He waved goodbye with a big smile on his face...

She immediately rose up at the sound of the alarm. Annoyed by the loud ringing, she plugs off the system. Head hurting, she groans and looks at her left. Her frustration suddenly fades away at the sight of the young man who slept so peacefully, like a child. This made him look like he didn't have problems to worry, that the world would just stare in awe than hurt him. But no, the world just had to complicate his life.

Her hands moved up to his face, her finger caressing his skin. She leans down and gently kisses her forehead. "If only you could stay like this forever. Peaceful and careless. If only you could transfer all your pain and suffering to me..." she sighs. "It's hard to remember everything, right?" Her hand moves to the boy's clenched fist.

"Why...why did you have to keep this all to yourself? Why not share your burden with others...
You know... when you left me here before, I always thought that even if we're apart we'll always be connected somehow. That we'll always support each other in everything we do..."

Suddenly, she notices water drops falling on the boy's cheek. "But no. You just tried to rely on yourself...especially now..." her voice trailed off as she tried to wipe away her tears. Why was she getting mad at him? It wasn't his fault he lost his memories...

But maybe if he only tried to tell his sister what he felt. How empty he felt inside. How scared he was to find the truth. How did she know? It was always obvious. Whenever they kissed, she always felt the hint of pain and emptiness.

When they were young, Len was never good with words. He doesn't know how to speak out, he only did so whenever he was with Miku. But what about now? Now he no longer expressed himself to her... His emotions were always kept up inside.


She didn't know why she acted so cruel and desperate today. All she knew was that this day may possibly be the worst day for her.

Seconds after her deep thinking and multiple sighs of depression, she heard something suddenly ring. Already aware of where it came from and what made the sound, she turned to her right where her small table was. Her phone was ringing and of course add the vibration of the phone.

Without looking at the sender, she picked her phone and flipped it open.

And maybe it was that message that made her feel even worse.

Miku's eyes quickly slided from left to right as she tried to read over and over the message. Though she already knew it's contents, even memorized it in her head, the letters slowly became to blurry for her to read...


"You just tried to rely on yourself..." the voice echoed. He turns to find that voice. That oh-so familiar melodic voice... The voice that sounded so cold yet so beautiful. But nothing. He found nothing but darkness...


"Len.." the voice uttered so softly...

His eyes slowly opened. That voice, it came from her. Miku Hatsune, the first person he saw as he woke up. Len looked at her and smiled, trying to shake off the thought of his dream.

She smiled back, saying, "By the way Mikuo left a while ago and told me that he wanted to wish you good luck..." her voice trailed off as her expression change to that of irritation. "Hey! Are you listening to me?"

A yawn escaped his mouth and his half open eyes were now fully awake. Len scratched the back of his head, ruffling his hair. He lifts himself to sit on the matress, then without Miku's permission he wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her closer to him, their lips centimeters apart.

"Yeah, I'm listening." he purrs. "W-wait Len.." her cheeks changed color while trying to push herself away from the man, but this only made her move closer to him. "No... I don't want to wait."

She pushed the boy with all her strength, and true enough he stumbled on the other side of the bed. Len scratched his head as he rose from the fall. "What was that about?!"

Len was shocked by the expression on her face.

Tears from her widened eyes were rolling down on her cheeks to the bed sheets below her. She slowly looked at both her hands in horror, then jumped out of the bed. "D-don't..." she muttered.

Worried, Len got out of the bed and slowly walked to her. "Miku? What's wrong?" But things became worse. Everytime he took a step foreward, Miku took a step back as she slowly reached for the slightly opened door.

"Don't get..." she muttered yet again, taking quick strides backward, hands in front of her as if she didn't want him to go to her. "Don't what?" he questioned, doing the same stride she did yet forward. He slowly lifted his hand as it reached for her shoulder, but was slapped away by Miku's hand. His eyes widened at the action.

"Don't go near me!" she yelled. Miku turned away and quickly opened the door. She ran as fast as she possibly could and entered the first room she saw. Mikuo's room. Len heard the click of the lock echo in her room.

What's with her today...

He sighed as the painful picture of her expression filled his mind.

"Miku! Someone's calling you!" The loud male voice suddenly caught his attention. It seemed that it was Mikuo who was talking, but he wasn't here right now. And he said "calling." It must mean her phone is ringing...

He turned to where he could possibly find it's source, at the sea-blue cased phone on top of Miku's table. Curious, he picked up the phone and flips it open to answer the call.


"Miku! I forgot to tell you that you shouldn't tell Len about it!" The tiny and squeaky voice on the other side yelled, her words hard to understand due to her way of speaking.

"R-Rin?" he stuttered, surprised by the voice of his sister. "What shouldn't she tell me?" He asked - no - demanded, the scary and dark tone that always made Rin cry in fear.

On the other side of the phone, Rin flinches from the shock. Why was her brother the one to answer? Damn it. I shouldn't have talked to fast...

"I-It's nothing Len! So how are yo-"

"Explain what you just said a while ago." He repeated, the coldness in his voice very much obvious. Oh how she hated his brother's cold tone. It always terrified her, even made her cry. A few weeks when Len had to leave so he could stay at Miku's, he didn't actually want to go.

"Why do I have to go to a stranger's house?" He questioned, his voice as cold as earlier. It led them to fighting, and of course it ended up with her crying and Kaito comforting her. But thanks to their parents, Len had no choice but to go.

But right now their parents wasn't with her. They had to visit an old friend's place in London for three weeks, meaning they won't be back until next week. And Len's voice had clearly become scarrier than before. When he had his memories, he never had a cold side. He was sweet and caring, but after that incident he had this side she never expected.

Rin gulped. Should she tell him or not? And now, it all relied on her tongue.

"I-I really can't tell..." She was trembling.

Even though Rin couldn't see her, Len fixed his expression to his so-called "death glare."

"Tell me, Rin." His voice softened. Len knew that she feared his cold side, but maybe taking a turn of things wouldn't hurt. Maybe it'll work.

Rin was shocked by the change of attitude. And it made her freak out. She didn't know why, but it just did. Stop it Len. her mind screamed.

She knew there was only one way to stop this. To end the conversation and her nervousness. She had to explain it now.

"It's about today. You see... And I told... she kind of... But then, she... and then showed me the... Miku was... forgot... She knew that you... still devastated and..." she continued, hardly getting enought time to breath for she didn't want her brother to disturb her explanation. And though she can't see her brother right now, she still had that awkward twin telepathic feeling. She knew that he was shocked by her explanation. Eyes widened, jaw-dropped, heart hurting and probably crying. Len was always a cry baby, something that never changed after his accident.

Ah of course, the accident was also involved in her story. It was one of the topics that revolved around her story.

Today was the day of Len's accident.

Rin tried to laugh it off. "So that's all I can say. Bye!"

"Wait Ri-" His words were cut off as he heard the beeping sound. Rin had already ended the call.

Len sighed. It was something he tried to forget, but if you asked him if he remembered the day or not he'd say he doesn't, which is actually true. Of course, he lost his memories, remembering the day of the accident would be the last thing on his mind. At least, that's what he wished.

Actually, there was something more important than his accident. Something much more important, and painful.

Afraid of what will happen next, he wiped away his tears with the blanket sheet beside him. I regret it.

He closed his eyes and kissed the phone before placing it back to the table. And as fast as he could, he opened the door and walked outside to go to Mikuo's room, where Miku was. Trying to gather his courage, he inhaled then knocked on the door.

"M-Miku! Come out!"

No answer.

"Miku!" he yelled again. "Miku!" "Mi..." he turned the door know and slowly opened the door. His eyes widened. "...ku..." he finished. And if there were other people with him earlier, or at least his school friends, they would laugh at him. Why? He kept knocking and yelling, expecting to hear a response, wether angry or sad, from Miku. But instead, the room was empty, the room was filled with unusued clothes that lied all over the place. A pile of boy clothes and female sleep-wear, but no Miku.

He walked to the window that was left open. The emergency ladder was pulled down. "She ran away..."

And then, he remembered.

He looked at the girl who was curled up beside him, crying on the handkerchief he gave. "Don't cry Miku. I'm sure that Mikuo didn't want to destroy Mr. Fluffy."

Miku and Mikuo had a fight again. Since Mikuo was always reckless, he suddenly tore apart the head of Miku's favorite dog stuffed toy. And of course, he was always there to cheer her up. It was always him, always Len. He didn't complain though, he never wanted to leave her side. He loved her. If he didn't, then why did he agree to run away with her?

"B-but Mikuo he..." she sniffed. Len sighed and put his hand around her shoulder. He pulled her close to him and kissed her cheek. "I'll buy you a new one, my princess." Surprised, she looked at the boy and wiped her tears. He was surprised to see the sudden smile on her face. "I-It's okay! It's okay even if he destroys everything, as long as Len never leaves me."
He smiled. "Okay then, I promise I won't leave you."

And later, they had to return to their home. The two siblings made up and Len left the two enjoy their time together.

"I'll never leave you..."

But of course, he knew that he broke it. There always was a part of him that said "Promises are sometimes meant to be broken." Always for the sake of love...
He didn't want to run away, but somehow he ran away. Of course he didn't remember how he suddenly lived in America, but Rin told him that they took the airplane from Japan to America. The japanese features and lack of english were proof of why he believed his frequently-lying sister.

And this time, it was her running away. And it's because of him. Always because of him, and it irritated him. Len wasn't annoyed by the fact that she ran away because of him, but more of because she ran away from him. He didn't want to be left alone... Neither did he want her to be injured while walking-running in the streets. Ah, but what was worse? The fact that she might get hit by...

No... Don't...Miku...

"Ughh..." Fingers pressed to his temples, he closed his eyes and concentrated. Think of how to find her. Think of where to find her. Just don't think of how it would look like if she... But that image was the only thing his mind could think of.

And suddenly, an idea popped. He remembered the place. The place where he used to comfort her... "The playground." He knew the place, when they walked home he would always see that, add the sudden memory. It was just a few blocks away.

"Miku... Wait for me..." And as idiotic as he knew he was, he stepped outside the window and took the stairs downwards. When his feet finally touched the ground, he ran, heading east.

She sighed. "It wasn't right for me to do that." No. She didn't want to have that scared look and to shove him away. It was fear and pain. Today's the day...

Miku shook her head and continued to play in the swing as it made squeaking sounds. She looked around to find no one there. She exhaled. This place brought back memories. How she and Len would always ride until their clothes got dirty and hunger controlled their stomachs. "Hah. And the time when Mikuo tore Mr. Flu..." her cheeks turned red.

Her hands touched her right cheek. The cheek that Len kissed that time... And again, the promise.

Noticing the growl of her stomach, she stood up, a sigh escaping from her lips. She had to go back. She just wanted some time to think. To think of today. To cry and feel the pain alone. Len, oh how would he react if she told him that. She wiped her tears and stood up, walking out of this playground she used to call "hiding place."

"Breaking promises for the one's you loved... Was it really worth it len?"

Before exiting the place, she looked over the back of her shoulder. "It's been years... Goodbye..." Was all she could say to her beloved place. The place that had a notice on it's brick wall that said 'Playground will be turned into a mini-market to serve the neighborhood better. -Mayor *****'

It was a good thing, she could just buy juice or a slurpee without riding her bycicle. But her beloved place... She sighed. It didn't matter to her anymore, as long as she remembers the wonderful memories they had there. She continued walking as she took multiple glances...

The loud honking took her attention. She turned to where she heard the noise... In the middle of the crossroad, the bright lights, the sound of her heart beat... That was it for her. She might end up the same as Len... only worse. She just closed her eyes and hoped for the best.


She felt her body being pushed away, something that she felt was wrapped around her a while ago did so. Afraid of what happened, she slowly opens her eyes to find the blond boy in front of her, breathing heavily. "Len?"

He wrapped his arms around her. "Th-thank god...You're... alright...I was...worried about you..."

"L-Len...I...I was so scared..." she returned the hug, tears falling down her face. Len stood up and lifted the girl bridal style. "Let's go home..." he whispered as his finger wiped away the tears. Speechless, Miku nodded as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He walked back to where he came from, watching the girl's breathing as it started to differ. She was slowly falling asleep.

Len sighed. He leaned down and kissed her cheek. "I'll never leave you this time..." Really, Len?

She placed her palm to her forehead as the pain woke her. "Ughh..." Her eyes slowly opened to first see Len. "Len..." she smiled. "Hey..." She felt her face heat up as the boy caressed her cheek, his smile oh-so different.

It was the smile...the smile he had years ago...That relieved smile that said 'don't worry, Miku'

The smile that hurt her.

She turned her head, averting the boy's stare-smile. A sigh escaped her lips. "That smile... I hate it. Don't show it in front of me." her words cold.

Len looked at her and frowned. He crossed his arms, saying, "So that's how you treat the guy whose accident occured on the same date?" Surprised, she looked at him. "After I saved you.." The guilt on Miku's face somehow made him smile. He was a sadist actually.

He laughed and kissed her cheek. "Sorry. You just looked so fun to tease." His laughter trailed off as he noticed the serious expression on her face. "What's wrong, hun?" Miku looked at him, her expression changing. "Today's not the day of your accident. Japan is one day ahead, so it's tomorrow if you think about it." Len chuckled. "Oh yeah..."

"And second," she glanced at her surrounding. "you checked my phone?" "Yeah..." "And was able to talk to Rin?" "Yeah..." "What did she say?" "That today was the day of the accident and that there was also something special today... Something that's..."

"Painful for me?" she answered. He nodded. Miku sighed and stood up. "It was. Painful for me...And it's all your fault," she slapped away the hand that grabbed her wrist. "I'll go get a glass of water, don't move... I have something to show you later."

She entered the room, only to found the boy asleep. She walked up to him and knelt down, her hand patting his head. Her lips curled to a tiny smile. "I can't stay mad at you forever. It's not your fault..."

She stands up and walks over to the table on the other side of the bed. Before opening the drawer, she took a deep breath. "It's been years." her voice sounded sympathetic, as if she had just met an old-time friend. And what was that "friend?" It was the letter...

Miku took out the piece of paper, and the small box that laid on top of it. She opened the piece of paper, re-reading it's contents. Her attention was taken by the box, which she immediately opened. That ring. The plastic ring that he gave her...

The loud groan made her flinch.

Her lips slightly curled to a smirk.

"You know Len..." she didn't turn around, her voice hard and cold. "Here's a gift for you." she turned to him and handed the letter and the box. He accepted the gift, yet the tilting of his head showed that he was unsure of what just happened. This made Miku chuckle. "Open it when I tell you to. But for now," her tone changed. "Let's have lunch! I'm starving!" she whined.

The letter and box that was laying on his hands made him curious. What was in it? An insect? He hated those. An earring? He doesn't do piercings... More than the box was the letter. Letters aren't the best things to recieve from a girl who spoke so coldly just a while ago, so the probabiltiy of it being a dull or negative letter is six out of ten. Four for the positive.

But he was never a curious type of guy, unless it involved his past. And maybe, just maybe, it scared him. He didn't want to open it, the letter.

Without further ado, Len stood up and opened the door in front of him. "Let's go then. I'll cook."

He just wanted a day. A day to enjoy. To forget the unlikely accident and the creepy gift. Just for a day...

Because he knew, that the gift he received was not normal. There was somethin there. Something that showed half of his past...

A/n: It's been a while guys!
I'm really having a hard time to fix this fanfic so I had to put it on temporary hiatus, but in the end it was already too hard to fix so I had to continue until the end even if it shames me. But no, this isn't the end though.

Notice that the characters' personality change every chapter? I noticed that for a while but always forgot to mention that since this was my first work, this is the most weirdest one because this the only fanfic where I throw my emotions at. So whenever I'm depressed, the chapter turns depressing, whenever I'm in love...well the last chapter ^^"


I'm now accepting fanfic requests, just PM me for details. Or go to my profile info.

I'll be posting a new fanfic by next year: Unbreakable Bonds, a MikuxMikuo fanfic or Past, Present, Future- A LenxMiku one with a hint of RintoxMiku. I'm debating which should come first. Both are very dramatic I tells ya

And I really need your opinions on my slight Mary-Sue fanfic! It's called Shiroi Tenshi, a BLEACH fanfic. It's OCxToshiro
I don't care if you don't like/know the fandom. I just need your honest opinion on my first weird fanfic... I've put a lot of effort y'know :I

And also a SKET Dan, BossuHime fanfic called Second Chances, but apparently I can't post it since the URL gets cut so just go to my profile pls :3