Title: Stupid Love Songs
Posted: 08/31/12
Main Pairing: S
aiga Yahiro & Yamamoto Megumi
Side Pairings:
Yamamoto Jun & Ushikubo Sakura, Tsuji Ryuu & Finn Coupe Schuzette, Karino Tadashi & Toudou Akira, Takishima Kei & Hanazono Hikari
Rating: T

Disclaimer: I own what I own, nothing more, nothing less.

Summary: This is the story of Yamamoto Megumi, the girl who never gave up on love. Well, what if it was love that gave up on her? What if the guy she loved was engaged to another girl? What if the one proof she had of him returning her feelings were children he never even knew about? What happens then?

AN: This is a future based fic that is based on both the anime and the manga! Some scenes may be related to things that happened in either of the two, and I hope that most of you know that this is FanFiction and not the original so do expect some differences. Send me suggestions if you would like or leave it as a review, just don't flame. After all, why waste time hating when you can read another story in this archive, yes? I hope you enjoy this!


"I'm coming home, I wanna know when all the leaves begin to fall. If I'm falling, falling apart."
~Hey Monday (Homecoming)

Closing the door of his room behind him, Saiga Yahiro could not manage to wipe the smile off of his face. Sure, he's heard many things about the feeling of falling in love, being loved back, and just everything that stupid fairytales had to say about the subject, but never did he actually imagine that he would be able to relate to such poppycock. All of these positive emotions were so new to him, but he didn't mind getting used to him. Especially knowing that Megumi would be beside him every step of the way.

Recalling the events that lead to his tremendously good mood, Yahiro fell back on his bed. Megumi's sweet smile, Megumi's cute glare, Megumi's soft skin, Megumi's pink lips, Megumi's beautiful face, Megumi's hypnotizing gaze, Megumi's captivating voice. Thoughts of the nothing but the brunette clouded his brain and he couldn't even utter one single complaint about it.

"Seeing you smile is just creepy," It was the younger Saiga who had managed to ruin the moment. "What happened to my grumpy Nii-san who just played games and smirked?" As cheesy as it may sound, and no way was Yahiro going to voice the thought, the grumpy and selfish heir fell in love, and it was changing him for the better. Of course he still loved to play games, of course he still smirked when he won, but now it didn't seem so hollow anymore. His victories meant something, his games would be more playful than cruel. Megumi managed to melt a heart colder than the Antarctic. She was his own personal sun.

"Seeing your face is creepy, but guess what?" Yahiro retorted, sitting up and finding his younger brother seated on the swivel chair by his desk. "I have to live with it anyway, so deal." Chitose shook his head and chuckled at the reply. A change is a change, but there are some things that being in love can't change. Namely, Yahiro's sarcasm and love of pulling one over on people. Who didn't like to win? Who didn't like to feel superior? Not Yahiro.

"I didn't know my face was so creepy, too bad we share nearly the exact same one." Yahiro shook his head in negation at Chitose's words. Nope, his brother was not winning this argument, no chance.

"There's a big difference between our faces." Yahiro concluded, flipping his hair slightly to prove a point. "I'm handsome, you're creepy." A roll of the eyes and more witty retorts followed, but the fun brotherly moment was interrupted when a butler suddenly knocked on the door and intruded. Chitose was pretty annoyed, but he didn't voice it out or complain. It was rare enough to spend time like this, but when they do it was interrupted? Fate and Timing sure had a great sense of humor!

"Excuse me Master Yahiro," The butler began, bowing, and not even greeting Chitose. "Your parents have requested for you in their office." Both brothers shared a confused gaze. What must have been so important that their parents wanted to see them personally? This was even rarer than Yahiro smiling (which seemed to be increasing lately due to a brunette singer we all love).

"What could mother and father want with you?" Chitose asked as the butler left, Yahiro standing and checking his appearance in the mirror. Meeting his parents was like making an appearance in front of court. You needed to be prepared for whatever they threw at you, you needed to look good for you to get their approval, and you needed to always where a face that showed vagueness and numbness. Business was always the matter at hand, nothing anything personal, nothing anything family related.

There would be no complaining of "Mother you forgot Chitose's birthday" or "Father you didn't attend the parent-teacher meeting that you needed to go to". No, those would be dealt with and told to the secretary. Never waste the time of Saiga Agito and Saiga Tae (pronounced "Tei") for such simple and trivial matters like family. Their priorities never rested with their children, in fact, their children were probably the last thing on their minds.

"I don't know," Yahiro answered combing his hair slightly. "Maybe something about the business." The older pink haired teen continued, wondering if it was an investment gone wrong or maybe even an investment gone right. With his parents it could either be a scolding or a congratulations. There was never an "I just wanted to talk to you cause I missed you" conversation.

"It's always about the business, Nii-san." Chitose answered. "What I'm wondering is what about the business. You already have more control than usual." The younger boy concluded, watching as his brother made his way towards the bedroom door he had walked in to only moments ago. Now, however, as he walked out, the good mood of Megumi's presence was gone. This was serious, and he was nervous as to what this summoning could mean. He was actually a bit scared that it would be something concerning that.

"You don't think it's for…" Chitose gulped. "A marriage interview?" Yahiro stiffened at the words escaping his brother's words, but he ignored it, preferring to keep his mind open. Without much of an answer, he left the room and headed down the hall to where the office of his parents lay. "The den of the demons" Chitose had once called it, and it was actually quite fitting if you asked Yahiro, for he felt as if he was walking towards the doors of hell at this very moment of time.

He imagined his father and mother back to back and typing on their respective computers, making investments and checking their businesses. He could also imagine one of them on the phone and talking calmly towards the person wasting their time. If Takishima's grandfather was harsh, Yahiro's parents were probably just as bad if not worse. That probably explains why he was pretty nervous when he reached towards the door knob and knocked. Never enter without knocking or announcement, his mother had said that onetime Chitose had barged in and interrupted an important conversation.

"Enter," His father's voice was serious and cold, nothing new really, and when Yahiro entered the room, he couldn't help but think it changed a lot since the last time he was in there. He vaguely remembered a carpet being present on floor before, but now it was made of pure maple wood. Yahiro could have sworn that his mother and father's desks used to be made of oak and not of the kind that used to made as nineteenth century bleeding stick! The teen also remembered that the couch used to be white, but now it was black leather. How long has it been since he entered? A couple of months maybe? They renovated everything in that amount of time?!

"Oh, good, it's you." Yes, no greeting of "How good it is you see you son" or "Oh, Yahiro!" it was just "you", he was no one special. He was just the person who was going to inherit all of this in the future. Yahiro was willing to bet that the only reason they remembered his and Chitose's names were because they had to sign paychecks to school and for other things. "Your mother and I need to talk to you." Obviously, Yahiro thought. Why else would he be there? To watch and stand like some fool? Common sense, really, it was a super power that only few were blessed with.

"What about?" Yahiro asked, his voice respectful in every way. He did not sit for he was not told to, he did not even fidget or look at them in the eye. It was rude to do those things according to the many instructors he had to suffer through as a kid. "All my investments have bloomed for the better, stocks are at their maximum, nothing that I have done has placed the Saiga name anywhere near failure." The pink haired teen continued on, doing his update as well as proving his worth. Both he and Chitose felt the need to do so when in front of their parents. Obviously it was a healthy family relationship.

"Yes, indeed." Tae agreed, nodding her head as she finally gestured towards the couch. Yahiro sat of course, following orders. "But you aren't here for those kinds of business matters." Yahiro wanted to sigh in relief. Nothing related to business? Well then it obviously it wasn't going to be… "We've chosen the perfect woman for you to marry." Tae's words made Yahiro's world stop. What in bloody hell did the demon of a woman just tell him?!

"Have you heard of the Kuruno Family?" Agito asked, looking up from his paperwork and finally sparing a glance at his heir. "I'm assuming you have—" Yahiro nodded his head anyway. "—and I am also assuming you know that they own a chain of hotels, casinos, and resorts that have become popular in the world." Again, Yahiro nodded knowing what his father was talking about. "They have been in demand to put up a resort and Casino in both Macau and Las Vegas, they have also managed to build hotels in New York and London, aside from Japan of course." Yahiro just continued to listen, not liking the flow of this conversation since his Tae had mentioned the word marry in one of her sentences.

"The head of the franchise, Kuruno-san, is interested in a merger," Well then why not just merge? Yahiro thought. Why still with this arranged marriage? "But he would like to have his daughter engaged to you in return. I find no problem with this, so we have agreed." Suddenly a file was tossed in his direction, Yahiro caught it out of impulse.

"Her name is Kuruno Mirai, Yahiro." Tae said, making Yahiro gulped. His mother had said his actual name, that was never a good sign. It was a sign that she was serious and planning to go on and approve of this. "She's a lovely young woman, I think you'll enjoy her company quite well." Of course you would think that! You don't know your own son she-demon! Yahiro wanted to shout, but of course he couldn't.

"But I have a girlfriend." Yahiro suddenly found himself saying, eyes widening slightly at his boldness.

"Is she beneficial to the company?" Agito suddenly asked, Yahiro shaking his head and about to respond when his father beat him to it. "Is her last name worth anything in the world of finance?" Again Yahiro shook his head, but he tried to get in a word. His father just would not allow it. "Then break her heart and leave her. While you live under this roof and are my heir then you have to do as your mother and I say. Dismissed." No, this was impossible. He couldn't accept this!

"I love her," Yahiro suddenly whispered, shocking his parents. He was still there, didn't they dismiss him? What was the meaning of this. "Mother, Father, I love my girlfriend." He continued, for the first time in his life fighting for something that he really wanted. "You can't expect me to leave her for someone that I don't even know!" And that was where Yahiro was wrong.

"Listen to me," Agito said, his voice low, dangerous even. "When you were born, you weren't meant to live life as you wanted. You live according to this company's rules, and if you refuse to follow then I will disown you immediately and give all of this to your brother. Rest assured that I will ruin your girlfriend's life, however." Yahiro's eyes widened. "You don't own your life, and yes I expect you to leave her. You used to tell me you would do anything for the company and now you won't even leave a girl?"

Yahiro shut his mouth as his father turned to look back at his current business venture. All of the time he spent with Megumi, all his feelings, yes, Yahiro seemed to have forgotten that he was a Saiga, and as a Saiga he had to live up to standards higher than his own.

He deluded himself to think that everything was going to be okay now, that everything would work out for the best. How wrong was he? Now his perfect world filled with happiness was shattered, and he couldn't even do anything to cover up the cracks. Each touch made it crack more, each attempt to return a piece would cause another to fall. His happiness was never meant to exist, his heart was never meant to love.

Exiting the room, Yahiro felt tears of sadness escape his eyes for the first time in so long. How was he supposed to hurt the one girl he never wanted to? How was he supposed to leave her like nothing when she was everything? Walking the distance back to his room, Yahiro chose to forget for the mean time. He would enjoy the thought that maybe he parents would change their minds. That maybe they loved him enough to care about his feelings.

Of course he knew it was impossible, but what else could he do?

A lost hiker, an intern in at a place called KPMG Financial Services Firm, and results from the popular Facebook all greeted Chitose as he typed in the name of the person he was 'googling'. How is it that this woman managed to disappear from the face of the Earth without leaving a single trace of her to be found online?

With a popular mother and father, a popular brother as well, one would expect Yamamoto Megumi to actually have some information or data located within the vast area of the internet. Chitose has been clicking next after next in search of some information about what she has been upped to since she disappeared from Japan, but aside from the school registry and alumni site, there was absolutely nothing about Megumi.

"Damnit," The younger Saiga whispered, clicking the next button once again. For four years she was gone, and for four years Chitose has not thought about her returning and being happy within the arms of his older brother. Grandmother, as he once called her, was the woman who everyone once knew and who everyone once talked with. He wasn't quite sure about the Special A members and their contact with her, but Yahiro had not spoken her name in the past four years either.

He was hiding the pain, sure, but now Chitose wondered if this party was a ploy for them to get back together. Why was her arrival mentioned in every invitation aside from Yahiro's? Why the secrecy? Did they want it to be a surprise or did they want him to stay away from her? Chitose was pretty sure it was the latter.

"Seven people named Yamamoto Megumi in the United States…?" After getting a hold of that article, Chitose pushed down the screen of his laptop and gave up. Obviously there was nothing about her he could read about. Laying his head on his desk, Chitose thought back to those times when his brother was truly happy. He used to smile and joke and have fun with his twisted games, but now all he did was act like some tyrant able to live up to the likes of Uther Pendragon from the Arthurian legends. Snapping at people when not being talked to, and the stupid fiancé who even Chitose hated was not helping the situation at all!

…For my sister, nephew, and niece namely Yamamoto Megumi, Yamamoto Hayato, and Yamamoto Mayumi

Those words flashed in Chitose's mind like a never ending train, especially the words nephew and niece. He wondered who fathered his grandmother's children. He wondered why the man was not coming home with her, and the younger pink haired boy also wondered why this Mayumi and Hayato did not take the last name of their father. Was his grandmother even married? All good questions, no good answers.

"Will you leave me alone?!" Chitose did wonder where the noise went. It was way too quiet within the Saiga mansion, and though Chitose was thankful for the peace, he also knew that it would start up again. Turns out it was sooner than he had thought. What a shame. "I am busy and have no time for your nonsense!" That was the deep and pissed voice of his older brother. It didn't take a genius to know who he was talking to. He only was ever hostile to one human being. Yahiro blamed her for ruining his life, and somehow, Chitose didn't blame him.

"Nonsense?!" And of course the she-demon answered back. She was never going to win against Yahiro, and she should know by now that her position in the household was only due to some engagement no one wanted aside from her, her parents, and the Saiga parents. "Not taking your fiancé to a party filled with business partners and friends is not nonsense Saiga Yahiro!" Oh will you just shut up? Chitose thought to himself, reaching towards his drawer and looking for the pair of earplugs he kept for these occasions. "It's disrespectful to me! You are acting as if you are ashamed of me!" Probably cause he is. Chitose retorted in his brain, sighing as he found the soft orange pair of plugs in his desk drawer.


"Will you call me Mirai already?!" That argument was already getting old, and Chitose knew it. Yahiro right out refused to call her Mirai unless it was in front of family. Chitose referred to her as Kuruno as well, the woman hating it as well. That was probably Chitose insisted on calling her that to begin with. When the cushion like objects were already stuffed in Chitose's ear, the younger Saiga sighed once again. Peace and quiet was hard to come by in this house. Artificial and self made comfort was the only way to go.

What would have Yahiro been like had he continued to be with Megumi? Would there be constant shouting in the house? Would there be nothing but smiles and happiness? Would Yahiro be married by now with his own family? Somehow, the thought of pink haired, brown eyes little children running around and calling him "Uncle Chitose" made the eighteen year old smile fondly. Yes, he believed that had his brother remained with his grandmother, a happy life would have been the present, not this wench of a woman.

There would have been a beautiful wedding with everyone invited, there would be cake, dancing, and smiles all around. That was what Chitose imagined would have happened if Megumi had stayed. With Mirai, it was all fighting, shouting, cutthroat bitching. There was no smiling, no happiness, no love. They weren't even married yet and they've been engaged for four bloody years! The press was already publishing articles on their fake love affair, but no one from the Kuruno or Saiga group spoke a word of it. Yahiro chose to ignore it, Mirai often spoke of how they should finally be wed and put a stop to the articles. Chitose never said his piece on it, because he knew that he wouldn't be saying anything his brother didn't already know.

Suddenly, Chitose heard a loud slam from behind him (through the earplugs no less) that made him jump and turn immediately. He watched as his older brother locked his bedroom door and glared at the woman who was probably shouting from the other side. Chitose wondered if his brother was there for a reason other than to avoid his witch of a fiancé. "SAIGA YAHIRO!" The irritated shout greeted Chitose as he removed his earplugs, and he watched as Yahiro did nothing but wait for her to go away.

A few more minutes and the clicking of her seven inch heels were heard to be leaving the hallway.

"Are those wedding bells I hear?" Yahiro glared at his younger brother as the latter just smirked in return. "Yes, you two will seriously make a good couple." Chitose continued. "I'll wait with the divorce papers at the end of the aisle." Somehow, that actually managed to draw a small twitch on the side of Yahiro's face. That was the closest he got to a smile now, so Chitose felt elated that he managed to have such an effect on his precious older brother.

"Maybe half-way down the aisle would suffice." Chitose chuckled at that one and shook his head. His big brother really had no plans of taking it as far as marriage. He would have a fiancé for the rest of his life that he had no intention of ever befriending let alone marry! "In fact, just wait for us by the door." Chitose just continued to chuckle as his brother took a seat on his bed.

"Just leave her already." Chitose advised, Yahiro merely rolling his eyes. This conversation, as well, has become somewhat of a routine between the two brothers. "It's not like the company's going to suffer such a bad loss because you called off an engagement that even the paparazzo know will never work." It was the same speech and the same words. Chitose knew Yahiro agreed with all he said, but there was one (or rather two) hurdle that they had to get over before actually succeeding. The name? Mom and Dad.

"They won't allow it Chitose," Yahiro let out, falling back on the bed and looking up at the canopy. How he wished he could just stare into nothingness and live in his dreams. "They don't care about marriage, but Kuruno and I being engaged still puts money in their hands." The routine answer from Yahiro, and usually, Chitose would just agree and shut his trap. He would then try to distract Yahiro by saying something about school or asking about work. That didn't happen now though. This was one of those rare occasions when Chitose finally decided he has had enough and finally spoke out his innermost thoughts.

"But you're miserable." The words escaped Chitose's mouth unsurely. There was a quiver of fear that his brother might snap at him, maybe even deny him, but he continued speaking none the less, gaining confidence with each word he uttered. "You hate Miss Kuruno, you hate your life right now, you want to find her and bring her back, but you're so afraid of mom and dad that you—"

"I know." Yahiro spoke out, interrupting his younger brother's rant. "You're right." Why was he so calm? Chitose wanted to ask. "But there's no point in trying to do the impossible." This person in front of him, this wasn't his brother anymore. His brother never said the word impossible. That was not in his vocabulary. There were only the things that were attainable and unattainable. "Besides," Yahiro continued. "She's never going to take me back no matter how try I hard to get her."

Poppy cock, that was what Chitose thought he was hearing. "If she loved you she would listen." Chitose was a believer that Megumi would forgive Yahiro for all the things he has done. She waited so long for him, she would take him back. "I bet she still loves you to this day." He felt like he was lying, knowing that she had children now. Then again, for all he knew, they were accidents due to her intoxicating herself — he stopped the thought right there. He honestly did not believe that Megumi was the type of person to do such a thing.

"Maybe," Yahiro spoke out. "but she won't take me back. There are limits to the amount of pain a person can take." That was when Chitose wondered what really happened when they broke up. He was never told the true story, but he was curious if his brother really did manage to hurt Megumi so. "I broke her, I know it…" Yahiro whispered, getting up from the bed and walking towards the door.

Chitose watched as he twisted the doorknob and exited without much as an "I'll be off". The sight of his brother's back was saddening as he realized that for the first time his brother may have missed something about himself. Yes, maybe, he had broken her. Chitose was sure, however, that when he finally did…he broke himself as well.

"Mommy!" Hayato called out excitedly, pointing outside the window with a big smile plastered across his face. "Look at all the clouds!" Mayumi, hearing the word 'cloud', leaned over her brother and looked out of the window as well. They were probably a good thirty minutes from landing in Japan, and this was probably the hundredth time that either Hayato or Mayumi had pointed out some sort of cloud.

"What does it look like this time?" Megumi asked, looking out the window the best that she could. With two pale pink haired kids were covering a small rectangular viewing box, it was hard to get a pretty good look. Truly, the mother never complained about the numerous times they had pointed out a cloud that looked like 'Winnie the Pooh', 'Spongebob', or even 'Mokona' from 'Tsubasa Chronicles'. She was proud that her children had such a vast imagination, and she did not want to actually admit that all she saw was a white blob.

"I see it too, I see it too!" Mayumi began to chant, earning stares from the people behind them. They smiled at the family of three and shook their heads as Megumi tried to sit Mayumi back down. Such hyperactive children at the age of four. "It looks like Charlie!" Now, Megumi was slightly confused. Who was this Charlie? A cartoon character perhaps? "Right Hayato?" The older twin nodded his head at his sister in agreement.

"Charlie?" Megumi asked, raising a brow at her precious children.

"Yeah!" Both children answered excitedly, holding hands as they began to look at other clouds. Obviously they did not get the confusion in Megumi's voice, but Hayato turned and smiled at his dear mother. "He's a guinea pig from a YouTube show we like!" At the word 'YouTube' Megumi sternly looked at both children and took hold of their shoulders. They know she disapproved of watching those shows.

"What did I tell you about inappropriate videos?" Megumi asked, both children gulping as Mayumi glared at Hayato. Now they were busted and were surely to lose their internet privileges. "I don't like you watching those shows, they aren't for your age yet." The mother continued, Hayato and Mayumi obviously about to protest.

"But they're funny!" Cried Hayato.

"They sensor the bad words!" Said Mayumi.

"I don't care that they sensor it out or if they're funny." Megumi concluded, putting her foot down. She was rarely strict with her bundles of joy, but when it came to their innocence and their vocabulary, Megumi kept a stern watch. "Not for your age is not for your age, that's final." She was already allowing them to watch rather violent cartoons, she didn't need them saying words like 'shit' or 'ass' or worst of all 'fuck' in front of other people.

"Yes Mommy," Both children answered, deflating as they went back to their cloud watching. They weren't mad with their mother, but they were still a bit sad that they wouldn't be able to watch funny stuff on YouTube again. There would be no more Charlie or Lambchop! Hayato just knew that his sister blamed him for that, but they were both growing guilty of hiding it from their mother anyway. It was kind of refreshing for them both to have that off their shoulders. "But can we still use the internet?" Mayumi's question suddenly came.

"Hmm…" Megumi teased, both her children's eyes growing wide with anticipation. They just looked absolutely adorable to her. "Okay, but you have to promise Mommy that no more YouTube videos." Hayato and Mayumi both smiled and nodded as they pinky promised with their mother. Childish, but effective.

"We will be arriving in Tokyo within ten minutes," The flight attendant's voice suddenly rang out, the seatbelt sign suddenly flashing with light. "Please fasten your seatbelts as we prepare for landing."

"You heard the lady." Megumi said, Hayato and Mayumi sitting down properly as Megumi fastened their seatbelts for them. Though both her children enjoyed the dropping feeling the airplane gave when lifting off and landing once again, Megumi would admit she was not a fan. She did not like the feeling of her stomach being left up in the air, and that would explain her dislike of roller coasters as well (though she often didn't ride them for the reason that she did not want to scream and waste her voice).

To say that Hayato and Mayumi were excited for their trip to Japan was an understatement. At the airport in England, they both couldn't practically contain their excitement. They were fidgety and acting as if they had just consumed bucket loads of sugary sweets! They kept asking questions non-stop like: "Will we live with Uncle Jun?", "Will Aunt Sakura pick as up?", "Will all your friends be there", and of course the most popular "Will we play with Ria?!" Basically, the plane ride was pretty hectic.

Megumi tried to get them to sleep during the day so that when they arrived in Japan the next day, they wouldn't be so tired from the jet lag. It was a pretty hard task to settle them down when they were so excited, but it managed to get done due to the help of music and a rather soft lullaby from mother dear. Now, though, that they were waiting for their luggage in the baggage counters (they have of course been to immigration and confirmed they were returning citizens) Megumi couldn't do anything but watch Mayumi and Hayato spin in circles.

"We're in Japan! We're in Japan!" They chanted, hands joined as they spun around. Megumi couldn't help but chuckle at their childish behavior as she kept a look out for their luggage. She had packed one for each of them, and was happy to have kept everything within the weight limit. She was pretty known for packing even things not needed, but the thought that she was going home to Japan with their mansion and to her brother comforted her. She needn't worry, for everything would be there. They probably didn't have to pack anything at all, but still.

"Oh, there's Hayato's!" Megumi called out, spotting the last bag that they have been waiting for. The sound of his name made Hayato stop from his spinning with Mayumi, and spotting that all bags were already standing beside their mother made him all the more excited.

"Mayumi! Mayumi! Where should we go first?!" Hayato asked in excitement. "Should we ride the bullet train? Should we visit Tokyo Tower? Should we go visit Uncle Ryuu and Auntie Finn to play with Ria?" Mayumi just nodded with each question, showing she as well wanted to do all of those things. Megumi laughed again as her children got ahead of themselves, taking out her whiteboard from her suitcase.

"Alright, come on you two." Megumi wrote, tapping both her children's shoulders and allowing them to read her words. "Uncle Jun and Aunt Sakura might be waiting!" At the name of Jun and Sakura, Mayumi and Hayato took their suitcase and ran towards the arrival area, leaving their mother to eat their dust. Megumi, again, just laughed at her children and chased after them. There was no point in hiding her excitement as well. Four years and she was finally home, it was good to be back.

Reaching the glass doors of the airport, Megumi spotted Mayumi and Hayato standing there and looking towards the signs that people were holding. They were probably looking for the Yamamoto name, and Megumi frowned as she realized that Jun and Sakura were yet to arrive. Have they forgotten? Have they gotten the time wrong? They're flight was not delayed, but yet her brother and her soon-to-be sister-in-law seemed to be running rather late. "Where's Uncle Jun?" Mayumi asked, impatiently. A trait she sadly got from her father.

"Where's Aunt Sakura?" Hayato also asked, and Megumi merely shrugged her shoulders as she took out her phone. She considered calling Jun, but she was still to get her phone fixed for it to operate in Japan once again. It would be very expensive to call her brother now, and she would most likely get billed two to five pounds when she got back to England. "Let's just wait." Megumi wrote, and the kids pouted and crossed their arms. They were not very patient children. A rather bad trait.

"Megumi-chan!" The voice made Megumi snap her head up and look towards the far left of the waiting area. Her face lit up as she spotted a face that looked exactly like hers. Jun was waving his arms with Sakura beside him, and she had to admit that he (and her) did not change at all.

"UNCLE JUN!" Both children dragged their bags as they ran towards Jun. The Yamamoto turned his head towards his nephew and niece as he smiled and bent down to get ready with their hug attack. Megumi followed, hugging Sakura as her twins pushed Jun to the rather dirty floor of the airport. "Uncle Jun, I missed you!" Mayumi said, attacking his cheek with kisses as Hayato just hugged his uncle and nodded in agreement with his sister.

"No love for Aunt Sakura?" The pink haired woman now asked, pouting as she pretended to cry into Megumi's shoulder. "Megumi, we've been forgotten!" She continued on, the younger twins giggling as they allowed Jun to stand up and moved towards Sakura. The Ushikubo noticed this, of course, but pretended not to as she continued on in her sobbing. "Just because I'm not blood related!" She said, and Mayumi and Hayato found it hard to suppress their laughter as they played along.

Mayumi tugged at Sakura's dress and smiled up at her, extending her arms as Sakura picked her up and hugged her tightly. "We missed you too Aunt Sakura!" Hayato exclaimed, hugging her waist as Mayumi as lifted into the woman's arms. Megumi then moved towards Jun and hugged her own brother.

"I missed you Megumi-chan." Jun said, kissing his sister's cheek as they parted.

"I missed you too Jun-kun." Megumi answered, smiling widely.

The famous Yamamoto Twins turned their gaze back to the twins and Sakura, and Megumi could not help but tease as she began to write on her white board. "I just know she'll be wanting her own when you both finally tie the knot."Jun blushed as he read his sister's words, not admitting that the idea of his own twins sounding like a very good plan at the moment. "Hurry up Jun! I want my own nephew and niece!" Jun turned redder as Megumi laughed behind her hand.

"Megumi-chan, I'm have to propose to her first." Jun whispered, and suddenly the conversation on the phone drifted through Megumi's mind. Of course, the proposal. How could she forget?! Not only was she actually back home, but she actually would be seeing someone she wished she never had to again! "Megumi-chan?" Jun questioned, seeing her suddenly tense up. Had he said something wrong?

Shaking her head, Megumi wrote on her white board once again. "It was nothing, just thinking." Megumi smiled a small smile at her suspecting brother, and she was thankful when her children had suddenly called out to her and her brother. Saved by the cries of excited children, that was a new one.

"Hurry!" Mayumi called out, sakura already leading both the twins towards the car. "I want to see so much!" Hayato concluded, Megumi and Jun sighing as they followed. Indeed, this was going to be an extremely busy month. Sightseeing, vacations, maybe even trips to private islands when the SA members got involved. They just knew that this would somewhat bring them back to their childhood, just by seeing all their friends once again.

Following after the three of them, Megumi couldn't help but feel conflicting emotions inside of her. She was happy to be back home, to be with her family, to see all of her friends, but she was also scared…so scared that things could go wrong at the engagement party tomorrow. Yahiro was not a person she was ready to face, and she actually hoped that the time to do so would never come.

The café they were in was quiet, just how Akira liked it. Soft music was playing from the background, Akira noticed it as 'A River Flows In You' by Yurima. A song filled with heartbreak, pain, suffering, loneliness. The only time she'd ever heard that song played live was by Jun on his violin. She remembered vaguely the eighteenth birthday party of the Yamamoto Twins. Megumi had sung, and two hours later Jun had played this song. Women were moved to tears by the music that came from his violin, and Akira hated to admit that she one of those said women.

"Hey," Tadashi said, facing his wife with a mouth full of food. "Thish shong ish famiriar" He continued on, mouth still stuffed with the waffles he ordered with his tea. Akira was a bit pissed at the lack of manners, but let it go. She has been in such a good mood with Megumi arriving that not even her nuisance of a husband was going to spoil it for her. One more day and she would see her sweet and precious Megumi once again.

"Jun played it on he and Megumi's eighteenth birthday." Akira filled in for Tadashi, the brunette in front of her nodding his head in agreement. Tadashi may have grown in age, height, and probably matured just a little bit, but he still had the tendency to blurt out every observation and thought he had not thinking of the consequences that would follow. Some might think that respectable, others would think it plain stupid.

"Didn't you cry when he played this song?" A strong kick came from Akira as a rather loud yelp escaped Tadashi's mouth. The few people in the café turned towards the two, but Akira merely sipped her tea as Tadashi clutched his leg. Man did his wife know how to throw a punch (well kick rather).

"I was not crying," Akira explained, putting down her cup of Earl Grey. "I had something in my eye and he just happened to be playing that song, understand me Tadashi?" She continued on. Though at her youth she would have openly kicked him half-way across Japan due to the comment, Akira has learned that sometimes her silent anger was more menacing and more terrifying.

"That must have been some weird thing." Tadashi continued on, not dropping the subject at all. "You're tears were spilling like waterfalls and—" Another kick, another yelp, and again people stared as Akira sipped her tea calmly and Tadashi clutched his leg. Some suspected that the guy must have insulted the girl and just rolled their eyes. Battered husband would be a good word to describe Tadashi. Battered, but not abused. He just had to bend to the whim of the woman he married two years ago.

"I. Was. Not. Crying." Was all Akira answered back.

Looking out of the café window, Akira saw cars pass by. She wondered if she would be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of Megumi if she waited patiently. This café was on the way towards the Yamamoto Mansion, was it possible? Not only did she want to see Megumi, but she wanted to see the two other precious angels as well. Mayumi and Hayato held a piece of Akira's heart as well, though she admitted to planning to kill their father on more than one occasion. Could you blame her? After all he did?

"Just because you keep staring, doesn't mean they'll pop out of nowhere." Turning to Tadashi once again, Akira merely smiled. She knew that, of course, still that did not mean she couldn't hope. "We should be heading home soon Akira, you have to meet up with Hikari remember?" Oh, yeah, did seem to forget that she was meeting her best friend. All this news of Megumi arriving was taking a toll of them, even Tadashi though he didn't show it much.

"How do you think Sakura's going to react when Jun pops the question?" Akira asked, Tadashi asking for the bill as he was tempted to lick his plate clean. Like mentioned, he did mature…well, in public at least. He still, very much, cleaned the plates at home with his tongue when Akira cooked. "Do you think she'll faint?" Akira joked, laughing at the thought of Sakura falling onto Jun in shock.

"She won't punch Jun and tell him this better not be some joke, that's for sure." Tadashi answered, smirking as Akira blushed and glared at him. How did he expect her to react? To melt and turn into putty? He might as well know that there was no joking with her and that if he was she was dumping his sorry ass on the pavement. Akira was not your typical and normal girl. You should never expect her to react like one.


"Ah! Hayato look!" The voice made Tadashi and Akira freeze as they turned towards the counter. "It's Aunt Akira!" Both Karinos were surprised as the pale pink haired twins stared at them with wide brown eyes. Their eyes showed delight as they walked towards them, a maid following behind them. Were they here alone? Akira found herself looking for Megumi, though her friend was nowhere to be found.

"Look at you two!" Tadashi exclaimed, smiling widely as a hug was given to him by each child. "You've gotten taller, I swore that you weren't anywhere close my head the last time I saw you!" He continued, the twins giggling as Akira smiled at them from where she sat. Tadashi really was silly, he was so good with children due to probably having the same mental age as them. He also had quite the stories to tell due to his adventures.

"That's because you're sitting down Uncle Tadashi!" Hayato pointed out, Tadashi feigning shock as twins laughed in front of him. "Aunt Akira should divorce you and just marry me!" The young Yamamoto boy then said, just wanting to tease as he suddenly climbed and sat on Akira's lap. "Cause I'm not silly and I'm serious!" He couldn't help the laughs that escaped him, and Akira laughed as she hugged her little nephew.

"It's okay Uncle Tadashi." Mayumi said, patting her uncle's arm. "You have me."

Tadashi smiled as he picked up Mayumi and placed her on his lap, the maid buying the sweets that they cakes that they seemed to have been ordered to get. "So where's your mom?" Akira asked, pinching Hayato's cheek as Tadashi tickled Mayumi. "I didn't even know you guys were already in the country!" She continued on. Seems like staring out the window did grant little miracles.

"Mommy is at home with Uncle Jun and Aunt Sakura!" The twins answered in unison. "She was tired, but she wanted to eat strawberry cake! We asked if we could come, so Uncle Jun asked one of the maids to take us to the nearest cake shop and buy a cake for mommy!" Hayato explained. "She said she missed the cakes of Japan, but she couldn't call Aunt Akira over just to make her a cake." Mayumi added, Akira's eyes widening.

"What do you mean? If she wants cake then she should just ask me!" Mayumi shook her head from Tadashi's lap across the table. Hayato did the same as he sat on Akira's lap.

"Mommy said that Aunt Akira could be busy." Mayumi said. "And she said that she would ask you make her a cake when she visits you! Also, Uncle Jun says that she's a surprise for everyone tomorrow!" Tadashi laughed at Hayato's words and shook his head. Those twins really.

"That girl really." Akira muttered softly, suddenly remembering something. "Oh! Tadashi, take this!" She tossed her purse over to her husband and ushered Mayumi to sit on her lap too. The girl obliged of course as Tadashi caught the purse and took the camera from inside. "Look like Aunt Akira wants a picture." Tadashi stated, fixing the settings after turning the digital camera on.

The maid was already waiting behind them, so with a quick 'cheese' from the two kids and a click of the camera, the twins stood up. "We'll see you tomorrow!" They both recited. "We'll tell Mama about Aunt Akira wanting to make her cake." They continued, waving as they walked back to the maid and exited the café.

"So…" Akira began, finally placing money within the booklet and looking at Tadashi. "What was it about staring out of windows you were saying?" Tadashi just rolled his eyes as he lead his wife out of the café and back home.

It was her first night back in Japan, and Megumi was just about to go over to Mayumi and Hayato's room when someone knocked on her door. She wondered who it would be, but opened the door none the less. Not so shocking to say, it was Jun was stood on the other side of the door. "Can we talk?" Jun asked, Megumi nodding as she allowed her younger brother to enter her room. It's not as if she would decline him after all, in fact, why did he even have to ask permission? Megumi already had a bad feeling about where this conversation was going to lead.

"Is something wrong?" Megumi wrote, turning the board towards her brother as they sat face to face on her bed. Sitting Indian style on either of the twins' bed was how they always used to talk seriously with one another. It was like that when Jun had talked to Megumi about falling for Sakura, it was like that when Megumi had told Jun about Yahiro. The only serious conversation not shared in the safety of a bedroom was when she was pregnant. That was held in the bathroom as Megumi was panicking.

"No, no" Jun answered, shaking his head and biting his lower lip. His voice says one thing his actions say another. They always did say that actions speak louder than words, so obviously he was verbally lying to her. "It's just that," He began, Megumi just waiting. "Are you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you?!" Megumi's face showed honest shock. Why would Jun think such a thought? She could never be mad at him! Not even when they had disagreements! Megumi loved her little brother so much that she could never stay mad at him. He and her were two parts of one half, and though Ryuu was special to the two of them, he would never be able to replace what the other was to another. "Jun-kun?" Megumi persisted, seeing as Jun was not answering her previous question.

"It's just that…" Jun's voice trailed off, really unsure of what to say. How could he voice out his thoughts properly? He was afraid of reminding her about the past, but he also wanted to know that she held no ill will against him for making her fly all the way back here. He knew what this place meant to Megumi, all the terrible memories and feelings that she experienced within these walls. "…Yahiro."

Eyes widening, Megumi stared at her brother. She understood what he was trying to say, understood that he was scared that she hated him for making her pack up and come here and face everything just for his selfish reasons. It wasn't true, of course. Megumi did not hate him nor was she mad at him. The sound of his name as it left his mouth, however, shocked her. Still his name had such a hold on her? Why? She was supposed to hate him, despise him, get over him, yet here she was, heart skipping beats just at the mere mention of his name.


"I'm not about that Jun-kun." Megumi wrote down, her handwriting shaky. "Why would I be mad? You're proposing to her and making an effort!" She continued on. "I'm proud of you!" Somehow, those words made Jun feel all the more guilty. Again she was thinking about him over herself. Why was his sister so selfless? No decent man deserved her affections, not even her own brother felt worthy enough for her to care about.

"But," Jun began to answer. "You don't want to be here. I forced you and I made plans without even consulting you!" He continued, Megumi beginning to write her answer. "I told everyone you would be here without even thinking you would refuse! I didn't think about your feelings at all! I was so selfish and I abused your love for me and—" Megumi raised her board, but Jun didn't pay any notice of it and continued on with his rant. "—Megumi-chan, I should have thought that this would hurt you too! I'm so sorry, maybe you should just go back to England after the party? You don't have to stay the month if you don't want too—"

"JUN!" The younger Yamamoto twin silenced as his sister's voice echoed through the room, a small crack forming on the glass window. Her voice was still dangerous when she wanted it to be.

"I'm not angry about anything Jun." Megumi began, her voice lowering. "You're not selfish just because you want to be happy with Sakura. In fact, it would have been who was selfish if I wasn't willing to help you with this plan of yours." Jun was about to protest, but Megumi had beaten him to it. "Look," She began. "I'm happy to be here, and obviously Mayumi and Hayato are too. You have nothing to worry about."


"No buts, Jun." Now was when she really put force into her voice. "I don't hate you and that's that. All you have to worry about right now is if Sakura is going to say yes." A warm smile made it across Megumi's face as she stood and offered her hand to her brother. "Now come on, let' say good night to the kids."

Releasing his own smile, Jun took his sister's offered hand as they made their way out of her room. "You're too nice Megumi-chan." He said. "But I wouldn't have you any other way." Her brother was really sweet as Megumi punched his arm lightly and chuckled.

"Not so nice now am I?" She teased, dashing towards her children's room as Jun chased her. "I've gotten better at sports Jun-kun~" Megumi teased. "Won't be so easy to catch me now!" Jun just laughed as he quickened his pace to catch his sister before she made it to Mayumi and Hayato's room. Of course he caught her, and of course they both put the twins to sleep. Jun felt a big boulder lift off of his shoulder when he went to bed that night.

All you have to worry about right now is if Sakura is going to say yes.

Tomorrow night he would know the answer to that particular question, and with all the effort he put and what he made Megumi go through with coming home…he really did wish she would say yes.

Well here it is! It took ten days to finish but it's out! Okay, technically it took two days to finish, but I was busy! I turned sixteen last August 25 though, so I'm in a pretty good mood! I managed to update today and that brings my mood up higher! Hope you all liked this chapter, though I feel it was a bit rushed! Megumi is back in Japan though, so let's see how the story develops now. Will she meet Yahiro at the party? Will Sakura say yes to Jun's proposal? Will Akira make Megumi a cake? Let's wait till the next chapter to find out! Hopefully it won't take as long, but I do have other things to worry about and other stories to update on not just this site!

So the readers of this story have grown to 220! I feel flattered, but I wish you would all give me a review more. Motivation is essential for writing, for me it's your thoughts and opinions I'm after. I want to know how you feel about the pacing of the story, the plot, the characters and all of that! So I'm not forcing you or anything, but reviews would be much appreciated!

So now to address some reviewers and thank some readers!

Vicky Sheldon: Thank you so much! I feel flattered that you think I am a good writer! I hope that I don't disappoint with this chapter or any future chapters to come! I also hope you find this chapter a tad bit happier! Sadness is a big part of this story, so I try my best to put tidbits of comedy in there every now and then! Thank you so much for reviewing! I feel ever so honored!

Fangirlroxx: Thank you for loving the story so far! It hasn't progressed much yet, but I feel glad to know that you are enjoying yourself while you read it! Also, thank you for saying I'm a good author, words cannot express my happiness at seeing those words.

abi8in: Thank You so much for reviewing! I'm glad that you are liking the story progression so far! I'll try to update as soon as I can so that I can answer your curiosity and of the readers as well! You're sweet, thank you for wishing me the best! I shall try my hardest! The twins are adorable I know! In my imagination, Yahiro and Megumi end up together and have children! Haha.

A big, big, big thank you to Alone-but-happy for following the story! I appreciate it that you are reading and I hope that you enjoy the story as much as I enjoy writing it!

Another big, big, big thank you to allimacaiasi for adding this story to your favourites! I hope you enjoy reading further into Megumi and Yahiro's story! I hope I don't disappoint you!

Also, I apologise for any grammatical errors that you may find. I don't have a BETA and only proofread my own work. Feel free to point them out to me and I will edit it when I have the time. Thank You!
