In the darkness of the night two figures sit in sad silence while the rain outside plays a sad melody to mirror their feelings... "Kurosaki-kun..."

"Inoue tell me, please, how can people call me a hero when my hand – these hands are stained in blood...blood, Inoue " He proceeds to stare at his shaking hand, while shaking his head and mumbling unintelligible words, strings of madness stitched together with the breaking of his heart, his mind. . . his soul. A girl with sad grey eyes and hair like sunsets sits by his feet and gently places her hand on his, so slowly as if afraid the slightest movement will scare him away.

"I'm a monster Inoue." He says this in such a way that it seems as if he is simply stating a fact, like saying the sky is blue or the grass is green, he says it with such heartbreaking conviction that it startles the sad eyed girl into action. "No you're not a monster, monsters do not change themselves to something they have hated and fought for so long to protect another person. Monsters do not die and come back again simply to defend someone they her cry. Monsters would not die over and over and would not hurt themselves over and over again just to ensure no one else has to go through it."

The boy looks up with hope in his amber eyes. "Inoue"

The girl stares into his eyes, his hear and his soul and whispers the words in a soothing voice the words he needs to hear." Kurosaki-kun, you are good. But if at any time you should feel anything but or have any doubt, simply call for me and I'll hold your hand tell you the truth no matter how many times you need to hear it. I will always be by your side, forever" she like him states this like a fact, as if there is no chance what she is saying is wrong. The boy's insecurities and doubts don't disappear but the fade.

That's when he realises while he holds the smooth palm of her hand in his and stares into her stormy eyes, that when the battle is over and the war is done and everyone returns to their homes to grieve, celebrate and live. This girl will still stand beside him with her hand in his and whisper her soothing words and wash away his doubts, this girl will welcome him home with as smile, and this is the girl he will end with. This is the girl who he will spend the rest of his life with.