A/N: Hello everyone!

It's been a VERY long while, and I've noticed that people, somehow, are still reading and enjoying these stories that I've (reluctantly, inadvertently) left abandoned. Besides, I've been in the mood to write, so why not finish these stories, before moving onto other fandom fictions.

My two Kingdom Hearts stories have since been retired because I was likeā€¦ 14 or 15, writing those. They were terrible, if you ask me. Sure, proper grammar and spelling aside (which was rare for people that age then, c'mon, you know), the stories were just bad and not thought out. I might write something for Kingdom Hearts another time.

But the two (three stories if you count the one on FictionPress) stories that will be continued are Sly Cooper: Walking The Thin Line of Fate, and Refuse Thy Name. The story from that may be continued is The Beau and the Young Beauty. (That one will be updated as soon as I can get into the email account connected to that account.) Seeing as so many people liked that one as well, I've considered starting it up again too.

So, never fear, patient readers, your favorite writing team is coming back after many years of hiatus! Woot!

Thank you for reviewing, faving, following and keeping up with these stories. Here's your gratification.

I'll try to rotate which stories are worked on for a weekly basis. Please do keep in mind that I am a very busy woman in real life, which I might detail later if anyone cares to know.~

Again, thank you for your support! And please continue to read and review!

~ Love, Bree.