A/n: Hi, it's me Summer! Just wanted to say. I'm only going to be updating on weekends now. School starts the Monday coming up. Also besides this story I will be working on Tweet Time With Cat. I hope you enjoy this multi-chap. It's unlike anything I have written before.

Knock knock knock

Beck groaned, it was his first day of Summer vacation, he didn't want to wake up early. He got up, wondering why his mom is knocking on his door at 8:00. He rubbed his eyes and splashed his face with water. Then he remembered why his mom was waking him up. He got a summer job, helping out at the local treatment center. He freshened up and opened the door. Greeted his mom with a smile and a hug.

His mom pulled a lot of strings to get him this job. His mom's best friend owns the place. All last week he filled out paperwork and was interviewed. " you ready?" Beck smiled. " Yeah, I'm ready" he kissed his mom's cheek and headed out the door

*at treatment center*

Jade, Tori and Cat walked in the cafetiera. "So you heard every person is assigned to take care of a room and the people in the room?" Jade said walking in confidently. While terrifed Cat clung on to her arm scared. Ever since the accident she doesn't talk. Jade talks for her. Actually Jade was the one who signed both of them to come to the treatment center. She knew Cat would neve agree if she didn't come. Jade figured she needed to come to. They both had issues.

Tori kinda felt out of place. Jade and cat knew each other for years. Tori was new and knew nobody. Since they are roomates, Tori tried to become friends with Jade and Cat. Jade was a little bitter at first. She was extremely protective of Cat. But Jade opened up alittle after Cat convinved her with a letter. Tori and cat became friends quickly, even if Cat didn't talk. They became the unbreakable three.

"Yeah, i heard. Im nervous."Tori said as they walked in line. Then she whispered to Jade. "people are surronding the place, should we just something to eat and throw it away?" she asked. Jade shook her head. " Smart plan Vega" Jade said. Even if her voice sound bitter, Tori knew it was a real compliment. Tori felt special when Jade called her Vega. It proved they were friends. Only jade called her Vega.

Quiet Cat got a turkey sandwhich, some chocolate milk and a brownie. Tori and Jade got the same. They sat down at the nibbled on the sandwhich and drank half of the chocolate milk. Cat only at the brownie. She was a vegetarian. She couldn't eat the turkey sanwhich. She got up and put it back. Suddenly someone grabbed her it was someone who worked there.

"Are you from room a21?" Cat shook her head, terrifed and crying. "You need to eat" he said.

Jade got up. " Leave her alone! She's not the one with the eating disorder.I am. Shes a vegetarian. " Jade said. The guy let of her. Cat ran into Jades arm. Jade comfortered her. Cat sat back still crying in Jade's arm.

Tori patted her knee as a comforting gesture. " It's okay Cat he wasn't going to hurt you. It's okay" she said while she stroked Cat's hair and rubbed her back. Jade began to hate the guy, didnt he know why Cat was here? She wanted to go yell at him, but she knew she had to stay, for 10 mintues of crying Cat sat up and wiped her tears.

" You okay?" Jade asked. Cat nodded. The guy who grabbed Cat stood there. " I'm sorry if I scared you. I didn't mean to. I just need to make sure you guys eat. Your personal helper isn't here yet." he explanied.

Cat nodded in understanding. She sat up and nibbled on her brownie and drank her chocolate milk. She wacthed in shock as Tori did the same. The guy walked away. Tori ran to the bathroom. Jade quickly followed. Cat stayed where she was. She knew better than to follow Jade and Tori. They both have eating disorders. She felt like she doesn't understand what they go through. So she stays out of their way. She doesn't understand. She thought Tori and Jade are beautiful.

She knew the story behind Jade's eathing disorder. She blamed her father. He was very mean to Jade. He hurt her verbally many times. He is rich and has the media on him 24/7. He oh-so-kindly payed for both Cat's and Jade's stay. He only payed for Cat's stay because Jade threatned to tell th press Mr. West daughter was in a treatment center. He knew it would ruin his career. It also didn't help the fact Jade's boyfriend cheated on her. She began to cut and not eat.

Once Cat got to know Tori she learned her story as well. Tori was bullied people called her horrible names. Cat knew Tori thought she was fat. Cat didn't see it, but Tori did. She knew Tori ate because her family would have been worried. Unlike Jade's dad who didn't care if she ate or not. Cat knew Tori went to throw up. She knew Jade was going to help her. Cat once went with Jade to help her. She felt akward and out of place.

She knew to keep away when that happens. Cat layed down on her bed. looking at the mirror infront of her. She sw herdlef covered in ugly bruises and scars.

No! She thought. I knew Jade covered me up with makeup this morning!

The thoughts of how she got each on of the scars and bruises crawled in her brain. She wanted to yell and scream.

You know you desreved each and every scar. A voice said.

Cat stared at all the ugly reminders. She began to cry. She didn't want this. These ugly reminders. She got her hairbrush and threw it at the mirror.

She watched the glass shatter with a statifying smile. She enjoyed listening to the clink as the hit the wood floor.

Now I won't see the ugly bruises

A/N: I hope you like the first chapter. I'm not sure how long it will be. But it will be long. Probably the longest story I ever wrote (on the site) well tell me if you like so far

luv and chocolate
