"D'you see that constellation, Rose?"

Rose Tyler and the Doctor were lying on his spread-out coat on the apple grass outside of New New (New New New New New New New New New New New New New) York.

Rose looked to see where the Doctor was pointing. "You mean the Big Dipper?"

"Is that what you call it?" he mused, frowning.

"Well, yeah," Rose replied in amusement. "See, Doctor?" she said, tracing the shape so he could see what she meant. "Those four starts make up the cup, and those form the handle."

"That's the thing, though, Rose, they're not stars!"

"What?" She rolled onto her side to stare at him incredulously. "You're bonkers, you know that? How are they not stars?"

"Well," the Doctor said, getting that look on his face that Rose knew all too well. "All stars are just big balls of burning gas, billions and billions of miles away. But the 'Big Dipper,' as you call it, or more correctly, the Scyllica Ponderesa, is a network of heat-based packaging centers that create enormous amounts of thermal energy. The power plants are what we call Star Stations. Each one is basically a regular star that has been contained and used to harness light and heat for the production of renewable fuel."

"Ok, you lost me," Rose said, slightly dumbfounded. "What you're trying to say is that those stars…er, Star Stations are…"

"A giant power plant," the Doctor finished her thought. "Each sector, or star, is portioned off based on the level of heat it emits. The heat travels in waves, which meet and combine in the center of the network, creating enough energy to power the entire Earth until the sun burns out, and even after. Basically it's an enormous battery. It powers hundreds of planets surrounding it, and sends out packaged energy to smaller colonies and space stations. Ships can stop there to fuel up. Sort of like the rift in Cardiff, where we go to power up."

The Doctor finished his speech and let Rose absorb the information.

"All this time," she murmured, staring at the deceiving constellation. "I thought…" She trailed off then turned to the Doctor again. "Well, I thought a lot of things." Then she smiled. "Traveling with you changes a lot of the things I think."

The Doctor grinned and opened his arms. Rose snuggled onto his side and rested her head on his shoulder. They watched the sky awhile longer.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of this," Rose sighed. "Seeing new places, learning things I never thought possible…"

"That's good," replied the Doctor, "Because there's loads more to see. And I intend to show you all of it."

"I can't wait," Rose said and kissed his cheek.

They laid together for a long time on the apple grass outside of New New (New New New New New New New New New New New New New) York, until Rose fell asleep in The Doctor's arms.

The Doctor carried her gently back to the TARDIS.

A falling star streaked across the sky.