A/N: So first of all, I do not own You're My Loveprize in Viewfinder (that amazing author would be Yamane Ayano) nor do I profit from this in any way. Second! This is set after a few years of Asami and Akihito being together. Also, some warnings: this is yaoi (boyxboy), also there will be violence, torture, cursing, and probably lemon..for those of you still reading: enjoy! Please review at the end as it makes my day!


Akihito stared at the white ceiling above him, a tear sliding down the side of his face, as he wondered yet again how this happened. He'd done everything right, he'd followed all of Asami's rules, and still it'd happened anyways. He groaned to himself quietly at the throbbing pain radiating throughout his body as a door opened and a man in a white coat stepped into the room.


3 Days earlier


"Asami! Come on, this is ridiculous! I'm JUST going to the mall!"

"Four guards, Akihito. Four."

"Ugh! Two! TWO! I'm gonna be in and out in, like, 10 minutes, tops! I don't need four guards for 10 minutes!"

Asami was silent for a little bit, at least looking like he was seriously considering the other's words.

"...three. That's it. I will not be lowering any more than that, end of discussion."

Akihito stared, shocked that he'd actually somewhat won, before breaking out in a huge grin.

"Getting more lenient in your old age Ryuuichi ~" Akihito teased lightly.

Asami's eyes narrowed, a smirk already forming on his luscious mouth.

"Old age, Akihito? Hmm maybe I should show you just young I am still."

Asami rose from where he'd been sitting and faster than Akihito could back away, he already had the younger photographer trapped against a wall, lips sealed in a searing kiss. Akihito moaned into his mouth, gasping for breath when Asami finally pulled away only to reattach himself to Akihito's sensitive neck. Akihito's hands had automatically come up to clench at the front of Asami's suit, their bodies pressed together tightly informing Akihito of his new predicament. He really, REALLY wanted to stay and play this out but the mall would be closing in - quick glance at the clock on the wall - 1 hour and he needed to get there today.

"R-Ryuuichi.." Akihito began before stopping to moan as Asami bit particularly hard on his neck, "Ryuuichi...mmm I-I have to go. Later..we'll...oh god...we'll finish later.."

Asami chuckled as he detached himself, disappointment as evident on Akihito's face as the hard-on in the boys jeans.

"Are you sure about that?" He questioned, hand sliding down to grasp Akihito's hip. Asami smirked again at the obvious conflict written across Akihito's face.

"Y-yes..." Akihito answered unconvincingly.

"Hmm well then," Asami straightened and walked back to his desk, sitting down when he reached it and already pulling out a pack of cigarettes. He looked up, eyes gleaming, "Punishment it is."

"W-what?!" Akihito stuttered out, disappointment being replaced with anger. "What the hell! You can't punish me for going to the mall, bastard!"

Asami's smirk grew to a malicious grin as he spoke, "Oh but I'm not punishing you for going to the mall my cute Akihito. I'm punishing you for attempting to get away from your guards-" Akihito started to protest but was quickly cut off. "-which we both know you WILL do, and for the trouble you'll cause them, which, again, we both know you will."

By the time Asami had finished speaking, Akihito was fuming. "Ugh! You are such a BASTARD!" Akihito screamed in frustration before storming out of the office, slamming the door in a laughing Asami's face.

Asami continued to chuckle lightly to himself as he heard Akihito make his way outside, cursing the all the while. If he knew what was coming soon, surely he wouldn't have allowed the boy one step out his door...


More to come! Please review ^_^