Poison catastrophe

Chapter 1

Harry let out a sigh as he finished cleaning the last cauldron for the detention he was serving. One he was serving unfairly because of his schoolyard rival Draco Malfoy.

Harry and Malfoy were caught fighting in the hallway by none other than the head of Slytherin house himself. Severus Snape.

Snape had believed the blonde Slithering when he said Harry has started the fight. So not only did Harry lose 10 house points but had to serve a detention.

Now hours after curfew Harry was done. Standing up from where he had slumped over he straightened out his back. He heard a few pops and felt much better. Cleaning cauldrons the Muggle way was hard work not that Harry wasn't used to hard work thanks to the Dursley's.

The raven-haired Gryffindor turned around to see Malfoy still working on a potion. What the potion was or how he got Snape to work on one so late Harry didn't know. He didn't know and didn't care to know.

"Tell Snape I'm done." Harry told Malfoy as he started to walk towards him.

Malfoy looked up for a moment before looking back at his potion. Harry walked over and stopped next to the desk. Looking and they both notice that it started to bubbling. "Is it supposed to do that?" Harry asked seconds before it exploded all over the both of them.

Both boys were covered in greenish blue water like substance. Just like when one taken a shower and some of the water absorbed into the skin so did the potion. Not only that but they swallowed a bit of it as well. When the explosion went off both boys screamed in fear. This caused their mouths to be open and allow some of the potion to end up in their mouths, which they automatically swallowed.

Snape came running and hearing their screams and the explosion "What happened?" He demanded of the two.

"I'm not sure Sir." the Raven-haired teen said as he pulled out his wand to start cleaning up the mess. "I was walking by when the potion started bubbling then exploded," Harry explained. He hopes Snape believed him.

"Draco?" Snape asked.

Malfoy who like Harry was cleaning the mess up just gave a nod. Malfoy was agreeing with Harry. To say Harry was shocked was an understatement. Snape didn't say anything for a moment. "I want you both to have Pomfrey check you out. Afterwards I want to a word with you Draco." Snape said before walking away.

Once they were both checked out, Harry made his way back to Gryffindor Tower. It was very late and he had classes in the morning. Luckily, he did have potions that day.

Over the next couple of months, neither Harry nor Draco noticed the changes take place within their own bodies. Because there was no pain or any other signs that their body was changing.

It was now the end of the school year and the closing was the day Harry dreaded the most during the school year. While most kids look forward to going home, Harry did not. After all, who would look forward to going home and becoming a house elf?

Harry had been at the Dursley's for a month. The moment he got there his stuff was locked in the cupboard under the stairs and he was placed to work. Harry got the normal treatment. Very little food or water just enough to keep them alive. Plus having all the chores to do. If he did not get his list of chores done, he was beat. This was the way things had always been for Harry and he was used to it.

However, this summer there was something new. It wasn't something that Harry even knew about. All he knew was that he wanted to sleep more and was hungrier than normal. It was getting harder and harder to wake up in the morning and he was falling asleep a lot faster. In addition, Harry was getting bolder in his stealing of food. It was never anything his relatives would miss boat was in large amounts. He could just never get full.

Right now Harry was in his room lying on his back. Because of the fact Harry tired so quickly Harry didn't even get half of his chores done. The fact that his just uncle off greatly. So the beating had been the worst yet. Even if he got beat to an inch of its life, nothing was broken. Something Harry was very grateful for. He wasn't sure how he would explain that when the Weasley's picked him up.

As the raven haired teen laid there he fought to stay awake. It was almost dinnertime and Harry would be expected to cook it. The last time he fell asleep his and dumped cold water on him. They complained about Harry dripping water all over her house. In fact it got him another beating.

Harry was about halfway through making dinner when he started to feel nauseous like he was going to throw up. As soon as he was done, Harry ran upstairs and into the bathroom. He made it just in time as he started to throw up. The mere smell of pork cooking sent him running.

Once he was done throwing up he leaned against the tub as he let out a groan. "Great now I'm getting sick." Harry thought to himself. Even if Harry was sick, he knew the Dursley's would not care. Harry would be expected to keep doing all his chores and if not he would still get his nightly beatings. This showed how much the Dursley's truly did care or not care for that matter for Harry.

It was now a few days before his birthday and Harry was getting scared. He didn't know what was wrong with himself. All he wanted to do was sleep and eat. He was also getting sick around dinnertime and couldn't handle the smell of pork. Plus he will start to gain weight even if he was throwing up nightly. If Harry didn't know any better he would've thought he was pregnant. But that was impossible for two reasons.

One he hadn't slept with anyone. True he had slept around with a few people, he had slept with both boys and girls but he always topped. Two and most importantly he was male. He just didn't have the right equipment to carry and deliver a child.

So Harry was confused as to what was wrong with himself. He only hope that when he saw Hermione space she would be able to figure out what was wrong with him. She was really the only one he felt he could talk to about this. True he could have gone to Molly or Arthur with this. Hell he could even go to Dumbledore over this. But his gut feeling was saying not to. For some reason he felt like he could not trust them. Hermione was the only one he felt he could.

It was a few days later. His 17th birthday. He had tried to stay up so they could see his birthday come in like he normally did but fell asleep. Luckily, he woke up before his relatives did. He gathered all his gifts before sending the house away with thank you notes attached. He went through his gifts and ate any sweets that were sent to him. After putting everything away he got dressed and waiting for his aunt Petunia to unlock the door. He couldn't wait to leave this place and never come back. From the note that he had gotten from the Weasley's he knew this would be around noon.

It was right around noon when there was a knock on the door. Harry rushed to answer he could wait hoping that it was the Weasley's. Harry opened the door and smiled at seeing Arthur Weasley standing there. "Ready to go?" He asked.

"Just need to get my things from the cupboard and upstairs." Harry said with a smile. Leaving Arthur to deal with the covert Harry ran upstairs to get his stuff. He gathered his owl cage, his father's invisible cloak, the photo album that he got during his first year, and any other valuable things. Once done he ran back downstairs and smiled up at Arthur. "I'm ready to leave now." Harry said excited to finally be leaving this place of hell.

Once everything was gather shrunk and placed in pockets they use a porky to the Burrow. When they got there Harry was lucky that he had not thrown up. He was able to keep his secret that he had not been feel well a secret for a bit longer.

Harry had a hard time around dinner that night but luckily, he didn't get sick. He did leave the table as soon as dinner was over and rushed to the nearest bathroom. He really hope Hermione could figure out what was wrong with him.

She did a few days later. The bushing brown hair girl had found the 17-year-old raven hair boy outside throwing up. Hermione had been worried as she rushed over to him. "Harry are you okay?" She had asked him once he was done throwing up. After using magic to freshen his breath, Harry looked up at her. Hermione could see how pale he looked. She also noticed that he seemed to have broken out in a cold sweat.

"I'm not sure what's wrong with me." Harry said as he then slowly explained to her all the symptoms he had been experiencing over the summer. He let out a size he listen to her lecture about going so long without being checked out by either a magical healer or a Muggle doctor. Hermione then ran a diagnostic spell to see if she could find out what was wrong with her friend. What she found out had shocked her and Harry could clearly see the shock on her face.

"Harry have you been sleeping with anyone lately?" She asked.

Harry blinked at the question. "Not lately. Why?"

"Well you're pregnant." She said in a whisper.

"WHAT?" Harry shouted. "That's in possible. I'm a guy and I always top." He stared at her. "Do the spell again." He told her thinking she had done the spell wrong. When the spell revealed the same thing, Harry just stood there stunned. "But how?" He asked.

"Maybe we should tell Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Maybe they could answer any and all questions that you have." Hermione suggested.

Harry shook his head no. "I don't want them to know. They will only run and tell Dumbledore and my gut is telling me not to trust him." Harry explained. He knew he should be able to trust Dumbledore but something was telling him not to. And whenever he got these gut feelings Harry would always trust them. True they may have gotten them into some trouble but most the time his gut feelings would keep them out of trouble.

"We've got a tell someone. You can't deal with this by yourself and I'm not qualified to help out." Hermione said with a sigh.

Harry gave a nod. He knew his friend was right. But before they made it boots they heard Molly's voice calling Harry inside. What they saw was a shock to all of them. They are standing in the living room were the Malfoys, Snape and Dumbledore. Before he could ask any questions, Dumbledore spoke. "Harry there's a few things we need to talk about." Dumbledore said to a shocked and stunned Harry.

A/N Here is my new story. I hope you all liked it. This story was a request from a fan. Please send in those reviews and I will see you all with the next chapter.
