A/N: Disclaimer: I don't own twilight.

So it looks like I'm going to be finishing up on this story... I really liked writing it, please check out some of my others if you liked this one... Anyway thank you.


Edward's POV

People say time flies when you're having fun. That's no lie. It seems like just yesterday I was seeing Bella for the first time. Aiden is ten now. Jacob died just after his ninth birthday and it was depressing for all of us. Jacob was Aiden's best friend, and in a way he was mine too. You'd think he hated me, but I think towards the end he started liking me. Bella bawled her eyes out. We decided he was a member of the family so we buried him in a pet cemetary and we go and visit him every month.

When Aiden was four we found out we were expecting again. This time we had a little baby girl. We named her Leighton Sophia Masen. She had Bella's mogagany locks and my green eyes. A year and a half later, we found out we were expecting again. This time it was a total shock. We had used almost all the forms of birth conrol there were. Nine months later the twins were born. A beautiful boy and gorgous girl. Our little boy was a carbon copy of me, we named him Emerson Henry Masen. Our little girl was a carbon copy of Bella, we named her Claire Rachel Masen.

Here we are today. Aiden is ten, Leighton is six and the twins are three.

Emmett married Rosalie. They are expecting their second child. Their first looks just like Rosalie with Emmett's attitude. She is five years old and her name is Lucy. Jasper married a woman named Maria. They were currently in the middle of a divorce though and fighting over the custody of their son Peter who is three and their daughter, Nettie, who is one. Alice is in her senior year of high school and is dating a boy named James. I believe he just asked my father for his blessing to propose to her after prom. All our parents retired and were living life freely and having some fun.

I looked down into my arms and smiled. I watched as the russet colored puppy squirmed in my arms. He would be a suprise to my family. I opened the door and all four of my kids ran over to me. Bella looked shocked as happy tears filled her eyes.

" Everyone, meet Jacob Jr.. I'm hoping he's going to fit into our family life...", I smiled as I'll always remember this moment with my family.

So, that's it. What did you guys think? Did you like reading this story as much as I liked writing it?