Sequel to 'So Much I Never Said' This ones happier tho ^_^ or at least I hope so eue'

For some reason the words got cut off at the top, supposed to say Please don't be in love with someone else

~I was enchanted to meet you, too~

I looked into the mirror, trying everything to stop my heart from telling me the thing I feared the most.

You're not in love with him.

I couldn't believe it. We had been dating for three years and here I am at my wedding, having second thoughts! It was way too late to back out, wasn't it?

And at that thought, my door clicked open and in walked my future husband, Gray Fullbuster.

"Gray! What are you doing in here?" I shrieked, trying to hide my dress that was on my body. He rolled his eyes, a serious frown on his face.

"Lucy..I can see it in your eyes. You don't want to be here, do you?" He asked me calmly, his eyes boring into mine. I tried to look away, but he wouldn't have any of it. I felt tears prick my eyes but refused to show them, sadly nodding my head

I couldn't breath in this dress, I needed to get away, fast. I couldn't stand to see all the proud looks everyone was giving, how happy they were for me. I didn't want to let them down when they went through so much for me, for us.

But I knew deep down in my heart that I wasn't in love with this man. I had never been in love with this man, and it took now to realize that.

I had been in love with someone else.

"I'm sorry Gray but..-"

"I know, I know. You're in love with him instead, I get that." He stopped me, a small, friendly smile on his face. I felt hope flutter in my stomach.

A silence squeezed it's way between us, my throat closed up.

"Go." He interrupted it. I looked back up to him, shock evident in my eyes.

"Go. After him, I know you want to. No one'll stop you, I'll make sure of that." Gray promised, a quirk of his lip up in his smirk-smile.

"Oh Gray-" I started, choked up with happiness. I couldn't believe he was doing this for me. I felt so bad, leaving him like this.

"No need to thank me, that's what friends are for, right?" His friendly smile turned into a smirk, his hands in his pockets while his tie was 'mysteriously' missing.

"Thank you so much! Oh and...tell Juvia and everyone else I'm sorry. She really likes you Gray, you should give her a chance." I added, hoping he'd listen. He nodded his head thoughtfully.

"I'll give it a try." He grumbled nonchalantly, but I didn't miss the blush on his cheeks. I walked over to him and hugged him before dashing for the door after leaving a note. A note with two, simple words.

I'm sorry.

I felt ashamed, leaving everyone rudely like this. But I couldn't help it, I needed to hurry and get to him before it was too late. I'd never be able to live with myself if I didn't get my feelings out.

So when I made sure the coast was clear, I picked my dress bottom up and scurried down the hall to the door as fast as I could, making my way out into the bright day, the light giving me energy.

I could do this.

I lifted one foot after the other, taking off my killer high heels, dumping them behind me carelessly. I thundered down the streets of Magnolia, determined to get to him before it was too late. I wouldn't stop until I saw him.

People stared at me in shock and confusion, watching me as I ran down the streets wildly, bumping into people and ruining my dress in the process.

I finally made it to the train station, crashing into people and guards alike. Some people yelled in irritation at me, but I blocked them out, frantically searching for the one man I finally realized my feelings for.

I stopped in the middle of the station, my feet now raw and slightly bleeding. I blocked that out also, searching with anxiety. Was I too late? Too late to tell him everything?!


Feeling dreadful, I picked my head up to see his silhouette walking away, the heat making it waver slightly. My face lifted into a hopeful smile as I charged after him, stopping right behind him. I knew he could smell me, he was a dragon slayer after all.

I put a hand on his shoulder to stop him, building up my courage as he stiffened.

"L..Lucy?" He asked in shock, slowly turning to look at me in disbelief. His onyx eyes widened when I confirmed, feeling a stray tear streak down my face in happiness.

"Natsu don't...please don't go." I whispered, my voice strained as I took his hands in mine. He just continued to gawk at me, probably seeing my dirtied wedding dress.

"Did you..get married?" He choked out, trying to hide the pain in his voice. But I saw it, I finally realized how good of a friend he truly was, making me love him more.

"I couldn't." I shrugged my shoulders, giving him a small smile. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, not understanding what I meant. If I wasn't so nervous I would've giggled.

"Natsu..what if you were with someone, and realized that you never loved them. That you loved someone that was always there for you, but it took you three years to realize that?" I asked quietly, a dash of blush on my cheeks. He tilted his head, obviously not understanding what I was trying to say.

"Natsu I...I'm in love with you." I whispered, my face even a worser red. His eyes widened in comprehension, staring at me blankly.

"Uh..really?" He asked in surprise. I nodded my head, anticipating his answer.












Several minutes went by, leaving me dreadfully frightened. I bit my lip to hold in my tears, understanding his silence.

He doesn't love me.

I turned around and said loud enough for him to hear. "I understand, I'm sorry." Before making my walk home. Suddenly, I felt something wrap around my waist and lift me into the air, getting a squeal of surprise from me. I heard boisterous laughs ring throughout my eardrums and I couldn't help but give a small giggle as he twirled me in his arms, setting me down with a goofy grin.

"You know.. I kept that rose." I said nonchalantly. He blushed a little and looked away, trying to hide it. I just smirked and put a hand on his face, making him look back at me.

"And.. I think that was the sweetest thing ever." I said before planting a small kiss on his nose, making both our faces turn red.

"But what about Gray and...everyone else?" Natsu asked hesitantly, the look in his eyes telling me he really didn't want to say that. I gave him a small smile before wrapping my arms around his torso, in which he automatically wrapped his arms around me too.

"Well I was gonna leave but..Gray came to talk to me." I felt Natsu tense a little and I couldn't help but giggle.

"He told me to go, to find you. And that it was okay." Instantly Natsu relaxed, and I could feel a buzzing coming from his throat.

"N-Natsu...are you purring?" I pulled back to look him in the eye, in which he looked away with a scoff.

"W-what? No!" His voice slightly cracked, making me laugh until tears came to my eyes.

"Why you-!" Natsu growled playfully, chasing me around the train station until I ran into a cart, in which he couldn't get on unless he wanted to get motion sickness.

"Aw Natsu it's nothing to be embarrassed about~" I teased, revelshing in the embarrassment he had.

"Shut up! It's Happy's fault!" He stomped, angrily. I jumped down from the cart and walked over to him, kissing him on the cheek before running off to my apartment.

"Love you too honey!" He called sarcastically, in which I turned around and laughed at, only to be scooped into the arms of Natsu.

"Natsu put me down!" I cried out in terror, my arms wrapped around him tightly when he jumped up onto my windowsill.

"Hmm let me think about"



I told you I'd ruin it ;-; that is why, folks, when I make sad crap you shouldn't ask for a happy sequel cos' I make it too fluffy. I had another one and it was sort of like this but 100000x more fluffy that I almost puked.

Please review, sorry if it was lame, thanks.

Song - Enchanted ~ Owl City