A/N: Welcome readers, to the first chapter of Time Travelling and Wrong Red-heads. Also known as, TTWR. Enjoy. :P I know I'm not supposed to be writing this... but the plot bunnies, they're evil! Plus, I LOVE SasoSaku stories. SasoSaku is probably my favourite pairing in Naruto, aside from KakuHida.

Also, Sakura may seem a bit/majorly OOC, but that's because I don't want her to be a whiny, useless kunoichi in this story. I hope you readers can get over that...

Quick Guide:

"Normal Talking"


"Talking... But not ordinary."

'Thoughts... But not ordinary.'

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or the song, "Hello". Both are owned by their rightful owners. I only own the plot.

Chapter 1: Hello

I could stick around and get along with you, hello.
It doesn't really mean that I'm into you, hello.
You're alright but I'm here, darling, to enjoy the party.
Don't get too excited 'cause that's all you get from me, hey.
Yeah, I think you're cute, but I really you should know.
I just came to say hello, hello, hello, hello.

"The hand signs are, Rabbit, Boar, Dog, Ox, Dragon, Dragon, Horse, Ram, Tiger, Monkey, Tiger, Ram. Repeat once more, but replace the first Dragon with Bird." A pink haired teenager muttered to herself, as she read from a small orange scroll. She re-read the signs once more, effectively memorizing them, before unravelling the scroll more, to read the instructions of the jutsu. "...It's empty?! Just hand signs! What the hell! How will I know how this jutsu works!" She rubbed her head in frustration. 'Maybe it's empty because the guy who made the scroll died or something, so he couldn't write the instructions?' A more rational part of her brain summarized, causing her to sigh.

"Sakura! Have you finished reading that scroll?" A voice bellowed out from behind her, and she turned to face the golden-eyed fifth Hokage.

"Hai, Tsunade-shishou!" Sakura stood, and made her way over to Tsunade. Tsunade held her hand out, asking for the scroll from Sakura. Sakura complied, and placed the scroll in her outstretched hand.

"Good, now, go and find a secluded place to do the jutsu."

"Uh, right! Um... Tsunade-shishou?"

"Yes, Sakura?"

"What is that scroll for, exactly?" Sakura asked, staring at the orange scroll. Tsunade sighed, and held it up. Unravelling it just a little, Tsunade spoke.

"This, Sakura, is the only time-travel jutsu known to Shinobi. Your mission is to go back in time, and prevent Uchiha Sasuke from leaving Konoha, thus preventing the Fourth Shinobi War." Sakura nodded. 'I guess that explains why there are no instructions...'

"Hai, Tsunade-shishou!"

"Well, what are you waiting for! Go!" Tsunade shouted, as Sakura jumped up into the trees to find a place to preform the jutsu.

"Time travel, huh? I will not allow this."

After jumping for a few minutes, Sakura stumbled upon a pretty well-hidden clearing. She hopped out of the tree she was in, landing in the centre of the clearing. She gave the clearing a good look-over, sending out a little chakra so to detect any potential enemies. Sensing no-one, and seeing no-one, she nodded to herself. "This is a good spot..." She whispered, before shaking out her hands. Closing her eyes, she started the hand signs. 'Rabbit,-' She placed her hands in the right sign, and continued making them all. '- Boar, Dog, Ox, Dragon, Dragon, Horse, Ram, Tiger, Monkey, Tiger, Ram, Boar, Dog, Ox, Bird, Dragon, Horse, Ram, Tiger, Monkey, Tiger, Ra-' As she started on the last hand sign, someone flickered into the clearing as well, and she started feeling as though something was tugging on her body. Her eyes snapped open, just as she completed the last hand sign, only to see the Akatsuki member named Tobi almost directly in front of her, his Sharingan spinning wildly, his hand stretched out, reaching for her neck. His sudden appearance made her eyes widen, and place too much chakra into the last hand sign. His hand gripped her throat, and she almost screamed when she felt his chakra enter into her system, overpowering the jutsu even more. She saw his visible eye widen, and felt his hand loosen it's hold on her.

"Dammit!" She heard him shout, and watched as his body fell to the ground, seemingly lifeless. A huge wave of fatigue washed over her, and she too fell to the ground. She felt herself moving, and felt something enter her body, causing a large amount of pain. She gasped, her body felt like it was on fire. Her ribcage contracted, making it even harder for her to breathe. After a few more minutes of pain, she allowed herself to fall into unconsciousness.

"This is bad, very bad! Dammit you pink-haired wench, wake up!"

Sakura felt torpid, her body was sore all over, and her head ached furiously. She felt around, feeling what seemed like sand beneath her hands. She struggled to open one eye, only to see blurs of a light tan colour. '...Where...' She thought, slowly picking herself up. She groaned, placing a hand to her head, as her brain screamed at her to stop moving. She fell back into a seated position, waiting out the pain.

Two or three minutes later, the pain had stopped. Sakura ran a chakra encased hand over her more painful bruises, to sooth them. It seemed that she didn't have any cuts or internal bleeding or any fractures. She was surprised to find that she couldn't summon much chakra up. 'Damn, looks like my reserves were cut, and my control has lessened...' She stood, her knees wobbly and nonsupporting, and stumbled a bit. It was then that she noticed that her clothes were much larger than she remembered. She lifted a hand to her face, and almost shouted. "What the hell!"

She looked around, noting that she was in, what looked like, a well-used training field. Her eyes skittered the ground, looking for a spent kunai or a puddle of water, something she could see her reflection in. 'There!' She staggered her way towards a kunai that lay, embedded, in the ground. She grabbed the handle of it with both her hands, and pulled it out of the ground. Taking a deep breath, Sakura stared into the eyes of her reflection. "I'm a kid!" Sakura groaned, trying to figure out how she was a child again. 'It must be a side-effect of the jutsu...' Staring back into her reflection, she judged her age. 'I look about five... I can't tell for sure...' She thought, turning the kunai in different directions.

'I'd say you're about five.' A voice came from the depths of her mind.

"What the hell?! Who are you! Where are you!" Sakura shouted, twisting her head around to pinpoint it's location.

'If you shut up, I'd tell you.' Sakura stopped herself from replying. 'Good. Now, do not respond to me out loud. Just think.'


'Ahem, I am... Well, you Leaf Shinobi know me as Tobi.'

'What! Why the hell are you in my mind!'

'That stupid jutsu you did put me in here, after it killed me!'

'...Wait, so you're dead?'

'My body is.'

'...Your body is? Then, how am I talking to you?'

'My soul is in yours. I am a part of you now.'


'Ugh.' Tobi sighed in her mind. 'Think of yourself like a Jinchuriki, only instead of a bijuu in you, you have me, an Akatsuki member.'

'So I'm like Naruto then?'

'...In a way. Uzumaki can use his tenant's power. I'm not quite sure if you can use mine...' Tobi trailed off, and Sakura could feel his fatigue.

'You can rest now if you want. ... I'll wake you if anything interesting happens.' She could feel a hint of amusement from him.

'Interesting by your standards, or my type of interesting?' She heard him barely mumble, meaning he probably was about to pass out.

'It's weird how I didn't throw a tantrum since he's in my mind.' Sakura thought, before realizing that the reason she didn't react like the five year old she was supposed to be, was simply because he was in her mind. "Your damn personality is rubbing off on me..." She muttered, feeling a bit of amusement come from her mind for a few seconds, before it faded. Sakura waited until she couldn't feel anything from Tobi, before getting a good look around. "...I've been here before..." She walked around the training ground's perimeter, and recognized it. "Suna! I'm in Suna!... That means, if I did the jutsu correctly, I should be able to find Gaara!" She shouted happily, before dashing out of the grounds.


Sakura hid, like the shinobi she was, in the shadows of an alleyway. She had run from a furious shop owner, from whom she stole an outfit off of. She panted, having to use the rest of her chakra for the Transformation Jutsu, and to run and conceal her presence. When the shop owner calmed down and returned to his store, she dropped the transformation, and stopped hiding her presence. She examined the clothing clutched tightly in her hands. A high-collared, sky blue top, a pair of orange shorts, which reminded her of Naruto and were a tad to big for her, a mahogany coloured belt with a fools-gold buckle, and a pair of dark blue sandals, much like her ninja kind, but smaller. With a quick look around, she quickly shed her too large clothing, and replaced it with the child sized clothes.

Leaving her larger clothes hidden away in a hole in the ground, along with her headband, in the alleyway, Sakura took a deep breath to calm herself. 'You're five now, Sakura... five...' With a childish giggle, Sakura dashed from the alley. Most of the adults smiled kindly at her, and moved out of her way as she ran past. A few scowled, but moved as well. Some shinobi, who were passing by, stopped to stare, obviously because of her pink hair. But, Sakura couldn't care less. She was searching for a familiar shock of bright red hair, which she'd only seen on two people from Suna. 'If I was a five year old(1), hated red-head, where would I be...?' She thought to herself, scanning the crowds.


After a few more minutes of futile searching, Sakura sighed. She could not, for the life of her, find a single person with red hair! "Who knew that finding a redhead in Suna would be so hard!" She huffed, as she walked into a small playground. She scanned the grounds, and snickered at the sandbox half way across the grounds. "Do they really need a sandbox here?" She laughed to herself. After glancing around the playground once more, she closed her eyes and sighed. Feeling someone stare at her, she opened her eyes. She turned her head, and stared into a pair of brown, almost chocolate-y, coloured eyes. She held the child's gaze for a little more, before he blinked and ran off, blending into the crowd of civilians. "He looked familiar..." She could still see him, and her eyes widened when she saw the child's bob of red hair. "Wait..." 'Gaara has sea-foam green eyes... but...' "A-Akasuna no Sasori..." She gasped.


'Why the hell did you wake me up!?' She heard Tobi shout at her, after prodding him mentally. She was now sitting on a lone swing in the playground, talking to the soul in her mind.

'Well, I did say that I'd wake you up if something interesting happened.'

'...Well? What the hell was so goddamn interesting, that you had to wake me up, forty-five minutes after I fell asleep?!'

'A five year old, Akasuna no Sasori, that's what.' Tobi took a few moments to respond.

'...Well... That is interesting...' Sakura nodded.


A much younger, more innocent, Akasuna no Sasori was walking through the village. Of course, he had yet to actually earn the name 'Akasuna', but he liked the sound of it. He thought it flowed well with his given name, Sasori. His grandmother had spoken to him about him joining the Academy next semester, which was in six months. In all actuality, he wasn't sure he wanted to go. Sure, three or four months ago he would have been ecstatic to go, but now...

It wasn't like he had nothing left. His grandmother was teaching him puppetry, and he was trying to convince himself that his parents were still alive, and were going to come home any day now, even though he knew they wouldn't be coming back. They had already been gone for well over a year (2), although their mission was supposed to be a few weeks. He scuffed his feet against the sand; he shouldn't be putting himself down like this. Sighing, he took a left turn, the playground by the training fields being his destination.

Sasori stood at the edge of the playground. His grandmother always told him to make a few friends, but no-one ever wanted to play, or he couldn't find no-one to play with. He looked around the grounds, but there wasn't a single person. He was about to turn and melt back into the crowd, when a bright expanse of colour caught his eye. '...Who is that?' He thought to himself, eyeing the only other kid in the the playground. His eyes strayed towards their head, and he was surprised to see that he or she had pink hair. He couldn't tell if they were a boy or a girl, considering that they were wearing boyish clothes, but had a slight feminine look to them. 'A girl. I'm pretty sure that's a girl...' He nodded to himself, slightly proud that he figured out her gender. She turned to him, and he caught himself staring into her emerald green eyes, completely mesmerized. A light blush covered his cheeks. He blinked after a moment, and ran off into the crowd.


Sasori could feel himself smiling. That girl in the park made him smile, but he really did not know why. He hadn't smiled like this since his parents left... The thought of his parents almost made him drop his smile. He shook his head, and smiled yet again. He was still running through the crowds, intent on returning home to tell his grandmother. A block away from his house, he slowed down, and came to a stop. He frowned. Tell his grandmother what? That he wanted to become a shinobi, only if that pink-haired girl, whose name he didn't even know, became one too? He sighed. 'I did not think that through.' He thought to himself. Maybe he'll tell his grandmother about the girl, and then ask to wait before he gave his answer. Then tomorrow, he would go back to the playground, and see if she's there. Maybe... Maybe they could be friends! Smiling again, he continued on his way home, at a much more subdued pace.

Sasori trudged up the front steps to his home, still smiling, although it was a little smaller than earlier. He hesitated outside the door for a second, before standing tall, and walking in. Closing the door behind him, he called out, "Grandmother, I'm home!" He heard her shout something from the kitchen, and made his way there. Peeking in through the doorway, he spotted his grandmother making something or another by the stove.

"Come in Sasori, don't just stand there." Sasori jumped slightly, before walking in and taking a seat at the table.

"Um... hello, grandmother..." He muttered, staring at the table. She turned the stove off, and made her way to sit next to him.

"What's wrong, munchkin?"

"Oh! Uh, well, you see... Um, uh... I-I saw s-someone in the playground..." He got out, a blush ready to crawl onto his cheeks.

"Oh really? Who was it?"

"Uh, well, I don't know her name- damn." He covered his mouth, knowing he let too much slip out already, judging by the lecherous smirk his grandmother had on.

"Oh-ho? A girl?"

"No! I mean, yes! I mean, no! I mean, I dunno!" She chuckled, and wrapped her arms around him.

"Well, tell me about her. As much as you know, even though you don't know her name." Sasori nodded, still fighting the small blush that threatened to overcome him.

"Ah, she was wearing a nice blue shirt that com-comple-complemated-" His grandmother cut in,


"Yeah, that word. It com-ple-mented her hair, which was pink, of all colours! And she wore these orange shorts, but they looked a bit to big on her. Uh, her eyes are this really pretty shade of green!"

"Uh-huh. And parents? Did you see anyone near her?" Sasori shook his head.

"She was alone. And she looked a little dirty, like she hadn't taken a bath in a while."

"Hmm, maybe she's an orphan?" His grandmother wondered out loud.

"Ah, well! I wanted to go back to the playground tomorrow, you know, to see if she's there! A-And maybe we could become friends!" He didn't have any friends, since he was recluse and tended to stay inside.

"Well, hun, why don't we eat, ne? That way, you'll have more energy for tomorrow!" Sasori smiled.



Sakura groaned, blinking open her eyes. The early morning sun beat down on her. She wondered briefly where she was, before remembering the events from yesterday. She stood from her spot in the alley, where she left her larger clothes. Last evening and most of the night was spent conversing with the soul in her mind, trying to think up a good back story. Apparently, she was now an orphan, who couldn't remember much about her parents. She had no friends, had ran off from the orphanage, and was now just sleeping wherever. And, in case she could end up using Tobi's Sharingan, she had a back up story for that as well. Since said Akatsuki member was still asleep, she decided to go back to the playground.

After about ten minutes of walking, she ended up back at the playground. It was still quite early for children to be out and playing, which means Sakura could "play" by herself. She was going to run around, acting the part of a child, while subtly increasing her chakra reserves. She'd work on control some other time. She stretched a little, before channelling a tiny amount of chakra to her feet, in case any shinobi were around. Taking a breath, she started running around wildly, tripping every now and then, because she wasn't used to such small legs.

Sakura panted, and fell onto her back, by the swing. She had spent the last hour or so just running. She had a number of scrapes, bruises, and cuts from her tripping every five minutes. Her head rested in a patch of shade, while her body laid out in the sun. She stretched out fully; a small, satisfied smile on her face. Her face was slightly red from exertion, and sweat trickled down her brow. She heard light, childlike footsteps, but ignored them.

"You shouldn't sleep there, ya know."


Sasori ate his breakfast a little quicker than usual, wanting to get to the playground early. "Slow down, munchkin! You'll choke!" He slowed a little; finishing pretty soon afterwards.

"I'm finished granny! Can I go now?" He fidgeted in his seat, wanting nothing more than to run out of the room.

"One second, one second. I need to got to the Kazekage anyways, so we'll go together." Sasori pouted, but nodded.

"Fine." He stood from his seat, and ran to the front door. He slipped on his sandals, and tapped his foot impatiently. Only a few seconds passed before his grandmother came out from the kitchen, but it felt like minutes to him.

"Okay, hun. Let's go." He opened the door, and bounded down the stairs. His grandmother chuckled and walked out as well.


"Grandmother! Hurry up!" Sasori shouted, waving, a few feet ahead of her. He shifted from foot to foot. He hated waiting so much.

"How about you run ahead. I'll catch up later, hun!" Sasori smiled, and ran off through the crowds. It was about seven in the morning, and not that many civilian children were out. The children going to the Academy were out, grumbling on their way to the school. Sasori ran past them, weaving in and out of the crowd. 'What if she's not there?..' He thought, slowing down a little.

Sasori stopped just inside of the playground. He panted, and looked around. He frowned. '...I guess she isn't here yet...' He sighed, and looked around the playground once more. "Wait..." His eyes stopped on a figure laying on the ground by the swing. "Is that her?" He looked behind him, but didn't see his grandmother. Shaking his head, he started forward.

He quickly ended up by the figure's feet, and he immediately saw her pink hair. He smiled. 'It is her!' Taking a deep breath, he said, "You shouldn't sleep there, ya know?" He snickered when she jumped up into a defensive stance.

"W-What?" She stuttered, her eyes looking around wildly, before they settled on him.

"Oh, uh... Sorry for waking you. It's just, you might get sun burn from laying in the sun... That's what my grandmother says." She blinked, before nodding.

"Ah, thanks..." Sasori shifted to his right, and smiled a little.

"Sasori. That's my name, uh, what's yours?"

"I'm Sakura." The girl- Sakura, he reminded himself- said, as she stared at her feet. "Um, Sasori?"

"A-Ah, yeah?"

"Uh, why did you come talk to me?" She muttered. Sasori blushed lightly.

"Oh, I just came to say hello..." He stared into her eyes.

"Well, hello Sasori." She smiled.

"Hello, Sakura..."

A/N: End! Alright, hope y'all enjoy this. Okay, this is a slow SasoSaku story, so no romance for quite a while. Ah, the next chapter will be up in a few weeks. I want this story's chapters to be around 3'000 words or more.

Before you readers mack on me for complete OOC-ness, remember, Sakura is, like, a 16 year old trapped in a five year old's body. And Sasori is five, so he isn't a mass-murderer. Yet. He's just starting to learn puppetry, so he can't do that just yet either.

(1) Sakura is assuming that, if she was to find Gaara, which she didn't, he would be the same age as her.

(2) It hasn't been told exactly when Sasori's parents disappeared, but since he still remembered them as a five year old, I assumed that they must have left when he was three or four.