DISCLAIMER: NCIS is not mine.

AN. This chapter is for my friend Kelly for her birthday. Happy birthday Kel!


By the time Tony and Jemma were completely moved in, Jemma had only three weeks until her due date.

They'd settled in well, and the transition had been much smoother than Tony had expected. They had compromised between Tony and Jemma's furniture and Gibbs, who had acknowledged much of his furniture was severely outdated and Tony and Jemma had some much nicer things- their couch, for example.

Jemma and Gibbs did the cooking, Tony did the cleaning after- although Gibbs usually helped, especially on nights Jemma had cooked. It was mostly little things they had to work out between them, such as who would handle the grocery shopping and bills. Tony and Jemma wanted to handle them, as there were three (almost four) of them and only one of Gibbs, but Gibbs insisted he wasn't destitute and hadn't invited them to move in so they could pay for his bills.

Ultimately, they agreed that Tony and Jemma would handle the bills, and Gibbs the grocery shopping and they all assisted with the housework.

It took very little time for the DiNozzo's to feel as though Gibbs' home was theirs. Jemma and Tony had told AJ from the very beginning that the basement was specifically for Uncle Jethro, it was important to Tony that the space remain Gibbs' sanctuary. And whilst Gibbs appreciated that, he didn't mind when one or all of them would join him occassionally.

Alex thought living with his Uncle Jethro was the biggest thrill in the world, and loved the nights when Gibbs would tuck him in, which were more and more frequent as Jemma neared her due date.

Of course, it was major scuttlebutt around NCIS and even outside of it. A week after they'd officially moved in, Jemma was cooking dinner as Tony set the table and Gibbs had taken AJ down to the basement, when there was a knock on the door.

"I got it!" Tony called and opened the door- where Gibbs had installed a new lock, to find Fornell on the other side.

"Hey, Toby," he greeted him.

"DiNutso," Fornell replied, in his usual pronounciation. "Gibbs here?"

"Basement," Tony nodded and Fornell nodded knowingly.

Jemma appeared in the doorway just then, and she smiled, having only met Fornell a few times.

"Hello, Tobias."

"Hello, Jemma. How are you?" he asked warmly. He like Tony's wife, from the little he'd met her.

"I'm fine thanks," she answered. "Would you like to stay for dinner? We have plenty."

Fornell wasn't one to turn down an offer of a free meal, especially when he could smell it from where he stood. "I'd love to, I just came to see Gibbs."

"Tell him it'll be ready in about five minutes, would you please?" Jemma asked.

"I'll go Jem," Tony offered. "I'll take AJ out of the way and get him washed up."

So Fornell followed Tony down to the basement, where Gibbs was helping AJ sand the wood.

"Boss, you've got a visitor," he said as he trotted down the stairs, and Gibbs looked up to see Fornell.

"Hey, Tobias. What brings you by?"

"What, a guy can't make a social call?" Fornell asked innocently.

Tony grinned knowingly, having heard the two old friends banter for too long before. "Here, Boss- I'll take AJ. Grub's up in five."

Gibbs nodded and swung AJ over his shoulder as the little boy giggled. "Here you go, kid. Go to your dad."

Tony retrieved his son happily. "Say 'hi' to Agent Fornell, AJ."

"Hi," AJ said shyly, not really remembering the FBI agent.

Fornell had to grin, the little boy really was adorable. "I think 'Tobias' is fine, DiNutso. It's a lot for a kid his age to say."

Tony grinned wickedly. "Uncle Toby it is then," he proclaimed and left the basement before Fornell could protest.

Gibbs chuckled at his friend's facial expression. "If you're going to be around much, you may as well get used to it," he told him. "So, what's up Tobias?"

Fornell shrugged. "Word reached the FBI that you were living with DiNozzo. I thought it was just rumours, but here you are."

Gibbs was amused. "Yeah, here we are. You came all the way over to see if scuttlebutt was true?"

"Well, I realised I hadn't come seen you since you were in the hospital," Fornell admitted. "I meant to, but got caught up in a case. But this wasn't just any rumour, Gibbs. It really goes against that 'second B is for Bastard' image you've got going for you to hear you've let one of your agents and his family move in with you."

Gibbs shrugged. "Most people also know- I protect my people."

"And DiNutso's wife and kids- they're your people too?" Fornell asked in interest.

Gibbs nodded without hesitation. "Yep. They're family."

Fornell regarded him for a moment and then smiled. "That's nice, Gibbs. I'm glad you've got people to drag you out of the basement."

Gibbs rolled his eyes. "Did you already get invited for dinner?" he asked, figuring it was likely Jemma had asked him to stay.

"Yeah, Jemma asked me," Fornell nodded.

Gibbs nodded. "Let's go then."

The closer her due date neared, Jemma felt slightly more apprehensive. Gibbs, Tony and Jemma were trying to get AJ excited for becoming a big brother., but Jemma wasn't sure how Alex would take the arrival of his baby sister. He knew there was a baby in his mother's stomach, but Tony and Jemma weren't sure if he comprehended that the baby would soon be born- and was non-refundable.

Tony was of course, an only child and Jemma was the youngest, so they were relying on McGee's memories of before his sister Sarah had been born.

"I don't remember my mother being pregnant," he told Tony when he asked.

"I just remember being at school- I was in kindergarten, and my grandmother came and picked me up early and told me it was because I had to meet my little sister. And there was Sarah."

"But you got along okay?" Tony questioned.

"Because Jem grew up with too many stories from her brother about how he wanted to send her away when she was born, and she's worried about how AJ will feel about the baby," Tony explained.

"AJ will be fine, Tony, honestly," McGee smiled sympathetically.

But other than that, they were all ready. The nursery had been set up in Kelly's former room, and Lucy had flown in to spend time with her best friend and be there when the baby was born.

One beautiful warm July day, the team were reluctantly ploughing their way through a large pile of paperwork when his cell phone rang.

Leaping at the chance to abandon his work, Tony grabbed his phone.

"Very Special Agent, Anthony DiNozzo," he chirped happily into the phone. Then his chipper tone faded.

"Wait, what? When? Ok…. Ok. On my way."

He hung up and jumped to his feet.

"What's wrong?" Ziva asked, noting Tony's alarm.

"Jem's in labour," Tony explained hastily, grabbing his backpack. "Gotta go, I'll call when I know something."

He bolted for the elevator before they could say anything. Tony had thought he'd be calmer this time, having already gone through the experience once and with a lot less drama this time, but he still felt the same rush of panic he'd felt when Jemma had told him she was in labour with Alex.

He was mostly thankful that Jemma had not been alone- it was Lucy who called him, who assured him that she was taking Jemma to the hospital and would take care of Alex whilst Tony was with his wife.

When Tony finally reached the hospital, Jemma was six centimetres dilated and her contractions were four minutes apart.

"Where's Lucy?" Tony asked, after kissing his wife and reassuring himself that she was fine.

"She took AJ to the cafeteria," Jemma replied, wincing as another contraction hit. "You weren't in the middle of anything at work, were you?"

"Just paperwork," he assured her.

Jemma laughed, she knew how he felt about paperwork. "So, our daughter has good timing, then?"

"Perfect timing," Tony grinned.

He sat on the edge of her bed and kissed her temple. "You ready for this?"

"A little late if I'm not," she chuckled. Then she glanced at him slyly. "I don't suppose you've come around to the idea of naming her Elphaba?"

"No," Tony replied immediately.

Jemma sighed. "Oh well. It was worth a try."

Jemma's labour progressed smoothly over the next few hours, until finally the doctor looked up with a smile.

"Ok, guys, I can see the head. Are you ready to meet your daughter?"

Jemma let out a soft sob of anticipation and squeezed Tony's hand.

"We're ready," Tony nodded.

"Ok, now Jemma- push!"

Jemma gritted her teeth and did as ordered, clutching Tony's hand beyond breaking point. But he barely felt it, he was too focused on watching his daughter enter the world.

She was tiny, and Tony's first thought was that she looked exactly like Jemma. He had no conscious memory of cutting the cord, and the next thing he knew, the little girl was being placed in Jemma's arms and all three DiNozzo's in the room were crying.

"She's so beautiful," Jemma whispered, gazing at her face.

Tony kissed the top of her head. "She's perfect."

Jemma beamed up at him. "Do you want to go get AJ? While the nurses clean her up?"

Tony nodded, impatient for Alex to meet his baby sister. "Yeah, good idea. I'll be back in a minute."

He hurried out of the delivery room, drying his eyes as he did so. But he stopped dead in his tracks as he entered the waiting room to find a large crowd waiting for him. Lucy and AJ were there of course, as well as all of Team Gibbs and David, Jemma's brother and his wife Maggie.

"What are you all doing here?" he asked, drawing their attention.

"Tony!" Abby exclaimed, dashing up to hug him. "Is the baby here?"

"Yeah," Tony grinned ecstatically. "I said I would call-"

Gibbs interrupted with a scoff. "DiNozzo, do you really think Abby was going to let us sit around waiting for a phone call once she heard?"

"Good point," Tony admitted, taking Alex from Lucy into his arms.

"So, who wants to meet the newest DiNozzo?"

"Me!" Abby squealed so loud that Tony winced and the other people in the room stared at them.

"Come on, then," Tony said, and led the way back to Jemma.

Jemma looked faintly startled to see everyone enter the room, but as soon as they stepped over the threshold of the room, they fell silent, too transfixed by the small bundle in Jemma's arms.

Lucy and Abby were both crying quietly. "She's so beautiful!" Lucy whispered.

"What's her name?" Abby asked.

Jemma and Tony exchanged a glance before Jemma answered. "Everyone, this is Elizabeth Lucy Fae DiNozzo."

Lucy dissolved into fresh tears at the namesake, and Abby beamed as she leaned into McGee's side.

"That is a beautiful name," Ziva said warmly.

"Is she named after anyone?" McGee asked.

Tony cleared his throat. "Elizabeth is after my mom. Lucy is well… kind of obvious, and Fae was Jem's idea."

Jemma shrugged innocently. "I just like it."

Tony suspected there was more to it than that, but he hadn't been able to get it out of Jemma in the month since she'd suggested it.

Tony carefully lifted baby Elizabeth from Jemma's arms and turned to face their family.

"Who wants a hold?"

Of course, that was a dumb question, because everyone wanted a hold. As the baby was passed around, they discussed the seemingly endless list of nicknames that could be derived from Elizabeth, but no one could decide on which suited the little girl best.

Alex seemed fascinated by his little sister, and Abby, Ziva, Lucy and Tony all took dozens of photos on their cell phones as Jemma helped her son to hold the baby.

"Why don't we get a family shot?" Palmer suggested.

"Oh, Jimmy, I just had a baby. I look disgusting," Jemma protested.

"You look gorgeous," David assured his sister.

"That's my line," Tony complained good-naturedly.

Tony sat next to Jemma on the bed and lifted Alex onto his lap as Jemma repositioned Elizabeth in her arms for the requested family photo.

It was half an hour before Tony and Jemma found themselves alone with their newborn daughter.

"I kind of like Lizzie," Jemma mused.

"Lizzie…" Tony said aloud. "Maybe. That could work."

Jemma sighed. "I think we'll have to see what she grows into. Alex was so easy!"

"My mom usually went by Liz, but my father used to call her Bess. She can have more than one nickname, Jem. In a few years, she may choose her own."

Jemma made a murmur of agreement in her throat, before looking up at him.

"Are you happy?"

Tony chuckled and kissed her softly. "Honey, I couldn't be happier. I'm sitting on top of the world right now."

The End

AN. I felt bad, ending kind of similar to how I ended the first fic, but it tied in so nicely with the title and I couldn't think of anything else to write at the time.

Thank you all so much for your kind words throughout this fic! I had more than one comment asking for more NCIS fics, which is always flattering! It's not that I'm opposed to writing them, I just never had any ideas!

So, let me ask you- if I was to write more NCIS fics (not any time soon, I have a major long list of Wicked fics to finish first and a long-neglected Harry Potter one), what do you want to read? I don't want this to be like one of those movie franchises were they release another sequel and everyone is just like "really? Another one? Can't this story die already?"

But I was talking to a friend a little while ago, and for some reason this story came up, and we wondered whatever happened to Jemma's mother and if she'd ever try and find her daughter. Is that something anyone would be interested to read, or would you prefer something new? Let me know!