NOTES: This was written because I really wanted to read a "Steve Rogers and Maria Hill get together" fic. Only it started out as a Five Times fic, then took a sharp right into Stuck In The Middle Of Nowhere With Each Other before trying to head for Undercover Lovers. It nearly became an Avengers Try To Give Steve Dating Advice With Expected Results but managed to avoid that, and now I have no idea What Kind Of Story It Is. Other than that it's a Steve/Maria fic.

However, I believe I have learned that I really can't write romantic romance and not only fail miserably when I try, but create horrendous headaches for myself. Oh, and the muse likes terrorists and hostile takeovers in the middle of romantic scenes. She's a sick, twisted bunny.

A Woman Of Edges

I ain't never been nothin' but tough
All my edges have always been rough

~ Kellie Pickler 'Tough'~

The world is getting weirder by the week. Sometimes Steve thinks it's getting weirder by the hour. And then there are some things that feel so familiar, he just wants to curl up in them and forget that he's seventy years out of time.

" with the knowledge that your team-mates were en route, you decided that the for-want-of-a-better-word-we're-calling-it-a-dragon needed taking on right that instant?"

His brain feels slightly fuzzy, but his eyes are working perfectly well – and his ears, more's the pity. And Steve's pretty sure that he's been here before. Maybe when he was six or seven and being told off by Miss Millard back in Brooklyn for...something he no longer remembers.

It's that blend of stern martinet and exasperated adult which Lieutenant Hill does so impressively - and impassively.

Steve's never seen a woman do scathing with such clipped coolness.

You always wanted to be a soldier and now you are - just like all the rest.

Oh, wait. He has.

And, if he thinks about it, he had a small crush on Miss Millard back when he was seven, too.

Lieutenant Hill has paused for breath, and perhaps it's the poison in his system and maybe he's been hanging around Stark too long, but what comes out of Steve's mouth isn't even close to contrition.

"I didn't know you cared, Lieutenant."

The look she gives him would scorch desert sand, but her voice is crisp and biting. "Captain, you're a useful tool, and one which SHIELD isn't minded to lose the use of. As such, your physical, mental, and emotional well being is our concern. So yes," she agrees with infuriating calm, "I care."

Movement behind her catches Steve's eye - Stark and Barton at the window, with Stark mouthing, 'Need a rescue from the iron SHIELD maiden?' Barton murmurs something to Stark, who rears back as though in alarm.

And Lieutenant Hill, realising she no longer has Steve's attention, turns to regard the window behind her. "And the peanut gallery arrives." She turns back to Steve. "Next time, Captain, try not to be so eager to get yourself killed."

She's all edges and lines, marble heart beneath linen uniform, steel will behind seafoam eyes...but there's a wryness in her voice and the shadow of a quirk to her mouth. After a moment of silence, in which she raises her brow, Steve realises he's staring and drops his gaze to her collar.

"Yes, ma'am."

She doesn't quite roll her eyes as she leaves, but Barton murmurs something and gets a shake of the head in answer.

"Such a merry little sunshine," says Stark a split-second behind the click of the door closing. "I've never understood her problem."

Steve's gaze meets Barton's whose mouth quirks as he shrugs. Stark's in that kind of a mood. Steve settles for saying, "She doesn't like superpowers."

"Really? And Fury's got her babysitting us?"

"Not all of us."

"Oh, that stings. Nice job, by the way. I never thought you had it in you." Stark smirks. "I'm referring, of course, to your limelight hog – the star spangled spandex looked great for the cameras, although I don't think Lieutenant Pill was very impressed with it."

Steve nearly retorts that he wasn't out to impress Lieutenant Hill, then sees the twinkle in Stark's eye and realises he's being baited.

"Are you okay?" Barton voices the question Stark hasn't actually asked yet.

"Even after the dressing down by the Pill?"

"I'm fine." He still feels a little light-headed – just because his metabolism works faster than any human's doesn't mean he's not susceptible to poisons. They just don't affect him as much - and he wears off the effects faster. "And the Lieutenant was just doing her job, Stark."

"I thought her job was to be Fury's echo chamber."

Barton snorted, leaning one hip against the foot of the bed. "Hill will go up against Fury if she thinks it's warranted. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's impressive."

"Really? She thinks?"

"Stark." Steve frowns at Tony. "Let it go."

"I'm just saying-"

"You always are," Steve retorts. "Leave it."

"He's very protective," Stark says to Barton, as though in explanation.

"I'm seeing that." Barton studies Steve for a moment, then shrugs, as though it's of no importance. And it's not. Steve just doesn't like seeing Lieutenant Hill mocked by Stark when she's in no position to retort. It's fairness, plain and simple. "We actually came to break you out of here, Cap. You interested?"

There's something about the way Barton says it. Steve narrows his eyes. "Do I want to know what you've done - or are about to do?"

"Probably not." The smile slides onto the archer's face. "But it'll be fun."

'Fun' involves a medical emergency that Stark assures them is real but not dangerous; Barton playing decoy at least once; and Natasha sitting in the shuttle cockpit with her legs stretched out, calmly ticking off the pre-flight checks.

But the part Steve enjoys most is when Natasha is reporting their shuttle flight outbound for San Francisco, and the cool female voice at the other end gives them the go-ahead without hesitating. "Shuttle 413, you are cleared for takeoff to San Francisco. Keep to starboard on the outbound, and tell Rogers not to fight any more dragons while he's out on the West Coast. Or, if he must, at least call Stark in to play sidekick."

Stark turns to stare at the cockpit, with a rare look of astonishment on his face. Steve grins all the way to the mainland.
