Author's Note

So hi! This isn't a chapter, more I'm just telling you that I finally got around to writing the third one in this series. On Angels' Wings. Here's an extract from it.

… …

"I don't want to go."

"You have a duty to your people, to your family, to me. I cannot believe you would be selfish enough to let what you want dictate your actions."

"Why, that is what you always do! If Jeie wants a royal wife, marry him yourself! Oh, but that's it. He doesn't want you, he wants me. Why? I'm just the younger sister, the last in line to inherit; your heirs would have a better claim than mine."

"I don't know what goes on inside the King's mind, you just have to come back."

"Or what?"

"You'll be abandoning your family, your friends, you whole damned world!"

"I already left! I left and I didn't even bother saying goodbye to you! I was perfectly happy here until you came along! Family? What family? I've got you and you don't care! I don't even know if mother's still alive, she certainly is never going to set foot outside her family's estates again. I've got friends here, brilliant friends who actually give a damn. Tchako's dead, Fran's dead, Gabi's dead, who do I have back home except Merza and he's here. Go back home and tell Jeie if he wants a Queen, you're more than willing but I will not bow or call him King. My father was the King, my brother should have been."

"They're gone, Arella. Don't be stupid and throw away your chance at a future! I'm your sister; I don't want to see you rot here!"

"No, you'd rather have me where you can gloat over my fall."

"You seem to be under the impression I hate you.

"Don't you?"

"I'm your sister."

"That doesn't answer the question."