Draw you a terrible picture of us to put on your wall.


"You tell me to smile once more and I will castrate you."

Beck winced and adjusted his position to protect himself, knowing that his girlfriend could be completely serious. She had been in a bad mood all evening and his attempts to cheer her up had ultimately failed and resulted in insults flying from her lips as she nursed cups of coffee between her hands as she and Beck lay on her bed.

"Why are you even here?"Jade questioned, looking down at him as he rest his head on one of her black pillows at the head of her bed.

He shrugged, "I missed you."


Beck sighed and shook his head as he chuckled softly, "Plus, you're sad and I want to make you happy."

Jade said nothing and just sipped her coffee, savouring the taste and enjoying the feeling of the scalding liquid slipping down her throat and into her stomach. Coffee made her happy. That was enough. Beck sat up straight and pressed a kiss to her cheek, nuzzling his nose against her skin. He could practically feel her melting.

"Don't be sad," he breathed. He thought to himself for a moment before a smile spread across his lips as an idea popped into his mind, "I'm gonna draw you a picture of us," he smiled, climbing off her bed and searching for paper.

Jade groaned, "No, your drawings just make me sadder."

Beck gave her a mock-offended look before grabbing her notebook and a pen and sitting back down, "I am a fantastic artist, I'll have you know."

"Yeah, if fantastic now means horrifying."

He ignored her comment and clicked the pen in his hand before bringing it down to meet the paper. His tongue stuck out of his mouth in concentration as he stared down at the paper, watching the drawing slowly begin to emerge from the pen.

"And... Done!" he announced a good ten minutes later, clicking the pen and throwing it away, "Are you ready for this masterpiece?" he teased, raising an eyebrow at his girlfriend who just stared at him. He took that as an answer and flipped the paper over.

On the crisp white paper was the most basic drawing of two stick-people Jade had ever seen, but clearly a lot of effort had been put into it. As her eyes ran over it, a smile emerged on her face and soft giggles sounded from between her lips.

"See!" Beck cried, "You're laughing! I told you it would work!"

Jade shook her head as she laughed, "I'm laughing because it's so bad."

Beck pouted playfully before chuckling, "Whatever, It's fantastic," he said, reaching over and grabbing a small tack on Jade's nightstand before pinning the drawing to the wallpaper, smiling proudly.

"You're weird," Jade shook her head, staring at the drawing. A small smile played on her lips, "But you did cheer me up," she admitted.

Beck smiled and pressed his lips to hers, "I know.'