Me: -drinking milk- Alright! Chapter 10! Yay~! - puts the milk away and throws confetti into the air-

America: Double digits bro! You've made progress! That means you have 5 chapters left until the story ends!

Me: Um, well..not really..

America: Hm? watchya mean not really?

Me: -laughs nervously- I kinda have to split the original chapter in two, so now there will be 16 chapters. But no worries! -smiles-

America: Alright! That's not too bad! But why does the commie get 3 chapters and I dont!? -frowns-

Russia: -appears out of no where- It is because I am better than you da?

Me: Oh hush I thought we talked about this! Both of you will have an equal amount of chapters!

America: Whatever! And what about Japan huh? He hasnt showed up in a while either!

Japan: -shows up out of no where as well- It is because I am too busy being a shut in..

Russia: Aww~. Why?

Japan: Because Keyote chan has made everybody dis like me...

Me: Oh please that's not true! -turns to le readers- everybody dont hate Japan just yet there is still more to the story as it digresses~!

Japan: That wont work..they will dislike me anyway. I am going to read manga in the dark now. Sumimasen. -bows and leaves-

Me: so does that mean you're not going to take care of China..? o ^ o;;)

Russia: -waves hand in the air- OH! I will! I will! Pick me! Da?

Me: -sighs- Enjoy the story, and please excuse bad capitalization grammer, I am using my Mac once more because my computer crashed. AGAIN.

When morning had come Russia had awoken with a perky attitude, more happier than he usually was.

He got dressed up neater and nicer than normal,wearing a white button up dress shirt, pink tie,and black pants,still keeping his pink scarf his sister made for him.
He even made China wear something relativly cute and " formal ", which happened to be his panda hoodie. It fit perfectly on him, and it did look cute like he expected.

China,noticing that Russia was in such a great mood, made him happy as well and more energetic like yesterday. Being energetic and happy made him very talkative. He talked. Alot. Except everything he said was in Mandarin, not English. Or Russian.

Despite his unconprehensive chatter, Russia just nodded,smiled,and listened to him anyway. In the midst of cleaning his room, he glanced over to his now organized his desk clear of paper work and files. He picked up a picture frame off of his desk and beamed at it like it was a sunflower.

It was a picture of him and his sisters in the snow, smiling and being happy with each other.

China bumped into Russia's leg finishing his sentence and looking up at him.

He rested a heavy hand on his head and kneeled down to him holding the picture to his curious face.

" Look China! These are my sisters!"

The child leaned forward and stared at it,following his finger that pointed to the picture.

In the picture was Russia who had looked younger and was holding onto Ukraine's arm as Belarus was huddled close next to him.

" ooooh.."

Russia giggled. " You will be meeting them today! I cant wait for you to meet them!"

China childishly clapped his hands together and smiled.

" Da aroo!"

The country's smile brightened when he said 'da.'

" Da! Good china, ' aru'." He said the latter with a laugh trying to talk like him too.

The child kept laughing and said 'da' repeatedly with each tug of his white dress shirt.

Ivan continued to smile and checked his silver watch for the time.

" Hmmm...we should get the house ready before my sisters get here."

China nodded in agreement and said 'da' once more.

Russia fell silent to hear the Baltics hard at work,preparing for his sibling's arrival, but didn't hear anything at all. The house was dead silent. The three of them should be working right now. He would hate for the house to be unprepared. Then what will his sisters think of him? They wouldn't want to see him again! Or so Russia thought at least.

He released a light aggrivated sigh, then smiled mischeviously at China.

" China~! I have a job for you!"

Some where else in the house,the Baltic states were peacefully at rest in their room. They were pretty scared to even use their old room in the first place since it had been untouched when they left. They didn't even bother to clean any of the glass on the floor. If they did they felt like something terrible would happen to them, so they only touched their bed, and the floor. It had been long since they had slept so soundly like this. Maybe it was because they were sleeping together again instead of sleeping alone that made them so at peace. It was probably the reason why they had forgotten to wake up early and clean too.

While they were sleeping, China climbed onto the bed,using the bed sheets to squirm himself up. He looked at the three of them sound asleep. Not a single thing disturbed their deep steady breathes. He took a deep breathe of air,bent down,then lunged himself onto Lithuania's stomache knocking the air clean out of his body,then jumped on him like a trampoline.

" Withuania! Get up aroo! You need to be awake and hewlp!"

The country felt all the air escape out of his lungs and he shot up desperate for oxygen and an explanation as to what had just happened.

In the midst of Luthuania's panicked awakening China crawled over to Estonia and began poking his face in a very rude and forceful manner, then pushed Latvia off the edge of the bed,leaving all of three of them in a frantic mess.

" Wah! Latvia! What did you do!?"

" Who was touching my face!?"

" P-Please hurt Estonia first!"


Estonia swiftly swiped his glasses off of their night stand and placed them onto his face,blinking constantly to get a hint of what was going on.

Who had woken them up so rudely!?

His vision cleared out only to see a small child sitting in front of everybody waiting for them to notice him.

A huge sigh of relief left his lips and he layed back down.

" Thank goodness. It's only China."

Lithuania and Latvia calmed down after him,sighing in relief as well.
Latvia stood up from the floor dusting his self off as Lithuania held his stomache with his arms and leaned in towards the person that jumped on him.

" What are you here for China? Shouldn't you be with Russia?" He knew England had asked for him to watch China and take care of him, and not Russia, but the country had basically taken over the whole operation and there was nothing he could do to tell him other wise. If he did he would probably hurt his feelings by accident.

China pointed a finger at his face,standing across from him with a distance.

" Wussia said to wake you up because of his mei mei and jie jie."

Luthuania stared,blinked, then widened his eyes and jumped out of bed once he processed what he just said.

"AH! Russia's sisters are coming today! And we forgot to wake up early!" He freaked out and attempted to hurriedly get dressed. Russia was probably going to be mad for waking up so late in the morning.

The Baltic allies did the same after Lithuania. They had gotten dressed in record time, as if they were teenagers late for their bus. They were not as dressed up as Russia, but still dressed never less.

" I'm hungwee aroo!"

Lithuania felt tugging on his pants. He looked down from buttoning up his formal dress shirt.( he wanted to look nice for Belerus when she got there.)

" Ok ok! Follow us into the kitchen and we'll get you something!"

By the time the Baltics had gotten ready,Russia was already in the kitchen, waiting for them to enter it. He stood at the counter drinking his vodka like he would always do at every other meal he had.

He smiled when the four came into view. He looked at his subordinates. Then at China holding Lithuania's hand, feeling successful and clever of himself.

" Good job da?" He chuckled. " You got them all awake and ready under 10 minutes."

" Mhm!" He nodded proudly and gripped Lithuania's hand pointing at himself.

" Hungwee!" He began pulling his hand and jumping. The panda hood resting on his back bouncing as he did.

" Hungwee aroo! Food!"

Russia laughed once more and straightened up from leaning upon the counter top.

" Go get what China wants,da?"

The leading Baltic nodded and handed over the fretful child to Russia's arms and turning to the cabinets. He figured this was the best time to apoligize for waking up later than they were supposed to. He knew it upsetted him.

" Yes sir. We deeply apoligize for waking up late. We're not use to waking up this early like we used to and we were just so comfortable sleeping like that it just slipped our mind!"

He said all of this with a freindly smile,stopping his search for food to look back at him. Ever since they had left Russia they've slept in late in the morning. Sometimes they would wake up early at the normal time they would wake up when they were with Russia and wasnt able to go back to sleep because they were not with eachother. They had grown so used to being with eachother instead of alone.
But of course they didnt tell each other this.

Even though they woke up late Russia was too happy to be upset about this and quickly forgave them.

" It is ok! But once everyone is done eating you have to clean everything,then when you are done with that you have to cook! I'll give you a list of food that I want you three to make. Oh-! And you have to make sure to water and tain my sunflowers and plants around the house and-!"

Russia rambled on happily on what he wanted them to do. It was a long, long, list of chores and pointless cleaning activities. So long and pointless to which Lithuania had stopped listening realizing that he wasnt going to remember anything he told him.

Despite this he nodded as he spoke and hummed an " mhm." every two demands to make it seem like he was keeping things in mind.

" Basically make everything is completely happy and make things seem at home! Do it for my sisters ok?"

He nodded one last time in understanding on what he wanted him to do.

" Yes Mr. Russia, I will make sure to make everything seem at home!"
The other two nodded as well. Latvia was filling China's sippy cup with milk and Estonia was making toast.

" Da! Thank you! I can't wait for them to come over!"

" Here China, um..would you like some toast?" Estonia held out a tray of toast and butter. Latvia was right next to him holding his cup ready to give it to him.

He looked at him and tried to reach for it, fidgeting in Russia's arms. Russia set him down on the counter so he could eat and Estonia set the tray down and Latvia did the same. Once his food was placed in front of him China ate away happily.

Lativa watched Russia set his empty glass of vodka down and stuttered his sentence out nervously. " A-Are you hungry Mr. Russia?"

He shook his head no and hurriedly nudged the 3 out of the kitchen before they could make food of their own.

" Niet! I am fine, da? You guys should hurry up and clean before Ukraine and Belerus get here! They will come in a couple of hours so you should try to hurry.
He gave them one last push out the entrance of the room and closed his eyes as he smiled.

" I will watch little China!"

' Aw..but we didnt even get to eat yet!' Latvia complained in his thoughts and looked back behind him.

Russia saw that they were still standing there and tilted his head at them.

" Do it now da?"

They all snapped out of their motionless gaze and hurriedly gave him flustered replies taking off into different parts of the house.

" Yes! Sorry! We'll do it right away!"

" Y-Y-Yah! Don't worry!"

Russia looked into his empty glass and sighed. His smile never seemed to have faded away.

" Hmm..." Russia checked the time and bit his lip in anxiety. The sound of crunching toast could be heard next to him.

" We have two hours...what are we going to do together in two hours China?"

China looked up at him with the sippy cup now in his were all over his face and the white part of his hoodie.

" Where's Japan?"

Russia's smile froze and he seemed to have stopped breathing. The question came out of nowhere. He got mad at the mere mention of his name.

" Your stupid excuse of a brother is not here right now China."

He pushed his own cup away and looked at the child's face, which was direly confused.

" Why nawt aroo?"

Russia, having the mentality of a child himself, did not know when to lie to him, or catch on that having Japan gone hurt his feelings, so he gave him a straight forward answer thinking it was ok to do so.

" Because Japan doesn't like you."

A heart broken look of complete distress appeared on his face. Tears began budding at the corners of his eyes like droplets of dew on grass.

" W-what!? But why?" He whined at him and slapped the counter with his hands.

Russia shrugged at this,not knowing the answer himself.

" I don't know China, maybe it is the same reason he left you."

As soon as he heard this he started crying. The idea seemed much too terrible for him to listen to.

Russia seemed completly confused at his reaction. Why did this make him so upset?

" What is wrong? Maybe if Japan would be more like me he would be a better brother to you!"

It was true. Russia had thought himself to be a good little brother as well as an older brother to his two sisters.

He would listen to whatever Ukraine would tell him to do and he loved her greatly for taking care of him when he was little.

Maybe if Japan treated China better, they would both have a family, and they both wouldn't have to be alone as much.

China cried louder, sounding exactly like a baby and loud enough for practically every Baltic to hear.

" Russia? What the heck is going on in here!? You didn't hurt China or anything did you?"

Estonia saw the scene displayed before his eyes and suddenly developed a rush of bravery. It was all over his face.

" Aha! Caught you! I swear! Every time I see you with China he's always crying! Now what on Earth have you done this time?"

He walked closer to the two, adjusting his glasses along the way. He had seen Russia make the child cry three times now!

The three times he had seen him Latvia and Lithuania was there to take care of the problem-but not this time! This time Estonia was going to do something about it!

' Oh no! I made China cry!'

" I-I didn't do anything da? It...! It was Lithuania that made little China cry! Not me! I would never hurt China!"

He put on an offended innocent face and tried to blame it on somebody like last time, which had worked,but the look on Estonia's face showed him that there was no way he was getting out of it this time around.

" Mr. Russia,nobody is in here! You and China have been sitting here alone by yourselves for at least five minutes! Now what did you tell him!?"

Russia squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head defiantly.

" I said nothing to make China cry or hurt his feelings!" He was on the brink of tears himself, ready to cry. The only thing that kept him together was the humiliating idea of crying in front of one of the Baltic's.

Estonia took a good three second loook at China as Russia replied back, noticing that his body was clean of any scars.

" Really? Well you did or said something! If you won't tell me then I will just ask him myself!"

" But he is crying too much! How is he supposed to talk if he is crying?"

Estonia huffed and quickly took China off the counter, holding him close to his chest,starting to calm him down.

He knew how to get somebody to stop crying. He would comfort Latvia any way he could when he would cry alone at night, or whenever he was by himself in general.

His emotions changed from frustration to care almost immediatly as he rubbed China's back. He spoke in a low voice, speaking in his native tongue,telling him to calm down and to stop crying.

Russia watched him starting to get a little peeved off that Estonia was using his language in his house, one of the rules that he knew good and well not to break, but now was not the time to adress it. It was succeeding at calming the child down and hushing his sobs.

His frown deepened the more he watched. How come nobody did that to him when ever he cried? Not even when he was little... well, there was nobody around him to comfort Russia when he was that age in the first place but still! He wanted somebody to comfort him when he cried!

Once Estonia had soothed China into trembling breathes and gulps of air, he pulled him apart just a little to see his face.

" Now," He sighed, his breathe brushing against China's brown hair. " Tell me what russia said to you. What did he say?"

He used a gentle freindly voice,also used with Latvia, which coaxed him into speaking.

Russia nervously bit his bottom lip preparing for the worst.

" He said-..."


" He said that Japan doesn't wike me and that he weft me aroo!" He blurted out and cried all over again.

Estonia let out a frustrated sigh and turned to his boss, glaring at him.

" Mr. Russia why would you tell a child something like that?"

" I-I was only answering his question!" He admitted then hid his nose and mouth under the safty of his scarf.

" But he's only a kid! You shouldn't tell him something that would make him cry!"

Russia's bottom lip trembled as he said this and sqeueezed his eyes shut wanting him to go away.

"I-I didn't mean to make him cry da? China is my friend! I would never hurt my friend! If I knew it would bring him tears I would have never of told him that!"

It was too late to stop the hot tears from running down his face. They escaped his weak grasp, and he didnt even bother hiding the fact that he was crying. He knew he wasn't supposed to cry in front of his allies because it showed weakness, but he couldn't help it. He really couldn't. He felt too bad about himself for making China cry like that.

Estonia cut off his yelling and stared. He didn't know wether he should be suprised at Russia's tears or not. He'd never seen him cry before. He also didn't know how to get him to stop. He didn't know him all that well to be comfortable to. So, he decided to get somebody who did.

Estonia held China's wailing head against his chest and asked for Russia to " wait here".

Russia didn't move as a reply and he left out of the room in search for Lithuania. He had known Russia longer than any of them.

" Lithuania! There you are!"

He looked up from his concentrated scrubbing of the hard wood floor. " Oh! Estonia! What is it?"

He held China out for him to take. In slight confusion, he did, and rose up from his knees.

" Why is China crying?"

" Russia said something to make China cry, and now Russia is crying. I've never seen him do this before so I don't know what to do. But You should go and see if he's ok." He took the rag from his hand and went over to the bucket of water on the floor.

" I will go ahead and clean for you."

" Oh...o-okay.."

Lithuania gave Estonia a worried,nervous glance before walking down the hall. Then he stared down at China.

What the heck happened? He was crying the hardest he'd ever seen him before! Even though he didn't do anything to make him cry he felt guilty about it and tried getting him to stop on his way to the kitchen.

He looked up from patting his back but didn't see the other country there like Estonia said he was.

" Russia...?" He couldn't hear anything else but China's bawling.

He walked around the room, then the dining room,then the living room. He still wasn't there. Finally he walked out to the back of the house and opened the door to his sun room. It was Russia's only place of comfort besides his sun flower field. During the winter he would put as many sunflowers as he could in here in a desperate attempt to keep them alive using artificial lighting. They wouldn't grow as well with aritificial light, but it still worked. It made Russia a bit more relaxed then normal during the winter and it kept him from drinking, which was good. When Russia was drunk it was like hell.

" Russia? I know you're in here! Please come out! You're worrying China and I both!"

He skimmed the room filled with various colors and types of flowers. The whole room was filled with the sweet aroma. He saw the movement of sunflower stalks and his eyes stopped on it. He sighed and approached him, moving the tall flowers out of the way so he could see the hurt Russian.

Russia was hugging his knees to his chest and was crying into his scarf like it were a pillow. He had on the most distressed teared face he had seen him wear ever since he was a child.

Lithuania's eyes widened in shock. He really was crying!

" Russia...? Are you ok?"

He didn't notice his presence until he spoke. He lifted his head up, hugging a sunflower to his body as if it were a teddy bear.

" Comrade..."

He heard the childish sorrow in his voice. His look dropped to one of sadness as well. He sat down across from him and brushed the sunflower pedals away from his soaked face to see him better.

" Russia? Why are you sad? You should be happy! You're sisters will be here in a while! You wouldn't want to worry them would you?"

" I know but-!" His sentence was interupted from sniffling. " I hurt my friend!"

Chian lifted his head up enough to peek at him. Before Lithuania could say anything Russia hung his head and continued talking.

" Why do I hurt every freind that I have? I always make people cry and make them scared of me..." More tears ran down his face.

" I don't mean it! I want my freinds to like me! How many times do I have to love somebody until they love me back? If they don't I should just crush them with my feelings so that they will understand da? My love will be my pipe! I will beat people with it until they finally feel something!" He finally gotten control of himself and gasped lightly at what he realized he said then buried his head into his arms.

" I...I am terrible...da?"

China was looking at him fully now,realizing how sad he seemed.

Lithuania pulled Russia into his arm that wasn't holding China and helled him too. He didnt have to say anything else to make him do that.
All the country saw was that hurt lonely child in the snow from years ago.
He was still the same as he was back then. No different then a hurt sobbing infant that needed to be cradled.
Maybe that was what Russia's problem was. He didn't get a chance to be a child. He was always put through a harsh lifestyle, so by the time he was able to act like one, he was already grown up.
Perhaps the same thing went for China as well..except he acted like the leader that the world needed him to be.

Yes, Russia scared him to death, but it were moments like these that made him want to tell the country that he was going to be ok. When he had seen him as a freind, not a boss.

" I don't think that about you Russia...I'm sure you can be very nice!"

Russia enjoyed the other's warm body holding his and felt security from him.

" Really...?"

" Yes really! You are a really strog nation with lots of freinds that like you, you're not terrible!"

" So,so, we are freinds da? Comrades?" He looked at him with such childish hope, how could he possibly say no to him?

" Of course we are friends!" He laughed.

" You said so yourself remember?"

The smile that Russia had on his face returned at last and he nodded a whole lot of times.

" Da! Of course I did! Because we are comrades! So we'll always be together,and you'll never leave me!"

His creepiness was slowly starting to return,which Lithuania laughed at nervously as a reply.

" Yah of course! That is what friends do! Stay with each other until the end!"

" Da, but there will be no end, only forever Lithuania..." His voice sounded ominous to him.

" Eh..." He looked scared now, but his smile didn't seem to falter. He wasn't being literal was he?
The lost look in Russia's eye was back again as he zoned off and he swear he could see an evil aura appear around his body.

The child in Lithuania's lap broke the tension, thankfully. He tugged on Russia's scarf to get his attention.
China was being so quite that the two had almost forgotten he was there.

" China!" Russia cheered and looked down at him.
" Wussia? is it twue? Does Japan not wike me?" He spoke a sloppy pernounced sentence and looked at him with beggingful eyes.
Lithuania looked at Russia, hoping he would redeem himself this time, then felt China being swiftly removed from his grasp and saw Russia hug him with both strength and tenderness in his arms.

" Niet! Everything I told you wasn't true! I was just mad at him da? I'm sure Japan loves you and you can see him very soon when he feels better! I'm so so sorry China! I didn't mean to make my freind cry!"

" Weally? So he misses me aroo?" He squirmed in his tight grip and looked up at him.
" Da, of course he misses you! And he can't wait to take good care of you again!"

A wide smile spread across his face and he hugged him back as best as his small pudgy arms would allow him.

" I can't wait to see him aroo! I miss him too!"

Both Russia and Lithuania hid their empathy with their smiles. They all knew how Japan really felt about him and hoped he would change his mind soon so he could watch him again. Just so China could be happy. Still, they were relieved.

Russia wanted China's real happiness to return when he changed back. Not his fake convincing smile he would wear all of the time just so he wouldn't worry anybody.
He was looking forward to that day.

Regaining his emotional strength, he wiped China's tears off of his face, and China tried to copy him and do the same back.

" Ha ha! Now that we have all forgiven each other, we should get back to cleaning the house, right?"

Lithuania asked with a small happy laugh seeing that everything was ok now.

Russia stood up out of his small sunflower 'feild' and nodded,

" Da! I should help too-,"

"No!" He stopped and corrected his self.

" I-I mean, you should really stick to watching China! If you clean then there will be nobody left to watch him! We will take care of the house ok?"

He knew it wasn't his house, but he had felt more comfortable with cleaning it with out Russia getting in the way.
He wouldn't want him to break something on accident.

" Hm~!Ok! China and I will water my flowers then!"

Lithuania sighed an nodded.
" Sounds good. I will get back to work now. Thank you." He smiled then left after patting both Russia and China's heads.

He felt re assured about the country, but was still a bit wary about what he said. ' keeping you forever.'

The sentence sent a shiver down his spine.
His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by his phone ringing in his pocket, which he answered as he walked down the hall.

" Yes?"
" Lithuania? It's me England. Is everything with China going ok? Is he hurt?"
" Oh," Lithuania exclaimed followed with a laugh. " No, China is doing fine! Russia seems to be doing him fairly well with him! Alot better than I expected actually. Why what is it?"

" Oh, because Italy volunteered to watch him tommorow."
" Tommorow?"
" Yes, him and Germany will be picking him up tonight. I kind of figured that you guys would have trouble taking care of him, and Italy really wanted to help so..."

" Oh..." If Italy and Germany will be taking China, then that meant the Baltics wouldn't need to stay with Russia any more. They could leave like they had wanted.

" Russia wouldnt like that..." He sighed closing his eyes, keeping the phone loose in his hands.

" Well I'm sorry. I just assumed that since...-I can tell Italy to wait longer if you like."
" No it's fine. They can pick him up tonight like you planned. I'll go ahead and let Russia know."
" Alright then, thanks. I'll let Italy know as well."

Lithuania sighed once more and closed his phone shut after England said bye himself.
Russia really wouldn't like this at all. If China left then that meant they would have no reason to stay anymore.
To top it off now was really not the time to tell him. Especially when his sisters were coming so soon.
He would hate to tell him and make him dissapointed. Or mad. How exactly would he react to news like this...?

" Lithuania! We really need you! Latvia is too short to clean the windows!"

" Alright coming!" He put his phone away.

This would have to wait. He could tell Russia later.


Me:Alright, and that's chapter 10! Sorry that there hasnt been enough Nihon for everybody lately, but trust me, he'll show up.

Lithuania: Yah, that's right everybody! I'm sure Japan will come out of isolation soon so that he will help us.
Latvia: He-he made me wear a bunny suit! And I didn't like it!
Russia: Hm? What was that? Are you guys talking about how happy you are to be with me right now? - smiles-
Baltics: Waaah! Y-YES! We are really enjoying our stay with you Mr. Russia!
Lithuania: -desperate whisper- Help...!

Me: Heh heh, anyway..Im actually pretty lucky for me to still be able to type this w;;) my dad hates it when I uses his mac.
Just remember that I stay up really late in the night to work on this for you ;_;)
And I really appreciate the reviews you guys! Just when I came to spell check everything I hit 46~!
^^)/ I'm glad everyone is enjoying this story.
Oh, and if you need to ask something either ask in the reviews as a logged in user or PM me so I can reply back ok?
Alright thanks guys! -skips off to go work on Chapter 11-