It's hard to be a college student, everyone knows that, but it's even harder to be a college student that has 'the sight'. Not sure what that is? It means you can see them the fey, those bastard creatures that cause hell for everyone.

Matthew Williams is a 21 year old college student with the sight. He tries his hardest to hide it but sometimes he can't help but look at the beautiful creatures that roam around the streets and inside the greenhouse he works at.

Even though they look beautiful and magnificent, really they are rude and vicious. If they catch you staring at them and realize you have the sight, they rip your eyes out and curse you. And that is only if they are being kind.

Luckily, Matthew had never been caught staring at them, though it was very hard not to when they kept looking at him, and poking him and tugging at his hair. He managed to keep his cool though.

They didn't follow him to school though, too much iron for them. A fun fact about faries, they burn when they touch Iron –well the lower blood ones anyway- it's a good thing to know if they follow you.

Though recently there was one following him, a higher blood. He was short but still taller than Matthew. His eyes were a deep green that shone in the light. His blond hair was messy but it looked right on his head. But beneath the glamour he used to hide his real self, Matthew could see that his eyes were hard and his wings were dark, they looked more like that of a bat with the way they met at points at the underside.

Matthew tried to avoid him.

But it wasn't as easy as he thought it would be, the creature followed him everywhere he went. Matthew was always able to spot him in the crowed and he was smart to keep his head down. It was keeping him safe, for now.

-line break-

On a particular Monday, Matthew felt a little more off than normal. He felt like something new was breathing down his neck, but there were no fey around him he would have felt them. All through his way to school he felt it and it only seemed to intensify once he made it into school.

He looked around the classroom and blinked before noticing something; there was an extra student, he hadn't been there since he had been in that class he would have known.

This new student was much too beautiful to be human, his face perfect and his hair just the right shade of blond to match his blue eyes that, even from where Matthew sat, looked endless. His shoulders were broad with toned arms but still looking powerful hiding the true strength they possessed, inside instead of showing it off with muscles.

Matthew caught himself staring as the man looked up confused, he probably felt like he was being stared at.

Blue met violet and they locked. With a sad smile the man looked back at his paper.

'What was that all about?' Matt thought to himself. He kept sneaking glances at the man but shook off any odd feelings. He was probably just tired.

The class ended and Matthew was packing up his papers and thinking about the paper that would be due at the end of the next week and was grabbing towards his notebook. When he felt flesh instead of paper he jumped and looked up to see the new student. He was about a head taller than Matthew with long powerful legs.

"H-Hello, is there something I can help you with?" Matthew asked timidly, the Blond smiled and held out his hand.

"Nah, not really I just saw you earlier and wanted to introduce myself. I'm Alfred F. Jones. Just moved here who are you?" Matt took his hand and Alfred pulled him up as if he weighed nothing.

"Oh Um I'm Matthew Williams, Sorry if I creped you out before. I just never saw you and I was curious." Alfred laughed and ruffled his hair.

"No problem Mattie, I can see we're going to be great friends." His eyes seemed to get darker but only for a second before changing back to normal. "But I have to get to my last class, I'll catch you later Mattie" he smiled and started to walk past him before whispering.

"Beware the green eyes" and then he was gone.

Matt was a bit freaked out, what had Alfred meant? Did he know about the Green eyed Fey? He couldn't pay attention as he walked to work, it wasn't that far from the school so he walked but today he didn't see the Green eyes watching him but he wasn't really noticing anything.

As he turned the corner to get to his job he was pulled into the Alley just down the street, his school books falling along the ground as a hand was placed around his throat and the other scraping long nails across his cheek.

He looked up and saw what he was so terrified of.

Those deep green eyes and the wavering glamour, smiling down at him.

Amusement played across the man's expression as he leaned in and sniffed Matthew's hair.

"So he found you too?" he mused with a thick British accent "Pity I was going to make such a cute slave out of you human" he whispered close to his ear and pressed his nails a little harder making a shallow cut on Matthew's cheek.

"Welcome to the game Matthew darling, Now who will you chose?" the green eyed fey licked his lips and then licked the blood off his cheek "Will you pick the darkness, or the light?" he mused just a moment longer before placing his lips, cold and dead feeling upon Matthew's own and pushing the still shocked boy closer to the wall.

He suddenly pulled away and smirked.

"I will see you soon my darling, Remember my name, I am Arthur Kirkland, your future master." And with that he left, leaving Matthew shocked in the alley way before shaking and slowly making it to his job, everything running through his head. As soon as he was in the store he fell to the floor.

The last thing he heard was someone open the door and in shock calling his name.

AN: Hey guys I know I've been gone a while but I'm back. It's 2 am so let's see if I get any good reviews. I've been working on this for a while and I felt like making some plot changes and seeing who would like it. Review Please!