This is a longer version of my 'Perfect Summer Day Challenge' piece. 20 lines isn't a whole lot to work with.

Breeja sighed in pure bliss as she soaked up the rays on the beach, school and exams far behind her. This was looking like it was going to be the start of a pretty awesome summer.

"Sup, heterochrom?" Breeja cracked open her green eye and couldn't help but smirk. She loved this game.

"Not much Cas." She opened her blue eye to better admire his displeasure at her nickname for him. This game that she and Castiel played was one of her favorites. The constant sly remarks, the witty banter, the innuendoes; there was never a dull moment when she hung around with Castiel.

"I saw this shine from halfway down the beach and knew it was your reflectively white skin. I figured I stop by and make sure you applied proper sun protection." He crossed his arms and looked at her expectantly. Breeja couldn't help but appreciate his gorgeous beach bod.

"Awe, you do care about me! I've got some SPF 70 on right now. Did you put your sunscreen on, my little ginger? We wouldn't want you to burst into flames." She ran her fingers through her curly, bright blue hair waiting for his reaction. She did hope he'd come up with something good.

"You asked for it this time, heterochrom." Before she could bat her green and blue eyes, Castile had lifted her up and began carrying her toward the pounding blue waves. She squealed, shouting halfheartedly for him to 'put her down this instant'. If she was going to be honest, she loved all the attention from this delicious bad boy.

"Watch yourself," Castiel yelled as he plunged into an oncoming wave, his strong arms tightening around Breeja as they descended beneath the water. The two resurfaced Castiel still holding on to the small girl tightly. She wiggled in his grasp, attempting to free herself.

"Oh no, I still have plans for you little girl." Even though she couldn't see his face, Breeja knew Castiel was smirking with that devious glint in his eye.

"Not my soul!" She cried in mock horror. "No! Have mercy, have mercy!"

"Hmmm, you're soul smells ripe for the taking," he said into her ear, his nose and lips brushing over her shoulder and the crook of her neck. Breeja felt the goose bumps brake across her skin, and she knew they weren't from the temperature.

"Why you so mean?"

"Pft. This is mean." Breeja suddenly felt herself flying through the air before she landed into the crisp blue waves.

"Not nice, Cas." She spluttered after surfacing.

"Hey I can be nice when I want to." He waded over to her and pulled her body flush against his. Castiel leaned down resting his forehead against hers. "See? Nice Cas."

"I think I like this nice Cas," she sighed closing her eyes, enjoying the tingles coursing through her body at feeling of the skin-to-skin contact. She opened her heterochromia eyes and looked into his dark ones, a request burning in hers. He smirked at her before lowering his lips to hers in a slow, burning, kiss. Oh yes, Breeja could get used to this 'nice Cas'.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one shot :) I had fun writing it. I love the sarcasm Castiel allows me to work with. Review please and thank you!