A/N: Prompt from an anon; Rachel admits that she wished she had done a duet with Sam in her junior year. Thanks!

Sam's completely engrossed in his English homework when he gets Rachel's text. Squinting, glancing back and forth between Girl with a Pearl Earring and his phone, he finally sighs and rolls over, bringing his phone up to his eyes.

I wish we had had the chance to do a duet together in my junior year.

There's another vibration and beep, and

Your sophomore year, to be exact.

meets his eyes.

Raising his eyebrows, Sam quickly types back. What?

I think our voices would have meshed well together. As we have no time now, I find myself regretting how we never allowed ourselves to get too close.

No time now? Sam frowns. No time now? What?

The response takes longer than he expects, and Sam is just rolling over onto his stomach to pull the book back towards himself when the text comes in.

I'm graduating in a month, Rachel responds succinctly, And our time is packed with Nationals and graduating, and I cannot see us satisfactorily exploring how our voices might sound together, no matter anything else.

Hmm. Sam doesn't like that, for some reason. Why not? he types back, And you still have over a month, right? If you want to practice together, I'd love to.

I wish I'd known that earlier, Rachel finally relents, But it's not enough.

Enough? Sam sits up. Okay, no, he presses, already standing up and slipping his wallet into his pocket, stuffing Girl with a Pearl Earring into his backpack, You busy now? Because I'm coming over.

You are?

Sam rolls his eyes, shutting the door to Burt Hummel's house. "I am," he responds verbally when Rachel answers the phone, "Because you're awesome enough to get to know before you leave, and you've made me way too curious to see how we'd sound together!"