~~~~~ The Afterlife ~~~~~

Gray starred, and starred and starred—gosh, what was wrong with him?! He had looked at this 'certain girl' for—what? How many minutes has it been? Heck, he didn't even know how long! All he knows is—oh, wait. It was afternoon already. When did he start? Morning? Yes, it was definitely morning. Has he been watching her for hours?! Yes, he was.

She laughed—and oh, how much the Lord is punishing him, making his heart race and an uncontrollable smile reaching his face. He blushed a bit and turned away. He was just going back to the room and act as if everything's normal. What was he doing? The girl has already been here for—what?—2, 3 days? How should he know?! He's a ghost—time doesn't even matter in immortality! 'Well, except for that idiot Natsu who keeps on celebrating birthdays… And Romeo, which he affected…' Gray thought.

Having a little war with himself, he did not notice he went inside the wrong room…

A feminine scream snapped him back to reality, making him turn his head towards the voice. He was expecting it to be one of his friends—even if the scream did sound like a girl, but then Natsu's hair is pink, which he believes is totally gay—but he was proved wrong. It was a blue haired girl. Yes, I bet you know who—Juvia. She was sitting at the corner, clutching her phone to her chest as if her life depended on it, as she starred at him with horror, awe and for 'some random reason' her face was a bit pinkish.

Gray, unable to remember what to do whenever something like this ever happens, said: "Um… Uh… Go away…" he demanded in a high and unsure voice, making his words come out like a question. What he was supposed to do was stare with anger and walk out—that would scare the girl. But at this case, he had done the no-no.

Juvia screamed and threw the nearest object towards him—a trash can. And wow, it hit hard at him; he had to lean on the wall to gain his balance. Juvia started running for the door, texting with her speed while he was still not in the condition. Did she succeed? The answer is: no.

Gray, losing his balance and trying not to make himself sound like an idiot because he knew Juvia would tell what he did with exaggeration, and surely his friends would find out, had enough time to make her trip. Already gaining most of his balance, he covered her mouth with his hand before she screamed for help and horror.

"Shh…" he said, giving her a stern look. "I'm not going to harm you…"

Juvia gave a bewildered expression, and removed his hand with force. "Not going to harm me?! You nearly gave me a bruise, tripping me! And you're a complete and utter transparent stranger who entered private property! And you say you're not going to harm me?!" she gasp, realizing she said he was 'transparent', and realizing it wasn't hallucinations, but in fact, real. "Y-You're see through… A—" Gray covered her mouth again.

"Hey, you know all those black mails, chain mails and such?" he asked, her. She nodded in reply, fear in her eyes. "Well the thing is: I'm obviously dead." Her screams turned to muffs. "Well, if you tell anyone what you just saw and if you scream, I'm warning you: ghost can curse you; haunt you for life; kill you!" Okay, the last part was kind of not true for some ghost. It was only the 'revenge seekers'. Was he one of them? No.

Juvia gave several big nods, indicating she agreed to not do anything. Well, at least one of them… Once Gray removed his hand, she screamed.

Gray heard running footsteps, coming nearer. 'Uh-oh…' he thought. 'Time to go…' He gave Juvia a look that said 'remember' and left in the speed of light.

. . .

Th door slammed open, revealing Erza and their other sisters. "Are you okay, Juvia?!" Erza demanded. "We heard you scream!"

Juvia nodded slowly in shock. She stood up and gave them a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, guys. I—um—just fell off the bed. That's all."

"Well, that's one long scream for falling off the bed. And we didn't even hear a 'thump'…" Mirajane thought aloud. She just shrugged it off. "Well, as long as you say so." She finalized. Although her face screamed suspicion all over. She was probably thinking 'what are wrong with my sisters?'

Wanting to change the topic, Juvia asked: "Where's Wendy?" noticing the little girl wasn't there. Her sisters looked around, noticing that she was indeed missing. Juvia, finding her sisters beginning to panic, began to panic as well. "Guys, where's Wendy?!"

Instead of answering her question, they dashed out, looking over to every room. "Wendy?!" they called out.

. . .

"We're… doomed…" Levy muttered at her worn out sisters. "I cannot believe… We lost sight of… Of little Wendy…" she sniffed, a few drops of tars escaping her eyes.

Sting rolled his eyes, crunching on a snack he 'found' in Rogue's hand. (Which obviously meant, he stole it.) "You just searched the whole house and village. You do know there is a forest at the back of the house, right?"

"Wendy doesn't like wondering in the dark by herself! Mostly in the woods!" Lisanna exclaimed.

Knock, knock.

They all looked at each other, no words spoken. They raced to the door. "Wendy!" they all yelled. They opened the door, and it was Wendy, giving them an apologetic smile. And with Wendy was…

"You!" Erza screamed, holding Wendy and pointing an accusing finger at the young boy, who was trying (and unsuccessfully) to walk away, unseen. "Are you the one who made Wendy go home late?! You got us worried sick about her! It's time for your punishment!"

"Erza, calm down…" Mirajane relaxed, as she looked at the boy who was now shaking in fear. "He's just a kid… Don't go too harsh." Erza quiet down, and Mirajane crouched down to the boys' level. "Hey, my name is Mirajane. What's your name?"

'Oh, god, I'm doomed… Just act normal, Romeo! You haven't past your week yet, so you still look more humane than the others!' he cheered to himself. "My name's Romeo." He answered, giving Mirajane a smile.

She squealed. "Awe, you're so adorable!" she said, pinching his cheeks. After she was done with her fan girl-ing (and hurting), she invited Romeo in, who politely rejected.

"No, thanks. My… Er… Brothers must be worried sick about me!" he explained. "And you guys must be busy!"

"We can find your brothers later!" Lisanna supported Mirajane. "Just stay for a while. And we have nothing to do anyway!" Romeo sighed in defeat and walked in the house—which he already knew very much.


. . .

I got tired of the 'repeatedly meet them one-by-one', so yeah… Any I hope you liked it!