Ok so here it is the sequel to Just the Way You Are. I am really excited for this, and I really like this. This takes place a year after the start of the JTWYA. I hope you all enjoy this.

Summer Nights

Chapter 1: Welcome Back to Camp Wonky Donkey

Logan sighed as he looked out the window of the car as he watched the scenery pass by once again. It was almost a hundred degrees and Logan did not want to be doing this. He was on his way back to camp Wonky Donkey for three months. It would be his second summer at the camp. He really didn't want to but he didn't have a choice. He had made a promise not only to his parents, but his friends, James Diamond and Carlos Garcia, as well. He was not looking forward to this and there was one reason for that. That reason was one Kendall Donald Knight.

Kendall was the reason Logan didn't want to go back. He and Kendall had broken up a month back because of a fight they had. Logan had been scared that Kendall was going to leave him and they got into a big fight. Words were thrown around and they broke up. Ever since then Kendall and Logan had avoided one another like the plague. It was hard to do since they both lived in Sherwood and across the street from one another as well.

Logan knew there was no way to get out of going to camp. He had promised his friends at the end of last summer that he would return. Then again he had thought he was in love with Kendall and they would still be together this summer as well. That went down the drain though. He did not want to disappoint his other friends though. He had to go otherwise they would get upset and Logan didn't want that.

"Logan," Joanna said from the front seat. Logan just grunted and continued to stare out the window. He didn't want to talk right now. He just wanted to go back home. "Logan," Joanna tried again. Logan grunted again really not wanting to talk.

"Logan knock it off," David said.

"Cheer up you loved this camp," Joanna said looking back at him.

"Yeah well I had my reasons," Logan said, "all it's going to do is bring up memories and make me even sadder and madder at that idiot," he said.

"I don't know what happened with you two," Joanna said shaking her head.

"It was a camp romance that should have ended when camp ended," Logan said shaking his head.

"You don't mean that," David said.

"Not every camp romance works like your guys' did," Logan snapped. He wished he had a successful camp romance story like his parents, but he didn't. His parents had met at a summer camp and fallen in love like he and Kendall had. They had managed to make it work unlike his and Kendall's relationship. He and Kendall just were not meant to be together.

"Come on Logan it won't be that bad," David said.

"It will," Logan said.

Logan sighed and looked ahead. He saw the camp sign come into view. He groaned and threw his head back. He was not looking forward to this at all. He didn't want to have to spend the summer with Kendall. It wasn't that he hated the blonde, it was just they didn't get along anymore. It's like once they left camp things just fell apart.

"Cheer up will you?" David asked.

"The only way you're getting a smile out of me is if you turn this car around right now," Logan said seriously. He really did not want to go to camp because Kendall would be there. He did not mind the others, no he wanted to see them. He really did miss all the other friends he had made last summer. Kendall would spoil his mood though.

"Not happening you told James and Carlos you'd go and they're counting on you," Joanna said.

"See, this is what I get for actually making friends," Logan grumbled. "I am never making friends ever again," he threatened. Joanna and David chuckled up in the front and shook their heads. They pulled into the parking lot and Logan moved to help get his two big duffel bags from the trunk. He followed his parents to the main cabin so they could sign him in for his three months of hell. Logan looked over to his side and saw Dak talking to some other younger campers. Once they left Logan walked over to him.

"Hey Logan, I am surprised you even came," Dak said looking at him shocked.

"James and Carlos badgered me until I said I'd come," Logan said waving his hand. He loved James and Carlos they just annoyed the hell out of him sometimes.

"Sounds like them," Dak said laughing slightly.

"So, Kendall's talked to you I take it?" Logan asked as he leaned against the counter. Dak nodded his head. "What ever he says I am the one who broke up with him," Logan said.

"What happened though, you two were so great together," Dak said.

"We grew apart," Logan said shrugging. He knew that wasn't really the case, but it's what he told people. He never wanted anyone to know the real reason he had broken up with Kendall. He didn't even think Kendall knew the real reason he had broken up with him.


Logan turned and saw Jett standing behind him.

"Hey Jett," Logan said smiling slightly.

"I told you he'd show," Jett said walking over to Dak with a smile on his face. He leaned across the counter and pecked Dak on the lips.

"You didn't think I'd come?" Logan asked looking at Dak.

"Honestly from what Kendall told me about your break up, no I didn't," Dak said looking at Logan.

"I wasn't going to until James and Carlos showed up at my doorstep a few days ago and begged me to come. I told them I would come if they shut up and left me alone and they left me alone and my parents forced me to actually come here," Logan said.

"That sounds like Carlos and James," Jett said grabbing Dak's hand and covering it with his hand. Dak smiled at the action and pecked Jett on the cheek.

"Yeah, well here I am," Logan said looking at the two. It was then he noticed something different about the two. He didn't have much time to ponder it though.

"Logan," Kelly said. Logan turned and saw his parents and Kelly looking at him.

"Yes Kelly," Logan said.

"Your cabin assignment is the same as last year," Kelly said.

"Please tell me I only have the same cabin as last year and not the same bunk mate," Logan said desperately. He knew that wasn't the case. He was going to be stuck with the same bunk mate he had last year.

"Sorry," Kelly said.

"What?" Logan asked.

"I made the rooming assignments months ago as applications came in," Kelly said.

"This is just the icing on the cake," Logan said shaking his head. Before anyone could comment on it Logan walked out of the cabin his anger getting the better of him.

"Logan," Dak called as he followed after him.

"It's ok she didn't know," Logan said, "I'll deal with it," he said.

"Are you sure?" Dak asked.

"Yeah, and if worst comes to worst I'll make James or Carlos switch cabins with me since it was their fault I'm even here," Logan said. Dak nodded his head and left. David and Joanna walked out of the cabin and they said good bye to Logan. Logan waved them off with a small smile and an 'I'll miss you.' He then started down the familiar trail he knew so well. He wasn't watching where he was going and he managed to trip over a tree root.

"Still not the outdoorsy type are you Mitchell?" a very familiar voice said.

"Screw off Knight I am not in the mood," Logan said as he stood up. He dusted himself off and grabbed his bags. He started walking again.

"You do know we're sharing a cabin again right?" Kendall called after Logan.

"Doesn't mean I have to hang around you," Logan replied as he walked down the trail. He really did not like this one bit. Kendall put his hands up and left. Logan hated what had become of him and Kendall.

He made his way to his cabin. He saw Kendall had already unpacked his things. Then again Kendall had left yesterday. He had probably begged Dak to come get him so he didn't have to sit in a car with Katie who was changing and getting an attitude. Katie was now fifteen and also going on her second year at Wonky Donkey. Logan held no ill will toward Katie, in fact she was a great friend of his now.

Logan shook his head and started to unpack his things. He didn't want to stay in the cabin longer than necessary. It brought back so many memories of last summer. Logan started to unpack his things. He just wanted to get it done so he could get out of the cabin. Logan stopped for a moment and decided to take a look around that cabin. It was just like he remembered it.

Kendall had his things in the same place he had had them last summer. He had his dresser half open and clothes were stuffed in it. He had his other things scattered about the top. Even his guitar was sitting in the corner like it always had been last summer. Logan looked at the guitar case that was open. The guitar was leaning against the wall next to the case meaning Kendall had been playing it recently. The back was facing out and Logan saw all the initials carved in the back and saw his name, Logie, carved in the back above Kendall's name. Logan felt his heart ache at the memory of last summer. That all seemed so far away now. It was like he was a completely different person now. Kendall was a completely different person as well. Logan shook his head and returned to his unpacking. He needed to get out of this cabin and see his friends. Hopefully they wouldn't be with Kendall when he saw them.

Logan finished setting his things up in the cabin and decided to head out. Today and tomorrow were free days and schedules would come tomorrow for activities. Logan just wanted to see his friends and see what they knew of his and Kendall's breakup. Of course Carlos and James knew but he wanted to hear what Kendall was telling the girls about them.

Logan sighed and headed down the trail to the other cabin he knew too well. He stopped outside the cabin when he heard a yell from inside.

"Carlos have you seen my cuda," James hollered. Logan laughed and shook his head. He walked up to the door and knocked before opening the door.

"Guys," Logan said getting their attention.

"Hey Logan," Carlos said turning from his bed to look at the brunette.

"Hey man," James said not turning away form his bag. He was looking for his cuda spray obviously.

"You all settled in," Carlos asked.

"Yes and my cabin mate is a delight to have," Logan said with a big fake smile.

"I thought you were with Kendall again?" Carlos said confused.

"Sarcasm is lost on you isn't it?" Logan asked shaking his head as he walked over to the Latino and sat down on his bed.

"Sorry," Carlos said laughing. "So you looking forward to the summer or are you still pissy?" he asked walking over to Logan and sitting down next to him.

"Of course I am still pissy. I have to share a cabin with that idiot and I am only here because you two nagged me," Logan said looking at his friends.

"You loved it last summer," James said.

"I loved a lot of things last summer," Logan replied.

"Come on let's go see if the girls are here yet," Carlos said changing the subject. He didn't like where this conversation was heading and neither did Logan.

"You just want to find Camille," James said.

"Yeah so," Carlos said.

"You two are still kind of dating?" Logan asked as he stood up. Carlos blushed and nodded his head. He and Camille had kind of started dating a month ago. Logan wondered how long it would last now that they were going to see each other everyday.

"Come on let's go find the girls," James said walking out of the cabin. Carlos pulled Logan up and they left the cabin and followed James.

The three walked down the path and headed down the path to the girls' cabins. They reached Camille and Lucy's first. They heard the two talking and laughing. Carlos walked up to the door and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Camille said. The three walked into the cabin.

"Logan," Camille said jumping up and running over to him and hugged him.

"Should I be worried if my girlfriend goes to my gay best friend before she comes to me?" Carlos asked. Camille let go of Logan and turned to Carlos grinning.

"I haven't seen him in over two months and I saw you two weeks ago," Camille said. She walked over to Carlos and gave him a hug as well. She then gave James a hug as well.

"Hey guys," Lucy said from her bed. She smiled at James. Logan saw the smile he returned and knew it would only be a matter of time before they started dating as well. It seemed like everyone was finding someone but him.

"Hey," James said, "what you girls up to?" he asked grabbing a chair and sitting down. Carlos sat down next to Camille on her bed and Logan jumped up onto the dresser.

"Nothing much just getting unpacked," Lucy said, "Oh and Jo texted me and said she had a surprise," she said.

"Maybe she's got a boyfriend too," Logan said. He knew that had to be the case. Everyone seemed to be finding someone. He suddenly felt left out.

"Probably," Camille said, "she seemed excited," she said nodding her head.

"I heard about you and Kendall," Lucy said looking at Logan.

"Yeah, sometimes things just don't work out," Logan said shrugging. He didn't really want to talk about it, but he had to.

"You've probably already heard this, but I thought you two were going to make it," Lucy said.

"You're right I've heard it several times," Logan said, "and the truth be told I thought so too, but people change and grow apart," he said.

"So moving on," Camille said sensing the uneasiness in the room.

"Want to go see if Heather and Jo have arrived," James asked.

"Yes," Lucy said standing up. Camille and Carlos got up and Logan hopped off the dresser. He followed the others out of the cabin. They started down the trail. Logan walked behind them. He looked at James and saw the way he was looking at Lucy. He smiled as he thought of how great they would be as a couple. They obviously liked one another.

-Summer Nights-

Logan walked down the trail to the mess hall. He had left the others earlier when Kendall showed up. He didn't know why but he just couldn't be around the blonde at the moment. It didn't used to be that way, but now it was. Logan walked into the mess hall. He got his food and joined Camille, Heather, Lucy, Jo, and Jo's new boyfriend Cade at the usual table. Cade had been going to Camp Wonky Donkey for three years now and he and Jo had met at the end of last summer. They only started dating recently. James, Carlos, Kendall, Dak and Jett were nowhere to be seen.

"Hey Logan," Camille said smiling at him, "have you seen James and Carlos?" she asked.

"Nope," Logan said.

"What about Dak or Jett?" Lucy asked.

"No," Logan said.

"I wonder where they are," Jo said looking around for the others.

"Probably off goofing around," Heather said.

"Dak and Jett are counselors they can't goof off too much," Lucy said.

"That didn't stop them last year," Logan said, "well it didn't stop Dak," he added remembering how long it took for Jett to loosen up.

"So you coming to the bonfire tonight?" Camille asked Logan.

"Yeah, Dak asked me already," Logan said, "he said he and Jett had some big news they wanted to tell everyone and he wanted to make sure I was going to be there," he said.

"Yeah Jett told me that too," Lucy said, "he told me to make sure I was there with everyone," she said.

"I wonder what they want to tell us," Heather said.

"Hey guys," Katie Knight said as she walked over to their table. She sat down next to Logan.

"Hey Katie," Logan said smiling at her. Even though he hated Kendall right now, he was still friends with Katie.

"So, I am now in the older cabins and I only have one bunk mate," Katie said smiling, "I am bunking with Haley and Marie and Caitlin are right next door," she said smiling.

"Don't you feel special," Logan teased.

"Yes I do," Katie said smiling. Logan laughed.

"So Katie see any boys you like yet?" Camille asked.

"Not yet," Katie said, "but it's only the first day," she said.

"Don't let Kendall hear you talking about boys," Lucy warned.

"I know better than that," Katie said, "but he and Dustin dated when he was only fourteen and I am fifteen," she said. Logan looked down at his food. He really didn't want to talk about Kendall right now. He really wished he could forget last summer and move on. He didn't want to care about Kendall anymore. He let the girls talk though. He didn't mind. He was going to have to get used to it. Kendall was still their friend and Katie's brother.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to," Katie said quickly.

"It's ok, I get to get used to it soon or later. I am sharing a cabin with him after all," Logan said looking down at his food once more. He would have to get used to them talking about Kendall and being around the blonde once more. He would have to take it all in stride and hold his head high.

Yeah, so that happened. I know this is probably not what you're expecting, but if you remember Camp Wonky Donkey worked it's magic last summer. Can it work it's magic again. You'll have to read and find out. SO review and let me know waht you think.
