A/N: Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new story! I have been playing with the idea of a Kono centered story for some time. In my mind her character could be so rock and roll in the show, it's just I feel like sometimes the writers of the show don't know how to write good female characters. This story is going to be my tribute to the kick ass, rock goddess that I am sure Kono could be.

Each chapter title will be a song, a lesson in my mind that Rock and Roll or musical genres that have influence the birth of rock and roll, have taught us. Or songs that may, in my mind, really suit Kono's personality, or Danny's because he's going to be my secondary character for this whole story. Steve and Chin will be there too, but I am partial to Danny so I can't write a story where he's not either main focus or really helping to push the main plot along.

As Always, I own nothing, but I must say: If Rock and Roll has Taught Us Anything…It's to Go Big or Go Home!

Chapter 1: This is a Man's World

This is a man's world, this is a man's world, but it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl…- James Brown

"Officer Kalakaua" was one of the lucky ones. Fresh out of the academy, she landed a position on the most prestigious law enforcement task force in the state.

From the outside it looked all bright, shiny and new, but Kono knew that all looks can be deceiving. Although it was the best thing to happen to lucky young Hawaiian, it was also the deepest into the darkness she'd ever imagined she would go.

Now, after four years on the job, with multiple experiences, good and bad, under her belt, and a renewed determination to become even better, Kono was starting to truly believe that she was meant to be an officer of the law for the rest of her life.

Just like many generations of her family.

Detective Danny Williams also knew just how lucky he was. When he'd first arrived in Hawaii he was determined to hate everything about the islands, but that had changed very quickly. He had been accepted, welcomed and inducted into a whole new family.

Danny knew the risks of the job, had lost a partner on the island already, and he faced them with dedication and loyalty to the people around him, who had held him up in times of trouble and who built him up in times of sorrow. Who loved him and whom he was sure would he would love for the remainder of his time on this earth.

But most of all he had watched and mentored a young rookie as she struggled to find herself, and fought her way through the first four years of her career in a predominantly male dominated profession. Danny believe that within the task force – with himself, Chin and Steve – Kono was treated fairly and as an equal, but he knew what was said about a woman on the force. He knew the troubles and hoops that they had to jump through, and he knew that it was always about proving themselves.

Danny also knew that men from all branches of HPD would have killed for her spot. Men with much more experience then Kono, but Steve McGarrett had brought the team together and had chosen Kono, just as he had chosen her cousin – who had been shunned by the force, and just as he had chosen Danny, who was a true outsider. They were the band of misfits on an island of forgotten toys, but they had always been ready and willing to serve and protect, without prejudice, without concern for their welfare, but with an undying dedication to justice and each other.

What people around them didn't know, however, was that Kono Kalakaua and Daniel Williams had developed a steadfast bond and a real connection between them. Their team had always meshed well but as a senior officer and detective, Danny had always seen it as his responsibility to help the rookie out.

On a personal level, Danny knew how Kono felt because he had gone through the same thing when he left everything he had loved and moved out to Hawaii. He had to start all over, from the bottom and work his way up – proving himself worthy of a job no one believed he should have gotten because he wasn't a native Hawaiian. Danny had gone from a successful Homicide detective, knowing his beat and the people of his community who trusted him, to being brand new and not worthy of the Hawaiians trust.

But Danny had fresh eyes, saw past the prejudice and the way of life, and saw only the justice that needed to be served. Kono, as a rookie, needed to develop those same eyes and look past the homeland she had always known to see the shadows of injustice that lurked just below the sunny surface. She had left behind her life as a professional surfer – due to her personal injuries – to take up her place in the family business, a business she really knew nothing about and for which she had developed her own prejudices.

The business or her family had always been police work, but her family had turned its back on one of its own. As far as Kono was concerned, Chin Ho had done nothing wrong. She believed him with all her heart and vowed never to leave his side. She became a cop, to an extent, to prove that Chin was innocent and as Danny came into their fold and Steve showed his loyalty, Kono came back around to the idea of being a cop for the sake of justice, but that didn't make her any less the woman on the force, and being pulled from the precinct to a task force without gaining the trust of the locals was enough to keep Danny's head just below the surface as well.

Kono and Danny were a team – broken but whole – and it was their job to stand up for one another, to help each other fit back into the puzzle that had become their lives.

Steve was a naval officer, he was a SEAL, and Kono was not. Steve knew where he fit in, in the world. Chin was a police officer, and a damn good one, but Kono was his cousin and so he would always have a place in his heart that forced him to protect her – and see her as the child he had watched grow up.

Danny, on the other hand, was new. An outsider, inside the profession, and Kono was a girl. In the hierarchies of the islands, and the force, they came into the game at the bottom of the totem pole and so they would prove themselves together. Kono, meanwhile, made it her business to see to it that Danny felt at home and welcomes, that he found his way in the Hawaiian light – and that he would one day see himself as Kama'aina and truly believe it, not just listen and laugh when others told him he was.

One morning, as it had been for many months, Danny got up early, loaded his surf board into the Camaro and headed to Kono's to pick her up. Almost since the beginning of their acquaintance and friendship, Kono had been teaching Danny how to surf, and in four years on the water, he was truly starting to excel. He arrived as the sun started to crest on the horizon and found Kono sitting on her front step with a very large, very heavy-looking, book in her hands and her board ready to go.

"Hey, Rookie," Danny stated as he stopped the car and got out.

"I'll always be the rookie won't I?" Kono asked as she picked up her board.

"Just as I'll always be 'Haole,'" Danny laughed. "Nah," he added with a smiled as he shook his head, "you'll only be the rookie until the Governor decides that we need more members of the team, again, and starts sending in fresh, young blood to be trained up in the McGarrett way."

Kono laughed at the thought, which was true.

"Then you'll become the Yoda to their Skywalker." Danny spoke metaphorically.

"Oh, does that make you my Yoda?" Kono giggled.

"No, I'm more of an Obi-Wan on the awesome teacher scale," Danny smiled.

"What's brought the geek on this morning?" Kono laughed.

"Star Wars marathon last night, through the rain storm, with McGarrett," Danny shrugged. "He likened us to the Luke, and his crew."

"Who does that make you R2-D2?" Kono mocked.

"Short jokes this early in the morning? Really? Have you been talking to McGarrett already?" Danny laughed. "I guess it didn't help that after he made the comment I likened him to Chewbacca, so I kinda deserved it."

Kono burst with laughed as she loaded her board into the Camaro as well.

"So, on a completely different note, what are you reading, young Jedi?"

"The manual" Kono confessed. "I'm thinking of taking my detectives exam. I have the time in with Five-O and the experience in investigation and homicide, so I think it's time to start adding to my qualifications."

"I agree," Danny stated and climbed back into the car.

"Do you think Chin will?" Kono asked seriously. "I mean, he's a lieutenant with HPD, but worked in the private sector before coming back to law enforcement and I'm just wondering if he wants to see me move through the ranks at HPD first. Do you think he wants to see me remain an officer?"

"I think your cousin only wants what is best for you and if that means becoming a detective, of a doctor, or a candlestick maker, he'll support you because it's what you want to do and Chin will always support you." Danny answered.

"And what about Steve?"

"Oh, trust me, Steve already believes you have well surpassed any tests or titles, or else he would have never chosen you for the task force in the first place. He knows your up for anything and loyal to Five-O."

"So am I doing this for self-gratification or titles?" Kono asked and the confusion was all over her face and her tone.

"Why are you second guessing yourself, Kono?" Danny asked with the kind of fatherly smile he usually saved for Grace. "You are selfless and loyal, and yet you are young and determined. You can do anything you put your mind too. So why would you ever doubt yourself?"

"I don't know," Kono sighed as Danny pulled the car to a stop at the beach and watched as the waves crashed to the shore.

"I tell you what, find a case to take point on and see it through to the very end. If you aren't happy with the outcome or your performance through the case, then maybe you need just a little more time, training and confidence. I'll help you with whatever you need, and I have your back – one hundred percent."

Kono smiled.

"Actually I have my eyes on a case and I think I have it pegged."

"Oh? Do tell," Danny stated excitedly.

"I will, just not now," Kono smiled. "You don't want to miss this surf, do you?"

"Lead on, my Jedi surf master." Danny answered and followed Kono into the ocean.

A/N: Comic moments brought to you by Star Wars. Time to get your geek on!