Hello. After you read this chapter, I have an announcement at the bottom of the chapter. It involves story deleting and schedule. Sit back, relax, and enjoy a new story from me.

Me: Alright! It's time for another romance-filled, comedy fanfiction from your one and only, Rjanarielle!

Lucy: So… I have a new role I presume…

Me: That's CORRECT miss Lucy! No wonder I'm always making you the leading lady in my stories.

Lucy: *laughs*

Title- Phoenix Riders

Chapter 1- In the beginning

A/N: This happened after the Grand Magic Games

Lucy was sitting under the cherry blossom tree while enjoying the cool breeze that hits her warm body. Oh how she missed the days when she was with her family. She was thinking about her dead parents. The thought of the word "family" made her cry. That's when the guy who would free her from this endless melancholic abyss. The guy had messy hair and it was as dark as night. He has red eyes and his face always expressionless. He walked towards Lucy and sat beside her.

"What's wrong?" He bears the insignia of Sabertooth

"What's a Sabertooth dragon slayer doing here, comforting a fairy?" She wiped her tears and faced the so-called dragon slayer

"I'm bored so I went to Magnolia. What about you? Why are you crying?" He asked the crying Fairy

"It's because… My only family, my dad, passed away after we came back from Tenroujima. I know it's been months ago but… It still haunts me. I miss them so much." Her eyes suddenly got watery and one tear fell on her lap. She was embarrassed to let the Sabertooth mage see so she hid her face

"Would you please tell me what happened before?" He asked

"S-Sure… It all began when I was just a little girl…"


It was Lucy's birthday. They say that a child's birthday is the best day of their lives. Lucy however, it became her worst because of her birthday today. She went to the kitchen and made a rice ball that looks like her father. Her father was a very hard-working man and very rich too. Lucy entered her father's office and smiled at her father.

"What is it now Lucy? I don't have time for games. I have loads of work."

"Hi Daddy. Look, I made you a rice ball." Lucy smiled again

"Thank you Lucy, but you can give that to me later."

"Or… I could just put it here on your desk so that you can eat it later." She placed it on her father's desk. "Hey Dad, did you know that it's-"

"I told you that I was busy right?! And when I'm hungry, I can get my food from the chef! And instead of wasting your time on making rice balls, you should study. So stop wasting both our times Lucy!" Her father shouted and threw the rice ball that Lucy made. She ran away from the office and cried

"But daddy… Did you forget?"

"It's my birthday today…"

She ran outside and cried in the garden. Her mother, Layla Heartfilia, walked to her side and comforted the poor girl. Lucy suddenly buried her face in her mother's arms. Layla kept patting her head.

"M-Mommy, Daddy forgot my birthday…" Lucy kept crying

"I didn't forget Lucy so please stop crying for mommy okay?" Layla smiled at her daughter and sang a lullaby for the crying Lucy. She was happy that she could hear her mother's angelic voice

Soon after, Lucy fell asleep. She woke up and saw that her birthday was over. She went to the kitchen and saw her rice ball inside one of the garbage cans. Lucy cried but wiped them afterwards. She didn't want to cry because her mother doesn't want her to cry.

A few years later, she heard that her mother died. That was the first time she cried again. Her father mourned for three days and returned to normal afterwards but Lucy, she never returned to her old self. When she turned 17, she left her mansion and wanted to join her dream guild: Fairy Tail. On the way, Lucy met a pink-haired boy named Natsu and a blue talking cat named Happy. They helped her join Fairy Tail and then days passed, months passed. She experienced lots of new things and met new people. She met a guy named Gray, a playboy named Loke, a matchmaker named Mirajane, a cool and pretty mage named Erza, and a blue-haired girl named Levy. But her peace was disturbed when Phantom Lord attacked Fairy Tail. Jose Porla, Phantom Lord's master, was said to capture Lucy and bring her back to Jude Heartfilia. War was made between the two guilds but the victory went to Fairy Tail. She decided to visit her father.

"Mrs. Spetto!" Lucy shouted at the dancing maid who was cleaning the front yard

"M-Miss Lucy!" all of the staff shouted and went to Lucy. Another maid told Lucy that she needs to look presentable before going to her father's office. 'Nothing's changed…'

'I forgot… This was the kind of clothing I needed to wear when I used to live here…' Lucy looked at her pink dress

"M-Miss Lucy? Is it too tight?" Two maids asked

"This is fine. Thanks ladies." Lucy asked them to leave 'He hasn't changed either…'

Lucy knocked on the door, asking for permission and her father accepted. "Hello Dad."

"Lucy… I'm glad you've finally returned. You now know what would happen to everyone around you if you decide to leave."

"Yes Dad." She lowered her head

They talked about Lucy's future. Her father suddenly said that he would do anything in his power to destroy Fairy Tail. She kept quiet. After their talk, Jude commanded her to go to her room.

"I'm sorry dad, but it seems you misunderstood me. I didn't come back to live here, I came back to settle some things with you. I have to admit, when I ran away, I acted like a little girl back then. Too scared to say her reasons. But now I'm all grown up and I can tell you what I feel. You're not the one running my life anymore. So stay away from me and my friends! If you don't, the guild will consider you as one of our enemies!" She ripped her dress "If you didn't do what you did, there might have been a chance for us to settle our differences." Lucy said and mentioned the other members of the staff. She turned and walked away while showing her Fairy Tail insignia to her father

Lucy went in front of her mother's grave to say goodbye. After saying her goodbye, Natsu and the gang went to her. They laughed, they cried, but they were glad that Lucy was not leaving Fairy Tail. The team suddenly lost their minds when Lucy said that property of her mansion reaches up to the mountain.

"Huh? What's wrong guys?-"

"All hail queen Lucy! Bow to the queen!" Natsu and Gray saluted

"Captain Erza! It seems that Natsu and Gray has lost to the queen! We are now awaiting your orders ma'am!" Happy saluted Erza

"Yup… I wouldn't mind living here." Erza lost her mind as well

"Captain Erza has also lost to the queen!"

And with that, Lucy laughed. The team went back to Fairy Tail. Lots of things happened next. She got Leo's key, they went to the Tower of Heaven, they fought the Raijinshuu, fought the Oracion Seis, went to Edolas, and she experienced the S-Class promotion. Fairy Tail went to an island called Tenroujima. In the island, they encountered new enemies and also made new friends. They even found the Black Wizard in the island and they fought a dragon named Acnologia. Everybody thought that the island was wiped out, but it was actually saved. Using the bond, Mavis Vermilion it into Magical Power and made the Fairy Sphere. Time continued in the outside world but the time inside the sphere stopped. Fairy Tail didn't age for 7 years. When the members returned, they caused a ruckus but it was worth it. At last, Fairy Tail was now home but Lucy had other thoughts. She went to Love and Lucky but got news that her father already died. She was happy though that her father paid for her rent. The table in her apartment had loads of gifts and a letter on her bed.

She opened the box containing her rent's pay and read the letter. It was about Jude missing her for seven bitter years. In the letter, it was said that her name was got from Love and Lucky when it lost the 'K' in Lucky and decided to call her the Lucky Lucy of the Heartfilia. She cried at these words:

"You are mine and Layla's pride. All I want is that you live strong down whatever path you believe in. I hope I can see you again soon. Lucy… I've always… loved you."

Lucy cried. She never realized that her father loved her. His grave was located right beside Layla's. After that day… Lucy secretly mourned for her father.


"Oh… I never knew you suffered that long. That's the reason you're crying?" Rogue asked and Lucy just nodded. Fro, who was hiding behind Rogue's back the whole time, suddenly whispered something to Rogue

"Fro thinks Lucy-chan is really nice. If Fro and Rogue-kun goes to Magnolia, can Fro and Rogue-kun stay at Lucy-chan's house?"

"WHAT?! No! You should ask Lucy that and not me." Rogue pointed Lucy


"Lucy-chan, whenever Fro and Rogue-kun goes to Magnolia, can Fro and Rogue-kun stay at Lucy-chan's house?" Frosch said with cute beady eyes

"Sure!" Lucy grinned. "But um… Did you two bring any clothes to wear? And- Oh SHOOT! Be right back!" She screamed and ran to her apartment, leaving the two sabertooth mages confused

Lucy went inside her room and screamed again because she was right. Team Natsu barged into her room again and made a ruckus. Her stuff was scattered everywhere, Natsu and Gray were fighting, Gray's clothes are on the floor, Erza's taking a bath, and her room is a total wreck. They heard Lucy screamed and instantly turned into statues.

"GET YOUR TRESSPASSING BUTTS OUT OF MY APARTMENT!" Lucy shouted and everybody ran away scared. "That's better. Now it's time to fix my entire room." Lucy sweat-dropped and facepalmed herself

First, she removed every piece of Gray's clothing and decided to use it as Rogue's clothing. Then, she sweeped the floor and even polished it until it was nice and clean. After that, the bits and pieces of her destroyed chair was thrown away and she replaced it with her emergency chair. After 30 minutes, her room was good as new. She ran outside and headed towards the place she was before and sighed in relief. They were still there, waiting for her return. Lucy noticed that Rogue already fell asleep so she started shaking him until he was awake.

"Do you really want to go to my apartment? It's getting late though… You should stay." Lucy crossed her arms and smiled at them. Fro gave her a hug and instantly said yes while Rogue just gave her a nod

So the three of them walked to her apartment. Lucy suddenly started balancing at the edge of the bridge and Fro decided to copy her as well. They were laughing but Rogue just kept his usual look. Lucy lost her balance and almost fell but two hands grabbed her. One small paw and one strong hand. They helped her and they kept an eye on Lucy so that she doesn't do anything reckless again. Lucy showed them her apartment and Fro flew so fast to go to Lucy's apartment. Rogue just entered through the window like most dragon slayers do. Fro jumped repeatedly on Lucy's bed and Lucy just wanted to squeal at the cute exceed.

"Alright guys. I'm gonna prepare a bed and if you're hungry, I cooked some dinner for you guys." She pointed the food at the table and walked away to grab her extra mattress

Rogue and Fro headed to the table and ate like pigs! They didn't eat anything when they reached Magnolia so now they ate like there was no tomorrow and finished within a minute! Lucy finished preparing and saw their large stomachs and started laughing. She grabbed some extra pillows and placed it on the bed she prepared. It was right next to Lucy's so that when they need something, they could wake her up without standing. Before they went to bed, Fro asked for a bedtime story and Lucy gladly accepted.


Lucy: Once a upon a time, three legendary creatures ruled the world. Dragons, Wisps, and Phoenix ruled in harmony. It was said that each of them gained two amazing facts. Dragons were strong and mighty, Wisps were quiet yet weak, while the Pheonix was wise and is somehow stronger than the dragon. Whoever tames them gets extraordinary powers and titles. Dragon Slayers, Wisp Tamers, and Phoenix Riders. These were the legends that were told to be myth but one day three humans, two boys and one girl, went to the fields and saw these legendary creatures. The oldest boy tamed the dragon while the youngest boy tamed the wisp and the little girl tamed the phoenix. They gained new powers that rivaled their creatures. But one day, on the seventh day, of the seventh month, on year x777, all of them were gone and the first Dragon Slayer, Wisp Tamer, and Phoenix Rider, died on the very same date. But it was said that they would return again… (not the dead ones!)

"Wow…" Rogue and Fro said "Where did you learn that story?"

"Well… I read it in a book. But it's weird that my mom died at that date too… And the dragons disappeared at that date. Is it… No… It's impossible." Lucy lowered her head. "Anyways, we should get some sleep. Good night guys." Lucy turned side ways and fell asleep instantly

"Good night Lucy-chan!" Fro said

"Night Lucy…" Rogue whispered and put a blanket on Lucy as a thank you for taking care of him and Fro

The following day… ()/

The morning rays hit their faces. It was already 10 in the morning and Lucy is worried that the members are looking for her. She quickly got up and went to the bathroom. Rogue and Fro woke up to see that Lucy was already gone. They were surprised and saw Lucy leave the bathroom with very stunning clothing. She was wearing a short blue jacket that was left unbuttoned, revealing her blue tank top. She's wearing a cute Fairy Tail necklace and she wears a blue mini-skirt. Her brown leather boots were still present. Rogue and Fro's eyes widened. Lucy was really cute.

"Fro likes Lucy-chan's look today. Even Rogue-kun likes it right?" the green exceed happily said

"Y-Yeah…" Was all Rogue could say

"Aww… Thanks you guys. Do you guys want to help me on a mission? I need to pay for my rent this month." Lucy asked. The sabertooth mages nodded and Lucy jumped in joy

The three of them walked towards Fairy Tail. Lucy made them stay outside while she gets a job but all of them weren't enough. Lucy walked to the bar and talked to Mira. The barmaid gave her a milkshake and Lucy gladly accepted. She suddenly dropped her head so Mira asked.

"What's wrong Lucy? Did they barge inside your room again? Or are you having love problems?" She suddenly grinned when she said Love Problems

"I'm not having love problems Mira. I'm just looking for a job that really pays but there's none. Oh! Where did Natsu and the others go?" Lucy swayed her head side to side and they were missing out on the fight

"Oh… Well they haven't come yet. Right Lisanna?" Mira called out to her sister

"Yes nee-san. When you kicked them out of your house yesterday, they talked about going to Erza's but they are now having a nightmare since Erza is really scary. Natsu told me this." Lisanna smiled at Lucy and Lucy thanked her for the info. Mira noticed that Lucy was heading to the door empty-handed

"Where are you going Lucy?" Mira asked

"I'm gonna visit a friend of mine that's from a different guild. Maybe he can grab a mission from their guild and let me join the job." Lucy smiled and then ran to the doors of the guild

As expected, they were still there, waiting patiently for Lucy. They saw that she didn't have any job requests in her hands. "Why are you empty-handed?" Rogue asked

"W-Well… Could you please grab a job from your guild? Fairy Tail doesn't have any nice jobs today…" Lucy lowered her head

"Sure. I have an un-paid debt so it's alright Lucy. Lift your head." Rogue had a small smile formed on his lips and he slowly lifted Lucy's face. "Come on Fro. We're going back to Sabertooth so that we can help Lucy pay her rent."

"Fro will help Lucy-chan!"

And off they go. They rode a train which was Rogue's horrible nightmare. Lucy laughed so hard when she saw Rogue's pathetic state. He was already lying on the ground while clutching his stomach. Her laughs turned into chuckles and then she placed Rogue's head on her lap. His cheeks turned pink but he continued to lie down on Lucy's lap. It somehow reminded him of his pillow back home. He soon fell asleep and Lucy kept caressing his sleeping face. An hour passed and they finally reached Sabertooth.

"You wait here Lucy. Me and Fro are going to pick out a job."

A few minutes later, Rogue came out but Lucy was surprised that Sting and Rufus was with him. "R-Rogue? Why are they with you?" Lucy said and then hid beside a tree

"Why are you hiding there Miss Lucy? I'm sure I won't hurt you but I'm not sure about Sting though…" Rufus placed his hands behind his back and bowed

"ROGUE! What's a weak fairy doing here?! You do know tha-" Sting was stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder

"Look at the poor girl Sting. At least give her a chance to join us. Rogue told me that she needed to pay for her rent and that he's indebted to her. At least let him pay his debt?" Rufus told the blonde dragon slayer

"Tch… Fine." Sting crossed his arms in defeat

So the six of them (including Lector and Fro) went on the mission. They were told to protect the famous Quetzalcoatl stone. Lucy's eyes widened upon seeing the request. It was an S-Class mission. Rufus explained to her that Sting and Rogue were strong enough to get an S-Class job. She was amazed at their power. They went to the train and when the train moved, Sting and Rogue suddenly started to puff their cheeks to prevent vomiting. Lucy bursted into laughter which shocked the Sabertooth mages. Lector and Frosch were shutting their mouths to prevent laughing but they couldn't hold it any longer so they started laughing too.

"S-Shut up you stupid f-f-fairy…" Sting threatened but Lucy just giggled at him

"You know Eucliffe, you're way less threatening in that state. But you're somehow cuter if you're not in that state." Lucy smiled at Sting which made him blush a little

"P-Please help us Lucy…" Rogue weakly begged and clutched his stomach

"Sure!" Lucy grabbed the dragon slayers' heads and placed it on her lap. They blushed a little but it helped ease their sickness. Soon after, they fell asleep. Fro landed on top of Lucy's head and slept there

'This girl is interesting… This will be recorded in my memory…'

It will take more than 3 hours to reach their destination. They had plenty of time to relax somehow. Lucy summoned Virgo to grab some Motion Sickness medicine from the Spirit World. The maiden gladly agreed and without another word, she vanished out of thin air. She soon came back with the medicine that was needed. Lucy thanked her and quickly closed the gate so that Virgo won't ask her for punishment. Lucy gave Sting and Rogue the medicine and they returned to normal. It will last for a day so now they are forever indebted to Lucy. After a few hours, the train stopped at their destination. They started talking about their mission…

"Quetzalcoatl Stone?" Lucy asked


"OHAYOU MINNA-SAN! Huh? Where's Lucy?" Natsu kept looking at every direction and saw that Lucy is nowhere to be found

"Oh… All of you are finally here. Lucy went to a different guild to visit a friend of hers. She said that she's gonna ask her friend to get a job for them." Mira told the team

All of them suddenly turned quiet when two hooded strangers went inside the guild. Judging by their voices, the slightly taller one was a guy while the shorter one was a girl. The tall stranger pointed at Team Natsu and talked to the shorter one. "It's them… Those are Lucy's friends. Ask them now… "



"Yes… The Quetzalcoatl Stone is the prized possession of this place. The client is… Bea Roche. Wait… Bea Roche? I recorded her in my memory…" Rufus said

"Who's she?" Lucy asked

"The story of Bea Roche…"

Rufus: The story of Bea Roche begins when she was just a baby. She was born with a magic yet robotic crest on her left eye. Her mother was scared at her daughter so she left her outside. Scientists saw her and marveled at her creation. They took her and quickly went to the Mage's Lab. They tested her but their doings worsened some matters. The eye of Bea Roche became a bigger and more detailed magic circle and it started glowing. Her whole body suddenly had robotic armor and she was holding a Light Spear. It was said to be the "armor of the gods" which is said that whoever wears it becomes invincible. Her spear shined and she vanished out of thin air, appearing at the back of a scientist and she stabbed him. She vanished again and stabbed another one until all of them were wiped out. Her spear turned into a scythe and she tore the whole lab down in one blow. Bea grew up and let her bangs grow longer to cover her eye. And no one has ever fought her with her eye exposed and lived to tell the tale…

"S-Scary… And she's our client?!" Lucy shuddered

"Don't worry. She has never showed her eye ever since that incident. She only uses it in emergencies. And Bea won't attack us because I'm one of her cousins." Rufus said



All of them set it aside and searched for their client. It seems that they didn't have to since they have Rufus with them. They found Bea's house within minutes or should they say… Castle. The place is sooo huge that you can fit more than 10 dragons there. They talked with Bea and went to the job. They protected it well until 50 bandits came.

The two strangers from the guild came and shielded the six. They beat the 10 but was beaten afterwards. The coats turned into light and revealed ghosts of Lucy's past… Layla and Jude.

"Lucy dear… Unleash… Your power… You're a Phoenix… Rider… I was the first. And that was the reason I… died at the very same date. You're born… A… Shadow Phoenix Rider…" and her parents vanished. Lucy mourned and out came great power

She started glowing dark and out came her new appearance. Her hair turned black and her clothes turned into armor. She was wearing a dark metal vest and a red skirt. She was wearing dark metal boots and she has black fiery wings at her back. She looked like a Shadow Phoenix. Before Layla died, she chanted a spell that would make her daughter a Shadow Phoenix but Lucy never knew that until now. All of them was staring at Lucy's scary yet stunning appearance.

"Shadow Phoenix Talons!" Lucy's hands turned into pointy shadows and she killed the bandits in one blow

"I thought Phoenix Riders were extinct!" Sting's eyes widened

"If they're still alive and we're still alive, then Wisp Tamers are still alive right?" Rogue crossed his arms and thought about it

"This will be recorded in my memory… So this weak fairy you were speaking off can seriously kick your butt Sting…" Rufus teased


And they started fighting but they stopped when they saw Lucy's armor come off and turned to her normal clothes but her hair stayed. She suddenly fainted.

The five of them went to Bea and they got their reward. After getting the reward, they went to the train to bring Lucy to a hospital. Sting and Rogue's medicine were still working so they have lots of time to take care of her. Leo came out of nowhere and so did Virgo.

"What happened to princess?" Virgo asked

"And what happened to her hair? She's way cuter now!" Leo's eyes turned into hearts and wanted to kiss her but Sting, Rogue, and Rufus prevented him from doing so

"Well… Her parents' souls told her that she was a Shadow Phoenix Rider and then she turned different. Her whole appearance changed and that explains the black hair." Sting explained

"Hn… Huh? What happened to- MY HAIR! Why did it turn black?! Was it the result of my power?" Lucy's eyes started to get teary

"H-Hey, don't cry… And you should rest. You spent lots of magical power." Sting grabbed her head and placed it on his shoulder. "Better?"

"Y-Yeah…" Lucy's cheeks turned pink

"Recorded… Miss Lucy, are you feeling better now? It's kind of hard for someone to fully accept what happened…" Rufus worriedly asked

"Yes… And while I was resting, my mom told me something." Lucy rested her head on Sting's shoulder more

"What did she say?"

"She said that… I was a Phoenix Rider from the very beginning of my life…"





Sorry if Cat Crown or some of my fanfics don't update. It's because my mom took it so that she could watch Korean movies at work =_=
I hope you liked my new story. R&R