Jack was tired of all of this in-between nonsense. For the past two years, he and Kimberly Crawford had played a tango that was driving him up the wall. At fourteen years old he was able to handle all of his emotions because the only thing he saw when he looked at Kim then was a pretty blonde with an aptitude for karate. Now that they were older, Jack saw her as much more than just pretty. There was no word in the English language to describe Kimberly Crawford- beautiful, stunning, ravishing and sexy only scratched the surface. Yet, now that he was sixteen years old all of his feelings for Kim went just below the surface; hell, all of his feelings for Kim burned him every second and everyday and he was tired of this never-ending game they played.

The shaggy haired brunette did not know if Kim felt the same way for him that he felt about her, but he was sure as hell ready to find out. If he did not ask her soon his plethora of teenage emotions would fill him up like a balloon and he would blow up. It would be better to tell her the way he felt and be rejected then run the risk of never knowing and loosing her to someone else. Loosing her to someone else was the worse of the latter two; Jack hated whenever other boys even looked at Kim. They were not dating, not even close, but other guys knew the way that he looked at her and felt about her. There was no honor left among teenage boys, no one cared to respect Jack's feelings toward the blonde.

However, he was glad that Kim had never really been able to keep down a steady boyfriend. Every guy she ended up dating ended up being a jerk, which worked in Jack's favor. It made him more confident in the fact that he was the right guy for her, while everyone else was just the training ground for their eventual relationship. But Jerry, Milton and Eddie kept telling Jack that if he continued to put off telling Kim the way he felt that they would never have a relationship.

That was why he was going to tell Kim today the way that he felt. There was no need to beat around the bush anymore. There was never going to be a perfect time or a perfect place, he just had to be in the moment and hope for the best. Kim was the best.

So as the final bell rang for eighth period, Jack collected his geometry text book and scurried his way out of the classroom as quickly as he could. As much as he enjoyed geometry, Mr. Fitzgerald was a jerk and was the type of teacher that singled Jack out in class to make an example to his other students. Getting stuck in the max exodus with the other students in his class would not be good for him, so he literally ran out of the door.

Once he was free and clear of the clutches of Mr. Fitzgerald, Jack started to even out his gate to get to his locker. Upon reaching his locker he saw his entire group of friends minus Kim. "Hey guys", he began, "Where is Kim?"

Milton, who was struggling pulling an absurd telescope out of his backpack, replied, "I believe she's still in gym. Mr. Duncan never gives anyone extra time to change at the end of the period if it's the last class of the day."

"For real man," Jerry continued, "I had him last year for eighth period and he was always on my case for thinking gym should end ten minutes early to give us time to change."

Eddie laughed and clapped his hand on Jerry's shoulder, "No Jerry. Duncan was always on your case because you never participated in gym. You sat on the side and gawked at the girls in shorts."

Jack could not help but crack at smile at Eddie comment. In an attempt to defend himself Jerry retorted, "Nah man. I just appreciate the female body- is that a crime."

"Only the way you do it, Jerry," a sweet sounding voice rang from just behind Jack's head. His chocolate eyes widened, he did not even need to turn around to know who was addressing the group.

"Hey Kim," Milton greeted. Kim had joined their small gathering in the hallway. Jack tried not to show any signs of discomfort at her sudden appearance, but he was finding it very difficult to breath at the moment. All day he had worked over in his head exactly what to say to Kim when he told her his true feelings, but now that he was actually seeing her dressed in a powder blue skirt, a pink tank top and a pair of sneakers she was far too cute to even breach that topic. How was he supposed to tell her that he liked her when she walked around looking so beautiful. It was nearly impossible and it was all her fault. If she was not so stunning and perfect they would not have this problem, but, no, Kim had to be the most gorgeous person Jack had ever had the pleasure to meet. Stupid Kim.

As Jack mulled over just how peppy Kim looked in her tank top, a voice brought him back into the conversation and out of his head, "Um Jack… my eyes are up here." It was Kim again.

When Jack looked to meet her eyes all he saw was one cocked eyebrow in anger at his blatant disrespect for her body. He had not meant to zone out and stare at her breasts like he had, it was just that when he zoned out it happened to be the last place that he had been looking.

A blush crept up on his face and he got out, "I wasn't looking there Kim, I zoned out. Don't flatter yourself."

She scoffed at his cover, which it seemed she had bought for the time being, and threw back, "Well your zoning has perverted tendencies."

"It wasn't intentional Kim. God, I'm sorry my zoning offended you, alright?"

She looked him up and down before deciding, "Fine, whatever. No big deal. Just can you not do that? It makes me uncomfortable Jack."

Jerry was fiddling with his watch before he looked up at the two to chime in, "Come on, Kim. Everything Jack does makes us uncomfortable. 'Thought you'd be used to that by now."

The black belt boy snarled at Jerry, which only made the entire gang laugh at the whole situation. After a few moments of laughing, Eddie finally brought everyone back to point, "So, Kim. You coming to the dojo after school or you auditioning for that play thing?"

"Wait, what play thing?" Jack asked.

Kim's face flushed a deep pink before replying, "Erm, the school drama club play. I know its girly and all, but I kind of wanted to try out." Jack nearly froze in his place. Kim wanted to try out for the school play? But the school play was for the weird theatre kids and the girls who thought they were the next Beyonce. Every year the drama club sponsored a play or musical to be put on by their members and peers at the school and every year the play stunk. It was beyond Jack why Kim would even want to try out for the stupid thing. She was a karate girl, not some actress up on the stage singing her heart out to pseudo intellects.

Kim was better than all of those people who back stabbed to get solos and pretended to be friends with their peers while talking about them behind their backs. But by the look on her face, Kim looked like she really wanted to be a part of the school drama production. She was looking at Jack as if she was pleading for his acceptance. If she wanted to do the show so terribly why did she care what Jack thought about her decisions? It was her choice. He was not her keeper.

"Really?" Milton squeaked, "You're trying out for Romeo and Juliet? Kim this is so excited! None of my friends ever do the shows with me!" Jack had known for ages that Milton was one of the theatre geeks, but he was so confident in himself Milton never cared what anyone thought of him. Kim, though, she was not the type of person that Jack would have pegged to do theatre.

Kim bit down on her lip, which almost made Jack pin her against the wall and kiss her, and uneasily replied, "Well I don't know… m-maybe. It's kind of stupid, isn't it? I just, I don't what I was thinking."

Without thinking about it, without planning it, Jack blurted out, "What do you mean, Kim? Eddie, Jerry and I are all auditioning for the show too. It isn't weird at all. You should come and audition with us!"

The two other boys who were behind Kim gawked at Jack. Even Jack's eyes widened a little as the reality of what he had just said sunk in a little to him. He could not audition for the show. He was a jock and was the junior martial arts master of the world. Martial arts masters did not do theatre, but when Kim looked up at him beaming he pushed those thoughts aside.

"Really?" She smiled, "You guys are auditioning too? Oh my god! This is going to be so much fun! We are going to have a great time working together!"

Eddie awkwardly laughed and went along with Jack's lie, "Yep Kim. It's going to be great!"

Jerry, who was still in a state of shock, tried to jump into the conversation, but all that happened was his voice jumped three octaves so he silenced himself. Kim was too happy to even notice his slight voice jump though, which Jack was silently thankful for. The last thing he needed was Kim to interrogate Jerry. He was a snitch, but a stupid one so Jack could never blame him.

Milton now donning a very dramatic demeanour said, "Well Kimberly. I am going to head down to the auditions now. They begin at three o'clock and I need time to warm up my speaking voice. Would you like to join me?"

"Yeah," Kim nodded excitedly, "I'll see you guys down there?"

All three boys awkwardly chorused a yes to Kim's question and watched her and Milton disappear from sight down the hallway. Once they were without a doubt gone from ear range, Eddie and Jerry spun on their heels and each smacked one of Jack's arms.

"Ow, really?" Jack yelped rubbing his arms, "I'm tender."

"That's not all you're going to be when I'm done with you!" Jerry fumed before he went off in a string of Spanish. Eddie restrained him and instructed his friend to take a few deep breaths.

With Jerry calm, Eddie snapped, "Why did you do that, Jack? I can't be a player in tights!"

"Yeah, man," Jerry agreed, "What ladies are gonna dig theatre geeks?"

"Look, I'm sorry," Jack reasoned, "I just panicked okay? Kim looked so upset that we would judge her for wanting to audition and I didn't want her to be upset and I panicked!"

Eddie rolled his eyes, "I get it. This is about impressing Kim and your crush on her. Dude, you can just ask a girl out! You don't need to audition for a play for her OR get us involved!"

"Tights are gonna give me wedgies, man. I don't do wedgies."

"Look," Jack raised his voice, "I'm sorry, okay? I was gonna ask her out today, Eddie, but obviously that didn't happen. And Jerry no one said you had to wear tights. You don't actually have to audition. I was just… panicked. I'll go talk to Kim and tell her that we aren't trying out. I don't want to put you guys in a weird spot." As Jack turned to walk away he added, "Thanks for covering for me, though, with her before. I appreciate it."

Both Eddie and Jerry's faces fell at that comment. Jack did not mean to make that comment to make them pity him, but Jack was their best friend. They both knew how much Kim mean to him and if this silly play would help their friend out they were in.

"Nah," Jerry said grabbing Jack's forearm to stop him, "Bro, we know how much you dig Kim. If this is gonna help you get there than I'm in."

"We both are," Eddie grinned.

Jack's face lit up like fireworks on the fourth of July when his friends said that they would help him with this audition predicament. Eddie and Jerry were the best friends that could ever have wished for. No one else would have agreed to audition for some stupid Shakespeare thing to help their friend with some girl, especially something so last minute. He never intended for this to happen, but he had been Kim'd, which as of late was becoming quite common. She just had this way about her that he could not put his finger on.

"Thanks guys," Jack said getting wrapped up in the moment. He threw his arms around his two friends to give them a hug when he realized what position they were in. As quickly as he could he pulled away from his friends and cleared his throat. The two other boys coughed and rubbed the back of their necks.

"Right, yeah," Jack said in a low timbre.

"No problem man," Jerry said.

"Yep," Eddie coughed.


"Uh huh."

As Jack, Eddie and Jerry walked down the theatre hallway, they heard such strange noises. People were wailing like sirens, making funny faces and throwing their arms around in a weird fashion.

The more the walked the louder and more absurdly obnoxious the sounds became. It was as if the theatre people were trying to put on some abstract play in the hallway with all of the flailing and noises they were making. Jack had no idea what he had gotten himself and his friends into, but the last thing he wanted was to have to explain to Kim that he had panicked and lied to her earlier. Not only did Jack not want to admit lying to the girl that he wanted to go out with, but Kim was a second degree black belt and with Jack's strict no hurting girl's policy she could really cause some damage to his face.

While they walked in step toward the audition sign ups, Jerry leaned over to Jack and whispered, "This is like some weird twilight zone shit, man. It's freaking me out."

Eddie quickly added in a harsh whisper. "Twilight zone? More like the haunting hour. Those girls are howling at each other over there." Those words snapped Jack's attention to where Eddie was gesturing and low and behold two girls were howling at one another and swinging their arms up and over their heads. He was not exactly sure what that type of exercise accomplished, but they were actors so he was just going to have to trust that they knew what they were doing. At least to a certain degree.

"Well," Jack fumbled trying to defend their actions, "they are just warming up… I think."

"Jack! Eddie! Jerry! You made it!" A bubbly voice sounded down the hallway. Kim ran up to the three of them and gave each of them a quick hug ending with Jack. However, she paused a minute holding onto Jack a little bit longer. He even took the time to wrap his left arm around her back and to hold her there. Any chance that he got to touch her and be close to her was something that he would take happily. It was not common that she was so outward with her emotions towards her karate friends.

"Yeah we did," Jerry grumbled.

"Sure did," Jack gritted his teeth and smiled as he released Kim. Without being too obvious he clapped Jerry strongly on his shoulder. He was giving his friend a message to cut the attitude and to smile through this for Jack's sake. Impressing Kim and keeping her happy with him was important to Jack. After all, he was fully prepared to ask her out that day, but this silly thing had to get in his way.

"So what exactly are we doing Kim?" Eddie piped up.

The blonde shot him a smile and clasped her hands together with excitement, "Okay, well there is a sign up sheet over there for the play. You are gonna write your name down, okay? And then Mr. Wdoviak is going to call us in one at a time to do a monologue. Once you finish that, he'll either give you a call back for later tonight or you can just head home. Tomorrow the cast list goes up and we start rehearsals."

Jerry, who looked sufficiently confused, rose his hand. Jack nearly strangled him right then and there and Kim looked at him curiously. Awkwardly she pointed to him, as if to call on him in a class, "Yes Jerry?"

"Cool," he said putting his hand down, "What is a monologue?"

A squeaky voice joined the group, "What is a monologue? Are you living under a rock?"

"No Milton," Eddie snapped, "but some of us playas don't do the play thing."

Milton tossled his ruffled shirt and scoffed, "A monologue is a piece of memorized dialogue from a play or movie that is to be acted by one person with no outside help from other actors."

"Translation?" Jack asked.

Kim smirked at her friends, which caused Jack to get a horrible pit in his stomach. Did she know that they were only doing this audition thing to save Jack's image with Kim? Did she know that he had lied to her when he said that they were already auditioning too? Or was she still painfully oblivious. He really hoped that she was just oblivious because he was auditioning for Shakespeare for her, which, honestly, was going to hurt his reputation a little bit.

"It's a solo acting scene," Kim simplified.

"So like a rap?" Jerry offered up.

Milton let out an impatient sigh, "No you simpletons, like a scene. You know, from a play or a movie."

"Oh cool, cool. I got it now," Jerry reassured them both.

After explaining what a monologue was to Jerry several more times, the boys finally got their names up on the try out list. Unlike sports, this audition sign up did not ask about height, weight or skills and tricks. Instead it asked about previous roles, acting coaches and accents. Honestly, Jack felt a little bare compared to the rest of the list. All he could really write down was his name, although, he did have one pretty solid British accent. Years of watching every Harry Potter movie had perfected this accent and he was rather proud of his ability to perform it. Except, he had never had someone who cared about this accent before.

Being that Jack, Eddie and Jerry arrived late to the audition sign ups they were the last three boys to audition for the day. As they all waited for their turn to audition they discussed what exactly they were going to perform in the audition room. And the more they talked the quicker time seemed to pass. Every audition came and went as the boys sat in that hallway. Some people came out of that room sporting a post-it with the parts they had callbacks for, while others left the room empty handed. However, the three boys were not paying attention to the other crowd of teenagers with callbacks who were waiting around for the final last try outs so that they could start the callbacks. Wdoviak had stated before he began the auditions that the callbacks would begin as soon as the last audition was over, so there was no sense in heading home.

Yet, the three karate chopping friends did not even care about callbacks. They just did not want to make a fool out of themselves doing this audition nonsense. Especially because none of them had anything prepared that could work for this audition. Until finally, Eddie happened on genius.

"Guys," the rather robust boy of the group said happily, "what if we just quoted our favorite serious movie. Check it, we don't have a monologue thing, but Milton said that it could be a scene from a movie. Maybe if we stopped worrying about it as a monologue and just looked at it as quoting a movie like we do all the time we could do this!"

"Eddie… you're a genius!" Jack grinned.

"Yeah, bro," Jerry nodded, "I'll just quote that speech from Gladiator, man. Russell Brand is so badass in that movie."

"Russell Crowe," Eddie corrected.

"Same difference, Eddie."

Before Eddie could even retort, the audition room door swung open and Jerry was called in. The latino boy stood up and brushed himself off. Taking a deep breath he saluted his friends, "See you boys on the other side."

"Good luck man," Jack said, which warranted huge gasps from all of the teenagers in the hallway. The brunette had no idea what that was about, but apparently wishing a friend good luck was mean spirited here. What a tough crowd.

Ignoring the thespians, Jack turned back to Eddie now that Jack was gone and asked, "So how about you? What are you thinking about doing?"

Eddie chewed on his bottom lip as he thought. Jack could see on his friend's face that Eddie had no clue as to what he was going to do in that room, which was a shame since Eddie had been the one to help Jerry figure out how to approach his audition. However, Eddie was prone to over thinking things and being the one in the group who usually liked to sit the really intense work out. It was not a slight against him it was just in his nature. He would rather be trying to pick up girls all day then do any type of work.

Trying to help him, Jack offered, "How about you quote Dark Knight, dude. You know, the thing Gordon says at the end about Batman. You know that entire movie by heart."

Eddie rolled his eyes before quipping, "Is that really Shakespearee appropriate?"

"You have any other ideas?"

The door swung open to reveal a Jerry with a post-it note in his hand. Jack's eyes widened at his best friend, "Dude… you got a callback?"

"Yep," Jerry smirked, "for some bro named Tybalt. Apparently, check this, he croaks in this show. How sweet is that?"

While Jerry and Jack were talking, Eddie's name was called into the audition room. He looked like he was about to throw up and Jack was filled with guilt. The loud mouthed brunette had gotten his friends into this mess and now Eddie was about to revisit his lunch. Before Eddie walked into the room, Jack ran over to his friend and pat him on the back, "You got this Eddie. Just do what you know."

With a new found smile, Eddie marched into the room with broad shoulders. Things would probably crash and burn in that audition room, but at least Jack had sent Eddie in there standing a little taller. That was all he could really do for his friend in this instance.

Once Eddie was safely tucked inside the audition room, Jerry asked, " So what are you doing, Jack?"

"I," Jack paused, "have no idea." In the midst of talking to his friends, helping Eddie and goofing off with Eddie, Jack had forgotten to sort out what he was going to audition with in that room. He suddenly felt sick himself. Mr. Wdoviak scared the crap out of Jack. He had him for homeroom the year before and the man always had a hard expression on his face. The rumors that always circulated about him were that he was impossible to please. Hell, he did not want to let him down or get him angry. Wdoviak was at least three to four inches taller than Jack and Jack was tall.

Wrapped up in his own thoughts, Jack lost track of time. By the time he tuned back into reality, Eddie was already out of his audition with a small post-it callback for the Friar. Jerry was teasing Eddie that if he got the part he would have to shave his head, which was what brought Jack back to reality.

And then the final person's name was called, his own.

Jack was as white as a sheet walking into that audition room. Jerry and Eddie wished him luck as he walked in, which gained more sneers from the drama club kids, but he could not hear them. All he could do was try and figure out something to say to Wdoviak that sounded even remotely like a monologue. At that moment, though, he was not coming up with any solid ideas.

Upon entering the room, he traversed his way through the desks of the classroom, until he was finally at the front of the room. Sitting right in the front row with a clipboard in hand was Mr. Wdoviak. His bushy eyebrows seemed to size Jack up before he instructed Jack to stand on the taped x on the ground. Jack quickly did as he was told.

"So Mr. Anderson," Wdoviak said in a monotone voice, "What will you be doing for me today?"

Then it hit him like a bolt of lightening. There were two things that Jack knew better than anything else in the world- karate and karate movies. His admiration of karate movies was part of the reason that he choice the Wasabi dojo to begin with. Bobby Wasabi was his icon during his childhood. There was no disputing his knowledge in these two subjects.

With some confidence, Jack spoke, "I'm going to be doing a monologue from The Karate Kid."

Wdoviak rose his eyebrow and waved his arm, "Whenever you are ready you may begin."

Jack took in a deep breath and said in a choppy and calculated manner, "Every time I see-"

"No, no, no!" Wdoviak yelled slamming down on his desk, "You're just saying words, Jack. You aren't meaning anything you say. What kind of acting is that? Try again!"

With a small shake to his voice, Jack jumped back in, "Every time I see those guys-"

Once more Wdoviak interrupted him, "No Jack. You are smarter than that. Try again. But don't jump in to it. Think about what you are saying. Imagine you are talking to someone and telling them how you feel. You NEED to make them understand. Now talk to them."

Nodding furiously, Jack took a small breath in and closed his eyes. After a few moments of calming his chi, Jack opened his brown eyes and looked out at a spot in front of him. Suddenly, he imagined Kim was standing right there in the middle of the room. A small smile graced his lips, but it was a hidden smile, one reserved only for lovers, but this what not a monologue for such things. He had to make her understand that he was not a quitter and he had to fight for himself and for her. He could not break down like a puppy dog and get kicked in the dirt. Brushing hair out of his face he said slowly and pointedly, "Every time I see those guys," Jack paused and closed his eyes clenching his teeth, "they'll know they got the best of me." His eyes flickered open and he pleaded with Kim, "I'll never have balance that way," With a little bit of conviction to his voice he continued, "not with them, not with Ali… not with me. I have to do this, Miyagi."

Jack continued to look at his imaginary Kim until he realized that he had finished his monologue. Clearing his throat, he snapped out of his little world and looked straight at Wdoviak, "Sorry sir."

With a smirk, Wdoviak shook his head, "Don't apologize. That was better, Anderson. I may just make an actor out of you yet. Here," he held out a piece of paper with a character name written on it, "Callbacks are starting right now and I'd like to see you there. I want to have you try out for this part."

Jack looked down at the slip and saw one name- Romeo.

It had been an hour and a half and the callbacks were in full swing at this point. The auditorium was filled with drama club members left and right, each one vying for a position to try and get the part they wanted. After each round of try outs for a specific part, the mass of people in the room got smaller and smaller. Wdoviak was letting people go home as soon as they had read a callback for the part that he had written on their post-it. But now the callbacks were winding down. Milton, who had a callback for Mercutio, Jerry and Eddie had all left twenty minutes ago after they had read for their characters. Now the room was left with only six individuals and Jack was getting very, very ansy.

Wdoviak let everyone else in the room leave except the last six teenagers. Sitting alongside of Jack was Sarah Brooks, who had notoriously gotten the lead in each school play since she was in elementary school, Louis Novak, who had likewise been cast as the leading man all throughout his schooling years, Megan Carter, a mousy redheaded drama queen, Matthew Jonson and Kim Crawford. Jack was confused to say the least as to why these six individuals were asked to say the latest. He had not even gotten the chance to audition for the part that was written on his slip and it was already past four o'clock. Rudy was going to be furious that he was so late for practice, especially that Milton, Eddie and Jerry were no doubt already there.

Then Wdoviak walked over to the small group of teenagers and leaned against one of the chairs in the classroom, "You six all got callbacks for the lead roles of Romeo and Juliet, the namesakes of the show. Now I asked you all to stay last because the scenes between these two characters are very tender and the last thing I need idiot teenagers doing is goofing off trying to impress their friends," Jack felt as if that comment was intended for him specifically, "Now… I'm going to call you all up in pairs and we are going to switch some things around. I may ask a pair of you to stay behind after everyone else, but it does not mean that those two are guaranteed the parts; I may just want to work on something with them to see if they fit the roles. Okay, so Jack and Sarah- I'd like to start off with you two."

Flashing Sarah a smile, the brown haired diva rolled her eyes at Jack. He was a little offended by her actions and without another word, walked over to Wdoviak to grab a script to read from so they could try out the scene.

Sarah prepared herself to start her line, when Jack rose his hand, "Um sir? I have a question."

The older man sighed and waved his hand, "Yes Jack?"

"Do we just say the lines or do we do stuff too?"

Sarah snorted at his question and snarkily replied, "You act, idiot. Do whatever you think that he would do, okay?"

And as annoyed as Jack was with the manner in which Sarah spoke to him, he was rather pleased with her advice. It finally made sense to him. Acting was just being normal. It was not being anything other than just showing real people and real life. He lived everyday! He could do this!

Once more, Sarah took a breath and said dramatically and clutching onto Jack, "What man art thou that thus bescreen'd in night So stumblest on my counsel?"

Jack squirmed a little in her grasp before stumbling through his next line, "By a name I know not how to tell thee who I am: My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself, Because it is an enemy to thee; Had I it written, I would tear the word." He was not sure if he sounded at all convincing, but by the disgust in Sarah's eyes he could tell that he was not exactly executing these lines correctly. However, in his own defense Jack had only ever read Romeo and Juliet once and it was in ninth grade English. Also, it was rather hard to act naturally when Sarah was making such a fool of herself.

With an edge to her voice, she tried to maintain her composure, "My ears have not yet drunk a hundred words of that tongue's utterance, yet I know the sound: Art thou not Romeo and a Montague?"

Jack found this all so ridiculous. Romeo was supposed to be in love with Juliet, but how could anyone act like they loved someone as hateful as Sarah? This entire scene was agony for him, which caused him to pull away from her with his next line, "Neither, fair saint, if either thee dislike."

The nasty brown haired beauty was about to retort in her exhausted acting tone when Wdoviak stopped them, "Stop, enough! That was just awful. I didn't feel anything besides the urge to throw up."

Sarah tossed her hair and pointed to Jack, "He is an amateur and I can't work well with someone of his status."

Shrugging his shoulders, Jack apologized, "I'm sorry, sir. I tried, it just wasn't right with Sarah. We didn't work well together. I felt like she didn't want to be with me, you know?"

Wdoviak agreed and sat Jack down. He continued on with pairing up numerous combinations. Every time Sarah read the scene she was far too teary and dramatic for Jack's liking, Louis performed it like he was some prince in a stupid Disney movie, Megan was so mousy and soft spoken Jack could not see her as Juliet, Matthew was so conceited that he was unwatchable and Kim, which was probably Jack's own personal bias, was perfect. The blonde gave life to Juliet that the other girls did not. She was smart and witty, but still in love with her Romeo. If Romeo was a hard punch, Kim's Juliet was the soft block of the opponent. There was something about her Juliet that seemed to complete the impulsive Romeo.

However, Jack did not get up to read again. Wdoviak basically ignored him for almost the entirety of the callback, until the very end. He looked like he was about to dismiss the last six students when he saw Jack sitting at one of the desks. His eyes flashed with thought for a moment as if he was trying to decide if it would be mean to let Jack go home with only reading once, but he finally relented. Jack assumed that Wdoviak felt bad that he had ignored Jack and was trying to be nice to him in a small way.

"Right Jack," Wdoviak said as he started to pack away his things to leave the school, "Can you read this scene with Kim please."

Shaking out his hair, Jack grabbed a script, "Sure thing."

With Kim in front of him, Jack suddenly felt like he could do this scene without any foul screw ups. Like Juliet did for Romeo, Kim centered Jack. She flashed him a warm smile to try and calm his nerves before she nodded at him to signal she was going to start the scene.

Turning to Jack, Kim said genuinely surprised, "What man art thou that thus bescreen'd in night so stumblest on my counsel?"

Jack smirked at Kim and walked over to her with his usual cocky walk. Gingerly reaching out for her hand he said, "By a name I know not how to tell thee who I am:" But Kim's Juliet pulled her hand from Jack's Romeo. Romeo's face flashed with upset at her gesture. He tried to reason with her, "My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself, Because it is an enemy to thee; Had I it written, I would tear the word."

Juliet eyed Romeo in a suspicious fashion, but underneath the suspicion bubbled undeniable passion. Her face did not trust him, but her eyes drank him in like the red sea, "My ears have not yet drunk a hundred words of that tongue's utterance, yet I know the sound: Art thou not Romeo and a Montague?"

Her question made Romeo smile slightly at the thought that she indeed knew his name, "Neither, fair saint, if either thee dislike."

Pushing aside his moment of pride, Juliet approached him and rested her hand on his chest. Her eyes rested on his and for a moment there was silence. All that was left in the room was the space between their faces. For a moment it looked as if they were going to lean into one another, but Juliet looked away and questioned, "How camest thou hither, tell me, and wherefore? The orchard walls are high and hard to climb," she paused and realized, "And the place death, considering who thou art, If any of my kinsmen find thee here."

Romeo rested his hand over the hand that rested on his chest. He laced his index finger with one of her fingers and he gently stroked her hand with his thumb, "With love's light wings did I o'er-perch these walls; For stony limits cannot hold love out, And what love can do that dares love attempt; Therefore thy kinsmen are no let to me."

She leaned her face closer to his own to try and plead with him to understand the severity of his visit, "If they do see thee, they will murder thee"

He smiled at her a secret smile and for a moment Romeo and Juliet were gone and Jack and Kim had taken their places, but Jack suspected all along he was not being Romeo- he was just being himself with Kim. "Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye
Than twenty of their swords: look thou but sweet, And I am proof against their enmity."

Kim smiled back at Jack, "I would not for the world they saw thee here."

Jack's heart started to race a hundred miles an hour at the sheer look that Kim was giving him. He wanted more than anything in the world to wrap her up in his arms and kiss her, but that would be the wrong time and place, especially because she did not yet know of his affections. But he could not control himself as well as he had hoped. Regardless of what his head was telling him, he leaned into Kim and hovered right above her lips with his eyes almost closed, "I have night's cloak to hide me from their sight;
And but thou love me, let them find me here: My life were better ended by their hate, Than death prorogued, wanting of thy love." His eyes, which were just barely open, flickered down to her lips and since his one hand was still rested on top of her hand on his chest, he moved his other hand to brush her hair out of her face. It all seemed to be working in Jack's favor, except the hand that he moved to brush the hair out of her face still had a script in it. Moving his hand he dropped his script, which made him and Kim alike jump away from each other and tune back into the classroom that they were in.

With a blood red face, Jack looked at Wdoviak who was suddenly watching Jack and Kim with a very acute stare. Jack did not even dare look at the other teenagers; he was far too embarrassed to look their way.

After a few moments of silence, Jack looked at Kim who looked equally as flustered. He was about to apologize for his actions when Wdoviak spoke up, "All of you are dismissed… except Jack and Kim. I want to try something."

A few moments of huffing and puffing arose as the other teens, mostly Sarah, exited the room, but once the room was clear, Jack spoke, "Sir, what exactly do you want-?"

"Shut up Jack," Wdoviak said flipping anxiously through his script. When he came upon the page he was looking for, he instructed Kim and Jack, "Turn your scripts to Act III, Scene V. Don't ask questions, just read."

The two teenagers just looked frazzled at Wdoviak as they tried to process his request, "Did I speak a different language? Act III, Scene five! Just act the way you were before… I need to see something."

Clearing her throat, Kim looked down at the book and then back at Jack. Inside Jack was ready to burst. This was too much pressure and he was not sure that he could just call on whatever had just happened in that last scene to happen again. He had just been so natural with Kim and everything had came out the way that he wanted it to sound and look. Hell, he was not even trying to make it sound or look a certain way- he was just talking to Kim. Or Juliet. Whoever it was that he was just talking to in that last scene.

All of those thoughts stopped dead in their tracks when Kim looked at him. He simply looked at her for what seemed like an eternity before she ran to him and grabbed both sides of his face as if she was desperately trying to hold onto him. The look on her face was as if he was slipping through her fingers and there was nothing she could do to stop him leaving. Jack's heart sank at the look and his hands reached up to his face to grasp her hands. He pulled them away from his face and swiftly pulled her into his body in a hug. His lips kissed the top of her head as he held onto her for dear life.

She looked up into his eyes, still holding onto him from their hug, and said, "Wilt thou be gone? it is not yet near day:" Her eyes pleaded with him to stay before he shook his head no. Her eyes teared up as she attempted to convince him that the morning had not come to steal him away from her, "It was the nightingale, and not the lark, That pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear; Nightly she sings on yon pomegranate-tree: Believe me, love, it was the nightingale."

With a soft, sad laugh, Jack shook his head and kissed her forehead, "It was the lark, the herald of the morn, No nightingale: look, love, what envious streaks Do lace the severing clouds in yonder east: Night's candles are burnt out, and jocund day Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops."

When he looked back down into her eyes, it was no longer with a small glimmer of hope. The reality of Romeo's situation sunk into Jack before he continued, "I must be gone and live, or stay and die."

Kim's eyes brimmed with tears as she shook her head still holding onto the delusion that the morning had not come to steal Jack or Romeo away from her. Jack's Romeo's eyes also started to tear as she pulled on his shirt near his chest to make him stay, "Yon light is not day-light, I know it, I: It is some meteor that the sun exhales, To be to thee this night a torch-bearer, And light thee on thy way to Mantua: Therefore stay yet; thou need'st not to be gone."

Then Kim, or Juliet which was starting to confuse Jack's brain, did something unexpected- she kissed him. Her one hand laced up around his neck and pulled him down into a kiss that was so fierce and desperate Jack had to try and remain in the moment and not shoot his eyes open in surprise. After a few seconds of adjusting to the idea of Kim kissing him, Jack responded by pulling her by her waist closer to his body and returning her kiss with just as much fervor. Kim leaned up on her toes to reach his mouth easier and Jack continued to try and pull her closer to his body. She was crushed up against him, but he needed more of her, he hungered for her.

However, as he kissed her fiercely he felt the brush of his script in his hand up against his other knuckle. The reality that they were doing a scene snapped Jack back to his senses. He pulled his head away from Kim and kissed all over her face inbetween each of his lines, "Let me be ta'en," kiss, "let me be put to death;" kiss, "I am content, so thou wilt have it so." Kiss, "I'll say yon grey is not the morning's eye," kiss, "'Tis but the pale reflex of Cynthia's brow;" kiss, "Nor that is not the lark, whose notes do beat
The vaulty heaven so high above our heads:" kiss, "I have more care to stay than will to go:" He kissed her square on the lips this last time before he shouted out loud, "Come, death, and welcome! Juliet wills it so. How is't, my soul? let's talk; it is not day."

Kim's eyes widened and hastily pushed him away, "It is, it is: hie hence, be gone, away! It is the lark that sings so out of tune, Straining harsh discords and unpleasing sharps. Some say the lark makes sweet division; This doth not so, for she divideth us: Some say the lark and loathed toad change eyes, O, now I would they had changed voices too! Since arm from arm that voice doth us affray, Hunting thee hence with hunt's-up to the day, O, now be gone; more light and light it grows."

All of her small speech was said quickly and worriedly. He was not sure if she was being Juliet worried for her Romeo, or Kim worried about what had just occurred between her and Jack. That kiss was… intense to say the least and Jack could still feel it on his lips.

But if this was going to be the last time that he was ever going to get to kiss Kim, he was going to take advantage of the situation. He leaned in one more time and kissed her. Her eyes fluttered shut and as he pulled away from the kiss she leaned forward as if trying to capture the moment once more. Jack whispered against her lips, "More light and light; more dark and dark our woes!"

Another voice broke up the heated conversation between Kim and Jack, or Romeo and Juliet- it was Wdoviak. He clapped his hands and said, "Alright, I've seen enough. That's all I wanted to see."

Jack, noticing the tight hold that the two of them were wrapped in, let Kim go and took a few steps away. His face radiated red, while Kim's face was now the color of her Megan's hair. The three people in the room were all silent for quite some time before Wdoviak said, "You two are perfect. Kim, Jack? You two are my Romeo and Juliet."