Creating a... Mako



The Legend of Korra was truly an amazing series. It (of course) did not surpass the original series, not that it could ever. Both series are just far too different. However, today, I am not here to ramble about significant differences, I am here to speak about the art of creating a rare male species called:


I know all the Mako fan girls are going to flame me for what I'm about to say, but I know I speak for many. Please do not take it the wrong way ladies, it's just that public TV has brained washed you to the point that a 'man' (child would be better used in this case) like Mako and his behavior has been deemed 'sexy' or 'hot' by the female viewers. Nothing is wrong with that however, it is not your fault such disgraces like Mako exist.

A Mako, is a man whore, who does not know a good thing when he has it. The creators did a splendid job with creating Mako, I mean, he has all the right components. Let's start with the basics, and the first sign you should have which signifies a Mako.

Utter Rudeness or Ignores You When he First Encounters You:

Let's go back to the second episode, when this sad excuse to the male species was first introduced. His brother, Bolin was kind and helped Korra when he first saw her, while Mako simply ignored her and treated her like another one of his psycho fan girls. Now I understand if he thought she was one of Bolin's fan girls, considering Mako has none, but it's still not right to treat anyone, psychotic fan girl or not, that way. Learn some manners Mako, a-sap.
If I was Korra and any 'man' treated me so coldly, I would've ignored him too and paid more attention to his brother who obviously appreciates my presence. But since Korra is a disgrace to the female race too, it makes sense they're together.
And what really gets on my nerve is how when Korra first offered being the water bender, and he rejected! Without the tournament, he has NOTHING. Let the girl fight! But noooo, he doesn't want her help. And once he figured out she's the Avatar, he realizes he's an idiot. At least he knows, so I don't have to say it twice. You know what? I think I will, MAKO, YOU ARE AN IDIOT.

Gets Jelly When You Date His Brother Then Denies Any Feelings For You:

The date that went on between Bolin and Korra was just so cute! I loved it! And you want to know what ruined it? Mako's ass.
I mean, he just HAD to question Korra about the relationship between her and Bolin! Then when questioned about his true feelings for Korra, he denied it! He could've simply said yes, but he loves Asami more, Korra probably would've backed off because she knew he liked her, but loved Asami. But then Korra needs to go and disgrace the female race again by sucking on Mako's dirty little face! And Mako, could've done the manly thing and PUSHED HER OFF AND SAID "B! %$, you need to back up !#$%%$^# !". I mean, Bolin still would've seen them kissing, but he also would've seen his brother putting her in her place. But no, his testosterone levels got all high and excited, and he sucked face back, Edward Cullen style.

Having a Nice, Classy, Woman Who Loves You And Leaving Her In The Most Classless, Mako Way:

I understand that relationships don't always work out, but the way Mako dumped her just makes me want to grab his messed up eyebrows, and stuff them up his *BEEP*. You see, his first mistake was not telling Asami about the kiss. And when she confronted him, he pulled a fast one and weaseled his way out. Not to mention when he treated Asami like his maid and asked for hot water. When Asami answered 'You're a fire bender, boil it yourself' I was like you took the words right out of my mouth! And Pema's face was priceless, it was like 'Ooh snap! Shit is about to go down!' If he was my man, I would've thrown hot water down his shirt.
To me, Mako only dated Asami because she was rich, and when she lost everything (only for a little while), he went on to the next best thing. I mean, seriously Mako, keep it in the pants. And in the last episode, while they were in that underground town, instead of being next to his still CURRENT GIRLFRIEND. He went next to Korra, like always! And nooo, they weren't talking about strategies, Mako was trying to get some lip behind Naga! Come on Mako, Naga is still innocent, keep it PG.

'Breaking Up' With Your Girlfriend Without Actually Saying It:

Now this is a classic Mako moment. I watched that episode dozens of times, and never once did I hear Mako say something like 'This isn't going to work', or 'I'm breaking up with you' or even a small 'Maybe we should see other people'.
All my ears heard was 'I really care about you.'
What the hell does that even mean? You care about me? Well, okay, so do I, doesn't mean we're over. He didn't even have the decency to break up with her! He could've even written down if he was too pathetic to say it. Mako did Asami wrong… I just don't even have words for it. And poor Asami, she lost her man and her father all in one day….. Her and the General should hook up though, now that's a real relationship! You should take notes, Mako, because I know sometime next season you and Korra will either break up or get in a huge fight. Of course you'll get back together though, since Korra's a desperate attention whore, attention which only a Mako could provide: Greedy, selfish, and self centered.

Well to end this, I must simply say. Making a Mako is fairly hard to perfect. He must be a man whore, while staying in a steady relationship. I personally have no remorse about his past, and honestly, wouldn't mind if he vanished next season. The creators don't even have to explain anything! I wouldn't ask, I'll just imagine he's in a man-whorring wonderland, where he can break the hearts of other women.
Thank you for your time. I know I will get many flames, but for anyone who agrees, or wants more, the next character shall be Korra.