A/N: Disclaimer: I don't own twilight...

Ok, so I got this Idea from two stories I read... Hope you like it.

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Jacob's pov

Hi, I'm Jacob, or Jake, or Jakey. You see, my master... Bella, calls me many things. If you haven't guessed yet, I'm a dog. A great Dane, Irish setter mix. So I have long russett fur and am really big. I have a small problem. Bella's been bringing a guy around our apartment. Sometimes he spends the night and locks me out of the room then I hear wierd sounds later.

Well, I hate this guy. From what I hear his name is Edward. I always growl at him. He looks scared sometimes. He has green eyes and bronze hair... Lately he's been around my house a lot more than usual. They are packing up things in boxes. Edward always has like... light in his eyes when he looks at MY Bella. She's mine, and I think he wants her. I have to keep him away.

" Bella! Baby, Alice called. She wants to meet you for lunch to go over more wedding stuff.", Edward kissed my Bella. She groaned at the mention of wedding stuff. I don't know what a wedding is, but it looks stressfull.

" Fine... but I hope she doesn't keep me too long, I still have to pack and sort the rest of this stuff."

" How about I keep packing while you go to lunch with Alice. Take your time... Plus it'll give me and Jake some bonding time. Lord knows he still hates me.", Edward sighed. Bella giggled and kissed him on the cheek and pet my head. Then she left, leaving Edward and I by ourselves.

" Alright Jacob... Listen up. I love Bella. We are getting Married, which mean she won't be Bella Cullen anymore... She'll be Bella Masen. Then one day there might be a little baby in the house. We are moving to a bigger house. One with a bigger back yard for you to play in. Look, I know you hate me... but maybe ease up a bit cause I'm gonna be around for the rest of your life. Geez, I c an't believe I'm talking to a dog.", he shook his head and stood up... I still hated him.