"Ma, if you don't just sit down already I'm going to send for Do'Shavir to escort you home."

The older woman scoffed, waving off the assisting hand of her youngest son and walking forward.

"That greying cat is the best threat you have? You could have promised to have Thorum come after me and maybe I would have hesitated for a second."

Kodlak sighed and ran a hand through his blonde hair, trying to ignore the growing headache in his skull. His mother was just too stubborn at times. On his left, his younger brother Vidar could only laugh and grin at the elderly woman.

"Thorum likes you too much, he'd never even give you a sideways glance."

"I know, and that's why I love him like a son. He, at least, listens to me," Kiin grumbled, finally taking Arvid's arm. He gave her a delicate smile and lead her over to the closest table where she could sit and watch.

"Ouch, right in the heart, Ma. Why not just stab me instead?"

"Oh, hush Vidar."

"Do you always bicker like children?" the familiar growl of the aforementioned cat interrupted, making all the boys stand at attention in front of their Harbinger.

"As long as they've all been alive," the elder woman replied, earning herself a glare from each of her sons.

"And I can only guess where they learned it from," Do'Shavir inquired, raising a bushy brow at her. Kiin scoffed once more.

"Vilkas watched over these boys too many times to count. I can only call myself lucky that they didn't end up as broody as him."

The two shared a chuckle together at that, remembering the sour man and how "thrilled" he had been when it came to watching the boys.

"Alright, I'll concede to that. But if you're done being a pain in the ass, we do have a ceremony to proceed with?"

Kiin just waved her hand, assenting to his simple request. With a breath of relief, Kiin's three boys smiled at her and each gave her a kiss on the cheek before making their way to the training grounds behind Jorrvaskr. After that, the rest of the Companions started to filter out, joining in the circle that had been made, reminiscent of when Dominae had participated in this.

Kiin chuckled at that and shook her head. Except it had never been as large as it was now, filled with new faces, all of which the woman remembered with clarity.

She and Do'Shavir had been the leading force behind the Companions for some time now, spreading their group's knowledge far and wide, welcoming all who wished for a better life here. It had been a long and tiring journey, but to see all these men and women here made it worth it.

Kiin's fingers brushed gently against the ring on her finger, tracing over the jewels like she had a million times before. Farkas would have been proud of what they had accomplished, and what was happening in front of her right now.

It wasn't very long after Kiin and Farkas found each other again that they had rushed off to Riften to the temple of Maura to marry, a small ceremony with only the inner circle and a few others that had been privy to the dark haired Nord's identity.

And not much longer after that, the two had brought to the world their first child. His head was haloed in familiar blonde hair with icy blue eyes to match that of each of his parents. They'd wept in joy over his welcome into the world and had named him Kodlak, after the man that had done so much for them.

After that, they'd had two more sons; Vidar, with grey hair like his mother's as well as stormy blue eyes, and Arvid, the youngest with light brown hair and ocean blue eyes. Those three were the best thing that the two could ever hope for, and raising them together, with the help of the other Companions, had been something that no one could ever forget.

Kodlak, the oldest, had found interest in his mother's teaching, and had become a Companion as soon as he could, spreading their word all across of Skyrim. During the ritual that was now taking place, he was going to replace Do'Shavir and herself in becoming Harbinger, and no one could have picked a better man to do so.

Vidar, the middle child, had come into this world wielding some of the most powerful magic Kiin had ever seen. He seemed to have an endless supply of it, and he had put it to good use. He had followed the priestesses around like a puppy and learned his healing magic from them. He was Skyrim's best healer, and had stationed himself in his home of Whiterun.

And Arvid? For now, he seemed to be living in the shadows of his older brother's, trying to find the place where he truly belonged. At times, he would become discouraged, but his brothers would always bring him back up, saying that he would find his true calling soon.

His mother already knew what that was, however, and she had said he was to meet with her fellow Greybeards in one week's time, under the guise that he was to run an errand for his elderly mother. But Kiin could feel the power in him, the blood that ran hot in his veins. He had the Voice, as well as the blood of a dragon.

Kiin smiled and cheered when Kodlak had been fully initiated as Harbinger, her heart soaring when his eyes found hers and shone with a happiness that all mother's wished for their children.

Yes, Farkas would have been proud of them all. Everyone would have been.

Kiin's eyes started to water as she remembered her friends, all that had come and gone. Aela hadn't even known all the boys before she had been taken from them. The civil war had claimed her life in its final battle, but she'd died with a smile on her face and Skjor's name on her lips.

Vilkas had been the next circle member to go, though many of the younger ones had gone before him, going on missions that they had never come back from. He'd become very ill, and no one had been able to help him. The day before his death, he'd pulled Kiin to his side and told her to take care of his brother. It was an easy promise to keep, and the Nord had kissed her brother on his fevered forehead, wishing him safe passage into the Hall of Valor before he passed.

For a while, it had been hard for Farkas to go about his daily life without his twin, the man that had been by his side for so long, but he had a job as a Companion and as a father, and he focused his grief into better things.

The day he didn't wake from his slumber next to Kiin had been the day that part of her had gone with him. When she woke, bundled in his arms, he was still warm, but had stopped breathing. All of Whiterun could hear the widow weeping, and the fire his body had been consumed in burned hot and blue, full of the love from his family and friends.

And now, here Kiin was, the last of the original Companions, watching as the new generation was continuing their work. No one would have been prouder than she was at this moment.

The three boys came up to her as soon as the circle had dispersed, grins pulling at their lips.

"What did you think of that?"

"It was alright, a little too complicated for my taste. Back in my day, we didn't have fancy rituals, we just passed on the torch," the mother teased, accepting their help to get out of her seat.

"Never happy, this woman," Vidar said in exasperation, though he still had his smile.

"Maybe when one of us becomes the King of Skyrim," Arvid offered, intertwining his arm with Kiin's.

"No, because then we'd never see her, and she'd just complain about that," Kodlak confirmed, making them all laugh.

"But in all honesty, boys," Kiin started, pausing them in their journey home, "I'm very proud, of all of you."

She turned to Kodlak then. "You will be a great Harbinger, and I know you'll continue to help the Companions grow more than they are right now."

Now she looked at Vidar. "Never doubt your skills in magic, my son. You have much to offer this world, never give up when something seems too much for you."

Finally, she turned to Arvid, who was waiting with wide eyes. "And you. There are great things in you yet, my young one. I know you don't believe me, but your mother knows more things than you realize. It will all start with your adventure to The Throat of the World."

They all had hugged her after that, saying their goodbyes and telling her that they would come and see her tomorrow.

When they found her in her room the next morning, she was already gone. Body curled around some old clothes of their fathers and her lips pressed against her wedding ring.

When Kiin woke up next, it wasn't in the familiar comfort of her bed. Hell, it wasn't even in the usual discomfort of her old bones. She rubbed her eyes, looking around. Her blue eyes widened when she realized where she was, and the man that stood before her.

"Welcome back, Savior of Sovngarde," Tsun welcomed, large form grinning down at her.

"Why am I here? Akatosh should have taken me back..." Kiin voiced, gasping when she realized she didn't sound like the elderly woman she had been for so long, but like the young woman she had been reborn as. Looking down at her body, she saw that she was, indeed, that woman.

"He said that you had done all the jobs he had ever asked of you. Now, don't you think you deserve some rest? There are lots of people waiting for you."

Without another moment of hesitation, Tsun escorted her into the hall, opening the door and making all eyes turn to her.

Lots of the faces greeting her were that of strangers, men and women who she had never met, but had died heroes. They passed her over once they realized that they had no idea who she was. But there was one large table that was hiding barely concealed joy.

Kiin brought a hand up to her mouth to try and keep her emotions in check when she saw them all.

Dominae raised her mug of ale to her, giving her a wink. Next to her, Lydia stood, looking nervous but smiling at her. They would have a lot to catch up on.

Kodlak was next in line, his familiar face gracing her with a smile that she had missed more than she had known. Vilkas was beside him, still looking sour as usual, but happy to see her. And finally...

Farkas didn't wait very long to make his way to her. Tears clouded his sight, but he made it to her none the less and wrapped her in his arms, kissing her the way she had been missing for far too long.

"Welcome back, my love. We've missed you."

AHHHH, this story is finally over. After years of writing, months of glaring at a computer screen when I had no motivation to write, and hours spent editing, it's finally done.

Thank you, everyone, who read this series and left their kind reviews. Thank you to the silent ones, who just read, but continued to give me something to write for. Thank you to my best friend, Suzy, who has helped me with this story since the very beginning. And a big shout out to all the people I asked for help when it came to this. just, THANK YOU.

I hope you all enjoyed this story from beginning to end. It's been a blast, but I'm glad it's finally finished. Kiin and Farkas deserve a good, happy ending.

But just because this story is over doesn't mean I'm done writing. I still have plenty of stories left in my head, and two more stories to finish up. If you guys have any questions for me, any head cannons for my characters, or want sneak peaks into the rest of my stories, you can follow me on tumblr. You can find me under withlovingregards where I plan to release behind the scenes stuff of my stories, plus art as well.

THANK YOU ALL ONCE AGAIN. I'll see you all on the other side.
