Narumi's Detective Agency


A few days had passed since the death of the Mother of Harlots. The Capital returned to a calm stat, which had, once again, made the agency very low on business. It was so boring, that Narumi had caught a bad cold.

He blew his nose in a tissue for the millionth time, his nostrils were cleaned only for a brief moment.

''It's the middle of spring, how did I caught a damn cold?'' Narumi sniffled to himself.

It was early morning when he woke up from the whole cold and couldn't go back to sleep with the pressure on his face. Now, his clock showed the time of six o'clock and ten minutes. On most occasions, he would see the youngster up and cleaning around the office.

Thar would be normal, in everyday except those pass weeks.

Since the death of Kizami, Raidou had distant himself from Narumi. Needless to say, it worried the older man. Of course, the kid was always quiet and shy, but he always answered to him by a head movement or a single word.

Now, he would all together Narumi or answer ; ''I don't know.'' Narumi couldn't help, but had the feeling Raidou was hiding something from him. The question was, how will he get it from the young devil summoner?

He could informed the Herald about this, but he felt the woman in black attire wouldn't help. The Kuzunoha are known to be very demanding and hard onto their apprentices in the summoner's world. Personally, Narumi sees Raidou as a man. With all the accomplishments he has done, the protector of the Capital couldn't be seen as a mere child. Unfortunately, not everyone agree with this point of view. It was unfortunate.

When Narumi had to sneeze, the phone rang at the same time. He didn't have the time to clean his stuffed nostrils when he answered in a sick tone.

''*ACHOO!* ...Narubi Detectiwe Agenby, Narubi speaking who bould I helbp you?'' He said it so quickly he didn't even notice his wobbling words.

''Good morning, Narumi. I hope the coffee was good this morning.''

Narumi recognized the voice on the receiver. It was detective Kazama. He passed a tissue over his nose for a minimal tidiness and Narumi suddenly turned serious.

''What do you want Kazama?'' Dry and intimidating voice, Narumi still has it even after the years.

''Don't get all sensible Narumi. I don't enjoy this call has much as you do, so I'll keep it brief.'' Narumi stayed quiet, Kazama took it as a understanding. ''We have a major issue in Sakuradayama. I'll need the help of your 'apprentice'.''

Narumi smirked and let out a faint chuckle. ''Do I really have a choice here?''

''We are aware your protege was on top of a suspect list for a series of double murder in the Capital.'' The detective in white can't believe what he was hearing. ''The deputy office turned a blind eye since, but I still have the power to make them arrest your boy under suspect for the murder. They still didn't caught the guy after all.''

''You son of a...'' Narumi was desperately trying to keep his calm, which was failing miserably. ''When?''

''I want him at Sakuradayama station at ten, today. On the clock.'' Strictly explained the black-mailer. ''He'll have all the information on site.''

A pause from Narumi. ''Alright, he'll met you there. And Kazama?'' The caller grunted in approval. ''If you try anything on Raidou, I'll make your life a living hell.'' Kazama was quiet, because he knew it was no empty threat. ''I'll hold my part and you better hold yours.''

''I may hate your face Shouhei, but I'm a man who keeps his words. Even to trash like you.'' The caller's voice didn't change a bit, he kept himself strong to Narumi. ''Nice talking to you. Good bye.''

On that, Kazama put down his phone and Narumi followed soon when a tone repeating on his receiver. Narumi looked at the time; six thirty. ''Maybe I should go and wake him up.''

He blew off his nose and walked toward Raidou's room. Once he found himself at the kid's door, Narumi took a deep breath and knock on the door. He should be awake at this time of the day.

''Raidou, get up I got a job for you!'' He hoped the summoner would wake up soon. He waited a few seconds, but heard no sounds from the other side. ''Raidou, wake up this instant!'' He knocked again, but harder. He waited a full minute and there was no noise behind the frame. The man in white bite his bottom lip, still no answer. ''Raidou?'' He knocked once, before he caught on a small noise.

It was Gouto, Raidou's companion, meowing at the top of his little lungs. And he never heard Gouto meowing like this before.

''Raidou, I'm coming in!'' He turned the knob and found it locked. Of course it was locked! The detective in white took a step back and gave one kick to the wooden frame. It gave him immediately, opening quickly, but not enough to make Narumi lose his footing.

The detective found himself in darkness, he turned on the lights to see the clean room and its occupants. Raidou was still on his mattress, still asleep and agitated. The black feline with emerald eyes was meowing endlessly at the young man, even trying the use of his paws to shake him. Narumi could tell by Raidou's facial expression he was dreaming. Not intense enough to be a nightmare, but it was enough to make frown and forming words without the sound coming out. It must not be a pleasant dream.

The elder in clean suit approach the young man and shocked him gently.

''Raidou, wake up.'' Narumi said in a concern tone. Gouto kept meowing behind him, unknown to Narumi he was ordering the young man to awake up. ''Raidou, wake up!'' Narumi shocked him harder, but to no avail. The detective felt powerless and he had to find another way to get Raidou out of this trance. He quickly got up and took a glass on the sink. He filled it with cold water and went back to the trapped dreamer with the glass. Unceremoniously, he shouted ; ''Wake up!'' and splashed the youngster's face with cold liquid.

Raidou gasped for air and coughed up some water in his mouth. He bolted up, still siting on the mattress. Both the man in white and black cat sighed in relief.

''Heavy sleeper, aren't you?'' Narumi asked with an amuse tone. ''Sorry for the cold shower, but it looked like you didn't enjoy whatever you were seeing.''

Raidou's coughs subdued and he only nodded, plus a faint 'thank you'. Narumi didn't ask why he thanked him, he'll get there eventually in time.

''I received a call from Kazama. He said he needs your help for something.'' Raidou looked at Narumi right in his eyes. ''No, he didn't tell me what it was about. But if you want my opinion,'' he bend to get the glass and put it back on the counter, ''it's probably demon-related.'' The youngster let out a 'yes' and followed Narumi by sight who was coming back to his side.

''Also Raidou,'' the young man's shoulders slightly stiff and gave a unblinkable stare at Narumi, ''be careful around Kazama. You know how he can be.'' He gave him a reassuring tap on the shoulder and walked away. ''10 o'clock, Sakuradayama's station.'' Narumi concluded before walking away and tried to close the door the best he could.

When the lazy superior sneezed loudly before closing the door of his office behind him, Gouto approached the boy who began to change his mattress's cover and bed sheets.

''Johei, this can't go on.'' The words of advise from the black feline were ignored.

''I was awoke too soon, Gouto.'' replied the young man with the fabrics in his arms.

''Maybe, but with each passing nights it's getting harder and harder to wake you up.'' Added Gouto who only wants the best for the summoner. ''Not to forget, you sleep longer every nights after the other.'' Raidou dropped the wet covers in a basket and went to the dresser to find other covers. ''I trust you Joheï.'' The boy nodded and continued his coverings in silence. ''I know you must be doing it because you have to, but I am in the right to ask you what you are doing in those dreams.''

Finally, Raidou finished to replace his bed's sheets and now began to dress up, in silence.

''Joheï, have you forgotten what the Herald has told you?'' The cat continued, now on the clean furniture and looked at the teenager. ''Even if you are a Kuzunoha, you can look for assistance outside the circle. Summoners can help each others, there is no...''

Raidou was done with his dressing and closed the dresser's doors a bit harder then usual. In response, Gouto stopped his comment and gave an angry stare at the young man.

''Don't ever interrupt me like a stubborn child, Fourteen.'' The feline rarely called Raidou by his lineage number, but when he does that's when the summoner step over a line.

''My apologizes.'' Excused himself with his forever static voice.

His companion let his anger cool down a bit before responding. ''Just, don't do it again.'' He replied and headed toward him. '' Sakuradayama's station?'' Raidou nodded. ''Then let's go.''