you from me! I can't… i-if you leave me I'll be alone again, and-" She was cut off by Len leaning towards her and resting his head on her shoulder with a sigh, and she gazed at him curiously. "Len?"

"I promise I won't leave you. I'll never leave you. You can trust me, okay? Miku's just a classmate, and you're very important to me."

Miku had been gently moved by Luka at about this moment, and her emotions whirled in a chaotic turmoil. Anger, worry, and fear surged through her as she sat next to Luka, who seemed calm aside from the infrequent looks she flashed towards her, no doubt checking on her. Luka was a kind person, but even then, the side of herself that Miku disliked brought itself forward. She's a nuisance. Getting in the way of her protection of Len. A bother. But she shook these thoughts away as best as she could, almost horrified by them. Luka was her best friend, the only one who she could really tell her thoughts to.

But her thoughts always traveled back to Len, and more specifically the presence of Tei next to Len. Why would he ever choose Tei over her? She was an excellent student, top of the class, loved by everyone. And Tei? Average at best, prone to violence and delinquent behavior, easily panicked to the point of needing to be excused from class, getting attached to people far too deeply and quickly to be okay. She just… wasn't normal, and Miku hated that Len would get involved with her in such an intimate way. Was she blackmailing him? Manipulating him? Forcing him to do this somehow? She curled her hands into fists, a low growl sprouting in the depths of her throat.

By the time the bell rang, her lunch had barely been picked at, and she had to bear witness to Len and Tei animatedly chatting about some sort of cartoon while they headed back to class. Beside her, Luka stood up as well, a concerned expression still prominent on her face. "...Are you okay, Miku?"

"I'm just fine, please don't worry, Luka! Everything will be fine."

What a damn lie. She would save Len if she had to fight Tei herself to do it. And so she began to walk with a heavy heart and clenched fists, determined to change her dear Len's future. She would be the victor. If Tei wanted to fight, she would declare war. Muttering to herself, she stormed off back to class.

Luka lagged a few steps behind her, sighing to herself. This couldn't lead to anything but trouble… and she supposed Miku would insert herself right into the center of it, just as she always had done. She did love attention a little too much.

The door slammed shut, and it was finally quiet.