Apologies for the break, but all writers have to take one every now and then, or else you'll wear out your mojo! Or at least, that's my belief. Anywho, that aside, I present to you another short one-shot.

Word Count: 360 words.


"See? This one says that he enjoys today's weather, he thinks it's a pleasant time of year, wouldn't you agree?" she asks as she pets the young creature that sits in her lap.

He nods and observes the wildlife around him, she continues to speak amongst the activity, "Well I am glad that you decided to come along with me this time, why don't you try talking to one of them? I'm sure they'd love to speak to someone with an aura as interesting as you!"

He shrugs, he doesn't really believe he's anything special.

"Nonsense! I believe you're interesting, and that raccoon over there seems to think that too, brilliant! Clear your mind, pick it up, and ask it something. Perhaps how it feels today?"

He listens to her, and thinks about nothing but the raccoon he holds in front of him. With all of his other thoughts disregarded, he closes his eyes and attempts to make communication. Seconds pass, and he opens to check for a response. The raccoon wasn't looking or doing anything different than before, and B mistakingly believes that he has failed in trying to talk to it.

Just as he's about to set the creature down, he hears a slight gag.

Dawn also hears it, and moves closer to him to check.

He narrows his eyes, suspicous of the raccoon's next move. The animal gags again, this time louder than before.

B has no time to dodge the line of fire as the raccoon regurgitates his entire morning breakfast in front of his face, he's really glad he kept his mouth closed.

Once the raccoon finishes, it jumps out of his arms and scurries off into the forest from whence it came. He wipes the sludge off of him, still shocked from the event. She taps his shoulder, and he turns to face her.

"Ookay...Well, most people never get it right on the first try anyways, on that note, he did tell me to thank you for getting rid of the blockade in his stomach! Now wasn't that nice of you?"

He makes a mental note to speak to squirrels next time instead.